Tuesday 26 October 2021

Guardian Hound

Guardian Hound

Armour Class: 7
Hit Dice:     3+3*
Move:         180'
Attack:       1 bite
Damage:       2d4 + gripping bite
No App:       1d6
Save As:      F3
Morale:       10 (but see below)
Treasure:     None
Alignment:    Lawful
Intelligence: Semi (3-4)
XP Value:     75

Guardian Hounds are magical dogs that aid and protect lawful humans and demihumans. It is believed that they were gifted to the Church of Law by an immortal. (In Kaelaross, this would be the god of protection and defence, Rhondus). Their appearance varies, some are like Alsatians, or St Bernards or great danes, but they are usually the size of a large dog. Although they have many characteristics similar to normal dogs, they are not natural animals, and spells that specifically affect normal animals will generally not affect guardian hounds. 

Guardian hounds have excellent senses, particularly scent and hearing. They can follow a scent trail as well as a bloodhound, and can effectively detect invisibility in 30' range as long as the invisible creature is not using magic to hide its scent or sound (invisibility combined with magical silence will fool the guardian hound). A guardian hound can also detect evil (as the spell, detecting evil intentions rather than chaotic alignment) in 30' range. Guardian hounds cannot speak but can bark, howl or whine like normal dogs to let their masters and friends know that something is up. 

In combat a guardian hound will bite its opponent. If it hits, it will lock its jaws onto the target and can automatically inflict 2d4 damage per round thereafter until one or the other is dead. If the guardian hound has gripped a small-sized creature (including halflings, dwarfs, gnomes, kobolds and goblins), the target must make a strength check to move at half speed or else be unable to move. If the target is man-sized (including elves and orcs) the target can move at half-speed, dragging the guardian hound with them. Large and bigger creatures can move with impunity, dragging the hound with them. 

Normally a guardian hound's morale is 10 but this can be raised to 11 if they are taken on regular walks, given balls or sticks to chase and retrieve, and repeatedly asked "Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?"

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