Friday 18 October 2024

A Map of the Port City of Vlaad


Introduction & Overview

This version of Vlaad is based on my overhaul of Ierendi where what in canon is a small town of 1,100 is upgraded into a city of 20,000. And it is no tourist destination - it is a pirate port similar to Tortuga or Port Royal in the golden age of piracy, lawless and dangerous, frequented by all types of ne'er-do-wells and exiles. 

Vlaad was originally founded on Fletcher Island by Thyatians first as a prison colony and then as a trading post. As the town grew the Thyatians built the large blocks of terraced houses that dominate the centre of town, the quays and the public buildings including the Hexagon. For a while it was a well-run example of a Thyatian colonial town. But then when Ierendi broke away from Thyatis the town went into decline, exacerbated by the Thyatian navy launching several attacks at the town. Town planning also ceased, and many of the later buildings have been thrown together with little regard to either the grander plan of the city or health and safety. 

The town does not have a sewer system. This means the streets are horribly smelly and unhygeinic but at least there are fewer places for otyughs and giant rats to hide. The Thyatians did at least have the good sense to install a number of wells dotted around the city before they were expelled. These are important resources, and some gangs will try to restrict access, or charge money for fresh water in their territories. 

These days the governor appointed by the government in Ierendi City is an Lucian Dalfour, an indolent fop who is only interested in parties and the money to fund them. He lets the city run itself, only rousing himself to get involved if unrest is getting so bad as to interrupt his parties. Ierendi City knows that Vlaad is generally ungovernable and that the governor is more of a token than a real authority. The real power in the city are the gangs run by criminals, particularly thieves.  

Key to the Map

1) The Hexagon: This was built as both a fortress and the governor's residence by the Thyatians over 300 years ago and is still in good repair. The outer walls are barracks to 30 troops who are loyal enough to the kingdom of Ierendi to stick around and protect the nominal governor. 

2) The Town Hall: Once the civic heart of the town, this has now been taken over by the Iron Talons gang. Interestingly enough the Iron Talons do have a number of architects and builders on retainer, so it is possible to get buildings and infrastructure repaired though typically at very expensive rates unless fixing the problem is in the Iron Talons' own interest. 

3) The Guildhall: This building has become an interesting neutral meeting place for various gangs and factions that claim power in Vlaad. The guildhall itself is run by the Conclave of the Calm, a sect of neutral clerics who are trying to keep some sort of peace in Vlaad. Some gang members have found that peaceful is not the same as easy target. 

4) The Courthouse. This once noble and respected building is now derelict and completely empty, covered with insulting graffiti. It has not seen a lawful trial here for over a hundred years, though occasionally gangs will hold mock trials here of enemies and traitors they have already decided to execute. 

5) Lighthouse. Run by clerics of the Spuming Nooga, this lighthouse is still functioning, with a Continual Light spell on the inside of a polished metal bowl that is mounted and rotated at the top of the tower. Seafarers both honest and pirate rely on this lighthouse enough that interfering with it will result in harsh reprisals from those who want to keep maritime traffic flowing safely. 

6) Temple of Spuming Nooga. Spuming Nooga is a neutral immortal of the sea, often depicted as a whale blowing from its blowhole. Its cleric act as intermediaries between the elemental forces of the air and sea and mortal seafarers, offering blessings for ship hulls and sometimes helping out with navigating the northern Sea of Dread. 

7) The Dockside Marketplace. This place is kept relatively clear in the night but every day traders will set up stalls here to sell goods, both normal and illicit. The Dockside Marketplace is controlled by the Black Sharks gang and their enforcers will check that stall owners have paid a fee to the gang every day. However, the Black Sharks have found through trial and error not to put the price too high otherwise no vendors will turn up to the market. The Black Sharks also manage a handful of skilled pickpockets who will wander the marketplace when it is crowded, pilfering what they can from both buyers and sellers.  

8) The Quayside: Made of solid granite and of old Thyatian design, this stretches right the way around the harbour. Both the east and west sides have granite piers jutting out into the harbour for ships to moor at. The Iron Talons who run the town hall (#2) do a reasonable job keeping the harbour in good condition, usually commisioned for particular repairs by captains who want a safe berth for their ships. 

9) Temple of Loki: This ancient immortal appeals to all sorts of criminals and pirates and even those with a penchant for mischief. There are known to be ten clerics here. The town still frowns on the open worship of Chaos, but the priests of Loki argue that worshipping Loki is not the same as being a Chaos Cultist - he is merely an immortal with chaotic tendencies. 

10) Ethodon trading company. This is an emporium that sells all manner of useful items from rope and iron spikes to poison, torture devices and the occasional cursed magic item. It is run by some mages from Glantri who are quite capable of defending themselves. 

11) The Sordid Rhinoceros. This once grand establishment has now degenerated into a dive frequented only by the drunk, the desperate and the wicked. Visitors enter at their peril. This place is nominally under the control of the Iron Talons but they mostly leave it alone, although some members will come here for a drink after a hard day of violence, bullying and extortion. 

12) Raveneye Manor is home to Jerrillia Raveneye, an elf sorceress who has a fascination with monsters and biological experiments. The ground and upper floors are respectable enough but her basement should not be entered. 

13) Drasdath Merchant House. This place is not a shop but a headquarters. Although nominally run by a merchant company, it is actually the base of a Cult of Chaos, with a dungeon basement underneath the ground floor. 

14) Baronia's Compound. This is a walled compound containing slave-holding cells and barracks for some mercenary hobgoblins, owned and run by the notorious slave-trader Baronia the Shackler

Random Encounters in Vlaad. 

Note that this table does not include normal, non-combatant citizens - they are assumed to be almost everywhere and will generally leave adventurers alone. 

Random Encounters in Vlaad
1-3Pirates2d8 fighters (level 1), similar to Pirate entry in Expert Rulebook, currently on shore leave
4-6Gang Thugs1d4 thieves (levels 1d4) + 1d6 fighters (levels 1d4) looking for easy targets to rob
7Drunk1-3 on d6 this will be an ordinary citizen. On 4-6 on d6 roll again on this table. They will temporarily have an Int and Wis of 5 each
8Cleric1d6 clerics from the same church or cult, each of level 1d6, 50% neutral, 50% chaotic
9Press Gang2d4 1st level fighters, will try to subdue & capture easy targets to put on ships
10Adventuring Party2d4 NPCs of various classes and levels
11Grey Halberds2d4 Fighters of levels 2 and up, align Neutral, mercenaries guarding a client
12MerchantNPC of levels 1d6, usually with wares and a cart or market stall, 50% local, 50% foreign
13ProstituteThief (level 1d6) offering her services. 75% are as they say, 25% part of scam or double cross
14Slave traderFighter (level 1d6) + 2d4 guards (F1), 50% chance of 2d6 slaves
15Pick PocketThief (level 1d6) looking inconspicuous but will try to pick the PCs' pockets
16-17BeggarThief (level 1d6) looking pathetic and asking for money but usually more astute than they appear
18FugitiveNPC has fled here from foreign lands, possibly due to crimes they have committed
19TravellerNPC has traveled here from foreign lands for certain reasons
20Disguised MonsterDoppelganger, Lycanthrope, Vampire or DM's Choice


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