Saturday 12 October 2024

Logos Location #11: Iseldek's Drop Part 2

Cartography by Dyson Logos, source

Introduction and Background

Thanks to Dyson Logos' generosity, he has made a large number of his high quality maps available for use. I have decided (with his approval) to incorporate these into locations within Mystara. This is a B/X D&D adventure for a party of  characters of levels 4-6 set in Norwold and is the lower levels of the dungeon started in Logos Location #9: Iseldek's Drop part 1, which covers levels 1-4 of this dungeon. This dungeon is run by Arvorians who are described here (basic stats) and here (additional information)

Level 5

1) Corridor. The west end of this is the stairs up to room 24a on level 4

2) Lair of the Gark. Here the Arvorians have kept a Gark, a goblin-giant hybrid. He will attack anyone who does not look like an Arvorian or an orc. He guards the main stairs going down to level 6.  He wears human-sized scale mail and wields a magical Battleaxe +1.  He speaks goblinish and Arvorian and a smattering of orcish (as he has had to pass the orcs on the upper levels). 
Gark: AC 5, Move 120ft, HD 4+4, hp 25, THAC0 14, Att 1 battleaxe for 1d8+3, Save F4, Ml 10 Align C, XP 125, equipment: Scale Mail, Battleaxe +1 , 120sp, 244gp, silver medallion (not magical but the Gark thinks it is) worth 300gp

2a) The Sunken Ledge. The ledge that surrounds the shaft here is 10ft lower than the rest of this level, making negotiating the shaft just a bit more tricky as once someone rappelling down the shaft reaches this ledge they then need to climb the 10' wall to get to the rest of the level. Although there are no creatures regularly on this ledge, the gark in room 2, the lizardmen in room 7 and the Arvorian archers in room 11 may notice and try to attack. 

3) Orc guardpost. There are 5 orcs here. Although they don't like the gark in room 2 they know of his strength and temper, and may call for his aid if they can get to the arrow slit joining the corridor with room 2.
Orc: AC 6, Move 90ft, HD 1, hp 5 each, THAC0 19, Att 1 weapon for 1d6, Save F1, Ml 7, Align C, XP 10, equipment: leather armour, shield, either spear or hand axe, 2d6sp each. 

4) Empty

5) Ancient Shrine. This room is dominated by the large granite statue of some sort of demon flanked by two smaller iron statues of Arvorian heroes on a slightly raised 2ft high platform at the west end. Anyone that is not chaotic in alignment that touches the demonic statue must save vs spells or be stunned for 2d4 turns as visions of horrors from the plane of Nightmares crowd into the person's head. Touching the granite demon statue will also activate the two iron statues on either side and they become 2 Iron Living Statues that will attack the party. 
Iron Living Statue AC 2, Mv 30', HD 4, hp 20, THAC0 16, Att 2 fists + special for 1d8/1d8, Save F4, Ml 12, Align Neutral, XP 125  Metal absorption: If a character hits the iron living statue with a non-magical metal weapon, the character must make a save vs spells or else the weapon is partially absorbed by the statue, and cannot be used again until the living statue is killed

6) This room is accessed by a short flight of stairs up from corridor #1 and is guarded by 4 troglodytes.

7) The Stairs Down. This room has 5 troglodytes (see bottom of this post) keeping an eye on the shaft. As well as teeth and claws, these troglodytes have been trained to fling rocks for 1d4 damage (range 10ft/20ft/40ft) at anyone on the ledge around the shaft (2a) - there is a 10ft drop from this room down to the ledge.  There are 2 arrow slits that creatures in room 8 can shoot from. The eastern half of this room is about 5ft higher than the western part, with a small flight of steps between the two. 

8) Archers Quarters home to 3 Arvorian Arcane Knights, (2x 2nd level Apprentices and 1x 3rd level Junior Sword-Seer). The two apprentices have shortbows and can shoot through the arrow slits at targets in room 7. The Junior sword-seer does not have a bow but may still cast spells through the arrow slit.
Arvorian Apprentice: AC 5, Move 90ft, HD 2, hp 8, THAC0 19, Att 1 weapon for 1d6 or by spell, Save MU 2, Ml 10, Align C, 25xp, equipment: chain mail, shortsword, shortbow, 20 arrows, 2d6gp, Typical Spells: Magic Missile, Charm Person (spells may vary at DM's discretion)
Arvorian Junior Sword-Seer: AC 3, Move 90ft, HD 3, hp 15, THAC0 18, Att 1 weapon for 1d8 or by spell, Save MU3, Ml 10, Align C, 50xp, equipment: chain mail, sword, Shield+1, spellbook
Spells prepared: Magic Missile, Detect Magic, Caustic Bolt

9) This room has stairs down to room 12 on level 6 and is currently empty 

10) This small chamber is accessed via a short (5ft down) flight of stairs from room 9. This room holds an Arvorian Junior Priest. Under her couch is a small leather sack with 2300sp and 1300gp.
Junior Priest: AC 4, Move 90ft, HD 3, 14hp, THAC0 18, Att 1 mace for 1d6 or by spell, Save C3, Ml 10, Align C, 50xp, Equipment: chain mail, mace, shield, unholy symbol, Spells prepared: Cure Light Wounds, Darkness

11) 2 Arvorian Apprentices (2nd level Arcane Knights) with shortbows. These two guard the shaft. They also know that the gark in room 2 and the troglodytes in room 7 are also keeping an eye on whoever might find themselves on the sunken ledge (2a).
Arvorian Apprentice: AC 5, Move 90ft, HD 2, hp 8, THAC0 19, Att 1 weapon for 1d6 or by spell, Save MU 2, Ml 10, Align C, 25xp, equipment: chain mail, shortsword, shortbow, 20 arrows, 2d6gp, Typical Spells: Magic Missile, Charm Person (spells may vary at DM's discretion)

Level 6

12) Empty but the west side of this large passage has an alcove holding a large painting (4ft x 5ft) of a portait of an elderly Arvorian. It will come to life within the frame when creatures approach and will try to engage in conversation. The picture holds the spirit of a senior Arvorian called Tortholus, who is surprisingly amicable and talkative. He is, however, quite unreliable as a source of information.  

13) 2 ogres guarding the "bridge", actually a roughly hewn tree trunk, across the shaft
Ogre: AC 5, Mv 90ft, HD 4+1 (19hp each), THAC0 15, Att 1 club for 1d10, Save F4, Ml 10, Align C, XP 125, equipment: oversized club, oversized leather armour

14) 1 ogre leader is here. He commands the ogres in room 13 and 15 and also holds the ogres' collected treasure in a large chest (5200sp, 2400gp, 4 amethyst gems worth 100gp each, 1 emerald gem worth 1000gp, potion of invisibility, potion of extra-healing). 
Ogre leader: AC 4, Move 90ft, HD 6+2, hp 29, THAC0 12, Att 1 axe for 1d10+2, Save F6, Ml 10, Align C, 350xp, equipment: oversized scraps of armour, oversized battleaxe

15) 3 ogres guarding the stairs that go up to level 6 (area 2) and down to level 7 (room 19). 
Ogre: AC 5, Mv 90ft, HD 4+1 (19hp each), THAC0 15, Att 1 club for 1d10, Save F4, Ml 10, Align C, XP 125, equipment: oversized club, oversized leather armour

16) 1 Arvorian war priest oversees the ogres on this level and also can speak ogrish.  
Arvorian War Priest: AC 3, Mv 90ft, HD 4, 20hp, THAC0 16, Att 1 mace for 1d6+1 or by spell, Save C4, Ml 11, Align C, 125xp, equipment: banded armour, shield, mace, unholy symbol, 240gp, spells: Cure Light Wounds, Rage, Detect Law

17) This room is accessible only via the stairs down to level 7 room 22. It currently has 6 skeleton archers and 6 skeletons with melee weapons. The skeleton archers will shoot through the arrow slits into areas 12 and 13 at anyone who is not an ogre or an Arvorian. 
Skeleton: AC 7, Move 60ft, HD 1, hp 5, THAC0 19, Att 1 weapon for 1d6, Spec Abil: Undead Traits, Save F1, Ml 12, Align C, 10xp, equipment: hand axe or shortbow & quiver + 10 arrows

Level 7

18) This natural cavern has 2 pools on the south side and east side. There are 4 troglodytes here who will attack any non-Arvorians (including orcs, who have a rivalry with the troglodytes). This cave also contains the stairs heading up to level 6. The path around the west side of the shaft is about 5ft wide and is wet and uneven. Although taking time and care to traverse should mean no risk, running or combat while getting between caverns 18 and 19 may require a dexterity check. A failure could mean accidentally slipping on the wet stone into the shaft. 

18a) The southern pool contains a clutch of 4 giant toads and their toadspawn. They leave the troglodytes alone but will attack anything warm blooded. The largest toad (15hp) has swallowed a spinel gemstone worth 400gp if removed from the toad. 
Toad, Giant: AC 7, Move 90ft, HD 2+2, hp 6, 11, 12, 15, THAC0 17, Att 1 bite for 1d4+1 or 1 tongue (range 15ft) to drag small targets to melee range, Spec abil: camouflage (surprise on 1-3 on d6), swallow small opponents whole on natural 20 to hit (automatic 1d6 damage/rnd until cut free), Save F1, Ml 6, Align N, 25xp

19) This cavern has a sky-walk across the top, which is part of the stairs between this level and level 6. The sky-walk is 20ft above the cavern floor and anyone falling takes the usual 2d6 damage. This cavern also contains 5 giant bats
Giant Bat: AC 6, Mv Fly 180ft/crawl 30ft, HD 2 (9hp each), THAC0 18, Att 1 bite for 1d4, Ml 7, Save F1, Align N, 20xp

20) 5 troglodytes are here and will try to hide then ambush any non-Arvorian intruders. The north of this cavern leads to the stairs going down to level 8. 

21) Quarters of an Arvorian Sword-Seer. This Arvorian knows the language of troglodytes and tries to keep them in line. If attacked he will try to get help from the war priest in room 22
Arvorian Sword-Seer: AC 7, Move 120ft, HD 4, 13hp, THAC0 16, Att 1 sword for 1d8+2 or by spell, Save MU4, Ml 10, Align C, 125xp, equipment: leather armour, sword +1, amulet of clear breathing (wearer is immune to troglodyte stench and +2 to save vs effects of other gases) 32pp, prepared spells: Adhesive Slime, Detect Magic, Entrapping Slime, Mirror Image

22) residence of an Arvorian War Priest. This room also has the stairs leading up to room 17 on level 6. He can command the skeletons to stand down, allowing creatures friendly to the Arvorians (such as troglodytes) to pass through level 6 without being shot at.  If attacked he will try to either alert the sword-seer in room 21 or get to room 16 where he can command his skeletons (a variation of his clerical ability to Turn Undead). 
Arvorian War Priest: AC 3, Move 60ft, HD 5, 19hp, THAC0 17, Att 1 mace for 1d6+1 or by spell, Save C5, Ml 9,  300xp, equipment: chain mail, shield +1, mace +1, unholy symbol, 24pp, belt of silver links worth 350gp spells: Cure Light Wounds, Darkness, Bless, Aura of Shadows, Paranoia
22a) Empty

Level 8

23) Troglodyte Guard Post. Here are 3 troglodytes. If faced with strong opponents they will try to warn the others in area 30

24) This chamber has a subterranean stream running through it. The stream widens into a pool here. Lurking in the pool are 2 gray oozes that will attack anything entering the pool or stream. 
Gray Ooze: AC 8, Move 10ft, HD 3, hp 20, 12, THAC0 17, Att 1 acidic slam for 2d8, special abilities: acidic slam destroys armour. Automatic damage after first attack as ooze attaches itself to target, immune to cold and fire, Save F2, Ml 12, Align N, 50xp

25) Here the subterranean stream falls into the shaft. This chamber is empty apart from some greenish glowing fungi that are harmless.

26) Lair of the Rhagodessa. Here a rhagodessa has made its nest and it will attack any intruders. It has killed a troglodyte that was carrying a gold and mammoth-leather harness that is the traditional garb of troglodyte rulers. The current troglodyte leader (room 30) would like to get this back and this could be either by negotiations or by violent robbery. The harness is worth 500gp on the open market.
Rhagodessa: AC 5, Mv 150ft, HD 4+2, 20hp, THAC0 15, Att 1 leg/1 bite for grapple/2d8, Spec Abil: grappled creatures are automatically bitten for 2d8 damage the round after being grappled, Save F2, Ml 9, Align N, 125xp
27) The Lost Chapel: This place can only be accessed by traversing the shaft somehow. Against the south wall there is a statue of a grotesque monster with tentacles and eyeballs in unnatural arrangement (a depiction of  E’hillit, a Scion of the Outer Dark). Under the statue is a basket of woven bronze wire containing 22 small pieces of Eldritch Crystal, none larger than. These have been gathered from the walls of the shaft and are being collected to transport to the City of Madness

28) The spider webs: This room is strewn with large sticky cobwebs that are effectively a Web spell. Lurking here are 4 giant Black Widow spiders that will attack any potential prey. There are also a dozen or so spiderlings that are non-combatant (AC 9, 1hp each, about 8” leg span) but are distracting and perhaps scary.   Among the webs there is a dead Arvorian who still has a sword +1 and a jade gem worth 300gp
Black Widow Spider: AC 6, Move 60ft/120ft in webs, HD 3*, hp 10, 12, 14, THAC0 17, Att 1 bite for 2d12 + poison (save or die in 1 turn), Save F2, Ml 8, Align N, 50xp. 

29) This room has a stone pillar in the middle with a wall of iron bars stretching out on either side to narrow shafts (3ft x 5ft) dropping down to level 9. On the far side of the bars is a wraith - being incorporeal it can pass through the bars without problem and may use this tactically.  The wraith used to be an Arvorian but she was stranded here as punishment and her colleagues let her starve to death. 
Apart from the main shaft (which has no known bottom), these shafts with their 30ft drop down to the next level are the only way further down. 
Wraith: AC 3, Move 120ft/fly 240ft, HD 4**, 21hp, Att 1 touch for 1d6+ energy drain (1 level), Spec Abil: level drain, immune to normal weapons, half damage from silver weapons, Undead traits, Save F4, Ml 12, Align C,  175xp

30) 6 troglodytes + troglodyte leader live in this cavern. There are also clutches of troglodyte eggs here in 3 nests of detritus and fungal matter. Although the troglodytes in Iseldek’s Drop will obey the Arvorians out of fear, it is this leader they truly respect and follow. She has an understanding with the Arvorian Sword-Seer in room 21 - although she fears the other Arvorians she does not get on with them.  
Troglodyte Leader: AC 5, Move 120ft, HD 5+5, 25hp, THAC0 14, Att 2 claws/1 bite for 1d4+1/1d4+1/1d4+1, Spec Abil: Camouflage (surprise opponents on 1-3 on 1d6), stench as normal troglodytes, Save F5, Ml 10, Align C,  400xp

30a) This natural alcove holds the troglodytes’ main treasure hoard in a series of earthenware pots and jars. Guarding this and hanging from the ceiling is a giant draco lizard the troglodytes have tamed. The treasure in the pots is 13,000sp, 3200gp and 4 gems worth 100gp each and a piece of jewellery (silver & pearl tiara) worth 1600gp
Giant Draco Lizard: AC 5, Move 120ft/fly 210ft, HD 4+2, 15hp, THAC0 15, Att 1 bite for 1d10, Save F3, Ml 7, Align N, 125xp

Commonly used combat statistics

Troglodyte: AC 5, Mv 120ft, HD 2*, hp 9, THAC0 18, Att 2 claws/1 bite for 1d4/1d4/1d4, special atttack: stench, Ml 9, Save F2, Align C, XP 30
Troglodyte stench: Troglodytes can release a stench at will which requires opponents within 10ft to save vs poison or suffer -2 to hit while in melee with the troglodyte until the end of the encounter
Troglodyte camouflage:  Troglodytes have chameleon-like camouflage and can surprise opponents on 1-4 on d6

Beyond this dungeon

Iseldek’s Drop does continue down though I do not currently intend to detail the lower levels. Access to level 9 is either via the main shaft (with its negation of magical flight and levitation) or the two smaller shafts in room 29 guarded by an angry wraith. 
The eldritch crystals in room 27 are of great importance to the Arvorians and they will go to great lengths to protect this stash. They intend to later send it on to the City of Madness, their capital city. 

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