Thursday 2 May 2024

The Adventurers’ Guild of Corunglain

The city of Corunglain sits at the northern edge of Darokin, dangerously close to the Broken Lands with their tribes of chaotic humanoids that are always eager to raid and plunder. The city is heavily fortified with a strong garrison, but additional help from adventurers is often welcome, especially when the adventurers carry out specific tasks that the conventional Darokin army is not suited for. Given that much of central Darokin is quite peaceful and far from enemy forces, it is not surprising that many adventurers of Darokin gravitate towards Corunglain to find fame, fortune and action, so Corunglain has considerably more adventurers than other cities of that size. There are enough of them that the Corunglain authorities have found it necessary to organise these heroes and freebooters into a guild, to point them in the right direction and perhaps keep them in contact should an urgent situation arises. 

The Corunglain Adventurers’ Guild currently consists of 15 senior staff and about 60 regular guild members. The guild also helps manage transient adventurers who are not proper members, and may have their own ideas about what they can do within the city. The guild does not act as a police force to keep renegade adventurers under control - that is really for the city garrison. But the guild will give advice to those visiting adventurers willing to listen, and hopefully keep conflict within the city to a minimum. Those who maintain the notorious murder-hobo mindset will find that the garrison is more than capable of handling criminal activity by powerful adventurers, and the consequences can be severe.  

Emirikol the Chaotic goes full murder-hobo in Corunglain...
Art by Dave Trampier from AD&D 1st Ed DMG
The senior staff include:
  • Guildmaster: Astorbius Herenka, 12th level mage, human male, align N. Astorbius was born and raised in Glantri and knows the Glantri ways of wizardry well. He has had a long and profitable adventuring career that saw him do battle against lizardmen of the Serpent Peninsula, pirates of Ierendi and tombs of undead sorcerers in Ylaruam. He has settled down in Corunglain and has taken up the position of guildmaster of the Adventurers' Guild mainly because he likes coordinating and organising people and projects - he sees himself as a natural administrator.
  • Deputy Guildmaster: Tallasania Whetstone: 15th level fighter, human female, align L. Tallasania is a retired adventurer from Darokin City. Unlike Astorbius Herenka she has done most of her adventuring within the Republic of Darokin. She knows the Orclands and the wilds around Selenica well. She has become the deputy guildmaster mainly out of a sense of duty towards Darokin - this is her way of helping to protect her homeland. 
  • Treasurer: Strombold Steelsplinter, 11th level dwarf warrior, dwarf male, align L.  Strombold is a very strict and uptight keeper of guild money - some say he fits the stereotypical miserly gold-loving dwarf. But he also likes order and follows laws and procedures, and if the correct paperwork is filled out with the appropriate endorsements he has little problem giving money to others, usually as rewards for services rendered. As with many dwarves, Strombold has a hatred of chaotic humanoids, and he is happy to help employ adventurers to kill goblins and orcs. 
  • Religious Liason: Maghelli Truthsayer, 10th level cleric, human female, align L. Maghelli has been on missions for the Church of Law all over the Known World, including the mountains of Karameikos, Jaboor on the Ylari coast and the woods around Selenica. In achieving her missions she has hired and associated with many characters, some of whom were unsavoury but she developed the skills to motivate them and keep the peace among disparate party members. She now helps organise adventuring parties for missions that are requested by the Church of Law in Corunglain or further afield.
  • Military Liason: Sir Reginald Carruthers, 13th level fighter, human male, align N. Sir Reginald is an aristocrat and knight, the third son of a nobleman of Glantri who, on realising he had neither inheritance nor magical talent, set out on an adventuring career. He still maintains his high-class bearing and can be insufferably condescending and arrogant if he takes a dislike to someone, but he has been on enough adventures with a wide range of companions that most of the time he gets on well with all sorts, including thieves, wizards and halflings. These days he talks to senior commanders of the garrison of Corunglain, including the general of the 3rd Army headquartered here, mainly to discuss missions and tasks that might be suited to adventures. He also helps smooth things over when adventurers go rogue within Corunglain, as it is usually the army garrison who deals with them. Sir Reginald tries to establish if the adventurers were misguided but well-intentioned or if they really deserve what's coming to them and advises the garrison commanders accordingly. 
  • Magical Liason: Melmarris Trueshot, 11th level spellsword, elf female, align N. Originally from Alfheim, Melmarris has travelled far and wide, wherever there are spellcasters, including Glantri, Norwold and Alphatia. During her travels she has made contacts with friendly mages and magical societies including Glantri's Great School of Magic and Karameikos' Magicians' Guild. She has decided to stay in Corunglain for a decade or two to help out with the problems coming from the Broken Lands. 
  • Trade Liason: Tarminax Rethis, 10th level fighter/2nd level Darokin merchant, human male, align L. Tarminax has spent much of his life as a caravan guard, working his way up through the ranks as corporal, sergeant, lieutenant and now captain. He sees his job at the moment as matching merchants seeking guards for their caravans (usually heading towards Glantri or Ethengar) with willing and trustworthy adventurers of appropriate experience. He has picked up some business skills himself and knows more about running businesses and conducting trade than some of the merchants who approach him. 
  • Espionage Liason: Morthos Swiftslice, 9th level thief, human male, align N. Morthos is a partially reformed thief. These days he does not directly engage in criminal activity but he still talks to those who do. Corunglain's rulers do not allow or recognise a formal thieves guild but there is one that still hides in the shadier parts of town, and Morthos was once a member. Although his title indicates he helps coordinate espionage missions, his most common role is as a link between adventurers and the criminal underbelly of Corunglain. 
As well as senior staff there are about 60 adventurers, some of whom operate solo, but others have formed bands that function as tight-knit teams - a few of these have been adventuring together for years. The most prominent of these bands are:
The Red Eagles have been together for five years and specialise in anti-humanoid operations. They have made numerous forays into the Broken Lands and the Orclands to the east. They suspect there is a headquarters of Chaos somewhere in the mountains but have not been able to pinpoint it. 
  • Barthys the Brave: 6th level Dwarf Warrior, dwarf male, align L, from Greenston in Rockhome
  • Marshia Hammershield: 6th level Dwarf Cleric, dwarf female, align L
  • Nornexos: 7th level Mage, human male, align N. Born in Alphatia, wary of Glantri wizards
  • Mebbillon: 7th level Thief, human male, align N, born in Darokin City. In it for the money. 
  • Sarbion Wildwalker: 6th level Fighter, human male, align L, Lost an eye and gained a scar after a battle with gnolls.   

The Scorching Torches are named after one of their early quests involved descending into a cavern infested with patches of green slime. The party responded by burning everything and anything within the cavern, using lots of torches, lamp oil and a Wand of Fireballs. These days they are consumate problem solvers, and are often given unusual or complicated missions that are more than just killing orcs. 
  • Tehainia: 8th level Mage, human female, align L, always has her Wand of Fireballs ready. 
  • Zendax the Philosopher: 9th level Cleric, human male, align L, trained in the Reclusium of Serenity
  • Gandari: 7th level Spellsword, elf female, align L, from the Callarii elves of Karameikos
  • Bornis Blackblade: 8th level Thief, human male, align N. Reformed assassin from Vlaad in Ierendi.

Alphanor's Madmen are considered unpredictable and reckless, though within the city walls they are sensible enough not to tangle with the garrison. They are skilled at dungeoneering, and have assisted in countering humanoids tunnelling under the city. A former member, Emirikol, has fled Corunglain having got into trouble with merchants and then killed several city guardsmen making his escape. Emirikol's current whereabouts are unknown but Alphanor would welcome him back. The rest of the city would not. 
  • Alphanor: 12th level Mage, human male, align N. From Alphatia and contemptuous of non-magical folk. He is aware of a powerful lich underneath the city. 
  • Perrion Wildstrike: 12th level fighter, human male, align C, an escaped gladiator from Thyatis and angry with all sorts of authority.
  • Darminia: 13th level cleric, human female, align N. The voice of reason in the group
  • Markkus Deephunter: 13th level Thief, human male, align N. An exile from Darokin City
  • Farathmir: 12th level dwarf warrior, dwarf male, align C. Volatile and bad-tempered, as well as typical dwarven greed for gold and gems. 

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