Friday 19 November 2021

Orders of Mages in Karameikos

 Although it does not have the same numbers of magic users as magic-rich nations such as Alphatia and Glantri, The Grand Duchy of Karameikos nonetheless has its share. About 1 in 50 Karameikans have both the intelligence and the aptitude to cast magic-user spells, given the correct training, and about 1 in 100 have actual levels as a magic user of level 1 or higher (most parents want to see if their child has that gift and many of those are willing to pay the tuition fees). With a population of about 300,000 that means there are about 3000 magic users of varying levels of power around Karameikos. Most of those are happy just having a Magic Missile for self-defence, or Charm Person to persuade customers to buy more than they really need. But some of them, particularly those of 3rd level or higher, start to take magic seriously as not just a convenient tool but as a profession and perhaps even a vocation. It is almost inevitable that those with common interests and goals should form into groups. Note that the term Order is used loosely - not all of them are tightly structured. The most notable one include: 

The Circle of the Ancient Owl are a group of wizards who seek magical knowledge. Based in Kelvin, they search for new spells, spellbooks, magic items, alchemical formulae and the like. They are mostly neutral in alignment and are generally friendly towards other mages, willing to trade their knowledge. Although they can deal in gold, they prefer to trade one spell for another or barter with magic items. The circle currently has 12 senior members (levels 9 and up) and 16 junior members (levels 3-8). Joining the circle is possible if the candidate demonstrates suitable power as a mage and offers one or more new spells for the circle's library. 

(art by DevBurmak, source)

The Scintillating Stars are based in Threshold and are concerned with defending Karameikos from monsters, especially chaotic humanoids. The Karameikos army does not have its own magic users but members of the Scintillating Stars will volunteer to join patrols and help combat goblin and orc raiders. Prospective members should be at least 3rd level and need to go as probationary members on at least 5 patrols (to demonstrate they can cope with the outdoors, military discipline, working as part of a team and the confusion of actual combat as well as being able to cast a Sleep spell when required). Once a mage has demonstrated to the soldiers and his mage peers that he can hold his own in a fight he often becomes a trusted and respected member of a patrol. There are 25 full members, led by Gunthorius (human male, MU14, align L) who as a child lost his family in an orc raid but was saved by a local hedge wizard. The membership changes over the years as older members decide they have done their duty or are killed in action, or simply become interested in other aspects of wizardry. 

Malthriggian's Companions are unusual in that most of them are not native Karameikans. They include Alphatians, Glantrians, Thyatians, Ierendians and Ylari. Their reasons for leaving their homes vary but exile or falling out of favour with rulers seems to be a common theme. They have found Karameikos to be a relatively neutral country where they can at least stay for a while. As might be expected, Malthriggian's Companions take a wider view of the world, and will discuss geography, politics, trade and history of many different nations from Norwold to Bellissaria to the Savage Coast. Some have even developed sage-like knowledge in these matters. Although not a spy agency, the Companions do find themselves picking up useful information as they travel the known nations of Mystara, while others have found themselves as unofficial diplomats. Malthriggian himself is a Glantrian wizard (human male, MU20, align N) who met and befriended a number of clerics in his travels, and became disillusioned with Glantri's anti-clerical stance. He moved to Karameikos for a more open-minded society. His girlfriend, Sharresha (human female, MU13, align N), is from the Ylari desert tribes who learned she had a talent for magic after being taught the basics by a wandering Darokinian merchant-mage. Her superstitious tribe expelled her on pain of death for witchcraft. Malthriggian owns a mansion on the outskirts of Specularum to which he invites mages who seem both well-behaved and also in need of a place to stay. 

The Magician's Guild of Specularum. This is based in Specularum and their guildhall is marked on the Specularum map in the gazetteer. Although there is a training wing that takes in untrained folk and turns them into 1st level magic users in about a year, the guild is more about business than education. Members are expected to pay annual fees of 50gp per year, and there are currently 300 members, most of whom are resident in Specularum, and 30 of whom are guild staff helping to run the guild and train apprentice mages. Guild members are also expected to follow the basic rules of any society - only the most antisocial, rebellious or violent magic users (nearly always chaotic in alignment) do not follow these rules and are thus expelled from the guild.In return the mages receive guild benefits:

  • Access to the 12 basic spells at each spell level (MU spells from the core rules)
  • Social and legal assistance if the mage gets into trouble with authorities (up to a limit - the guild can prevent witch-hunts and give character references but won't defend clear murder or wanton destruction)
  • Reduced prices for hiring guild-approved alchemists and sages and other specialists.
  • Occasional access to new spells beyond the core spell list
  • Assistance in matters of arcane lore, including identifying magic items



  1. Very nice, you are making Karameikos more interesting with each post! I could see potential for the Scintillating Stars to evolve into a magical unit of the army as the nation becomes more magically advanced. Love that orangutan in the faculty picture too, got to be a story there! Could be an unusual familiar or a wizard stuck in polymorphed form?

  2. Hi Greenbrier, the picture is actually borrowed from Terry Pratchett's Discworld, and is a portrait of the staff of the Unseen University, in the City of Ankh-Morpork. You are quite correct - the orang-utan is the university librarian who was accidentally polymorphed into his current form, but then declined to be changed back as he finds it easier to reach books on high shelves this way (see for more details). I hadn't thought about the orang-utan, but it would not surprise me if the librarian of the Magician's Guild of Specularum had undergone a similar transformation....
