Saturday 12 October 2024

Logos Location #11: Iseldek's Drop Part 2

Cartography by Dyson Logos, source

Introduction and Background

Thanks to Dyson Logos' generosity, he has made a large number of his high quality maps available for use. I have decided (with his approval) to incorporate these into locations within Mystara. This is a B/X D&D adventure for a party of  characters of levels 4-6 set in Norwold and is the lower levels of the dungeon started in Logos Location #9: Iseldek's Drop part 1, which covers levels 1-4 of this dungeon. This dungeon is run by Arvorians who are described here (basic stats) and here (additional information)

Level 5

1) Corridor. The west end of this is the stairs up to room 24a on level 4

2) Lair of the Gark. Here the Arvorians have kept a Gark, a goblin-giant hybrid. He will attack anyone who does not look like an Arvorian or an orc. He guards the main stairs going down to level 6.  He wears human-sized scale mail and wields a magical Battleaxe +1.  He speaks goblinish and Arvorian and a smattering of orcish (as he has had to pass the orcs on the upper levels). 
Gark: AC 5, Move 120ft, HD 4+4, hp 25, THAC0 14, Att 1 battleaxe for 1d8+3, Save F4, Ml 10 Align C, XP 125, equipment: Scale Mail, Battleaxe +1 , 120sp, 244gp, silver medallion (not magical but the Gark thinks it is) worth 300gp

2a) The Sunken Ledge. The ledge that surrounds the shaft here is 10ft lower than the rest of this level, making negotiating the shaft just a bit more tricky as once someone rappelling down the shaft reaches this ledge they then need to climb the 10' wall to get to the rest of the level. Although there are no creatures regularly on this ledge, the gark in room 2, the lizardmen in room 7 and the Arvorian archers in room 11 may notice and try to attack. 

3) Orc guardpost. There are 5 orcs here. Although they don't like the gark in room 2 they know of his strength and temper, and may call for his aid if they can get to the arrow slit joining the corridor with room 2.
Orc: AC 6, Move 90ft, HD 1, hp 5 each, THAC0 19, Att 1 weapon for 1d6, Save F1, Ml 7, Align C, XP 10, equipment: leather armour, shield, either spear or hand axe, 2d6sp each. 

4) Empty

5) Ancient Shrine. This room is dominated by the large granite statue of some sort of demon flanked by two smaller iron statues of Arvorian heroes on a slightly raised 2ft high platform at the west end. Anyone that is not chaotic in alignment that touches the demonic statue must save vs spells or be stunned for 2d4 turns as visions of horrors from the plane of Nightmares crowd into the person's head. Touching the granite demon statue will also activate the two iron statues on either side and they become 2 Iron Living Statues that will attack the party. 
Iron Living Statue AC 2, Mv 30', HD 4, hp 20, THAC0 16, Att 2 fists + special for 1d8/1d8, Save F4, Ml 12, Align Neutral, XP 125  Metal absorption: If a character hits the iron living statue with a non-magical metal weapon, the character must make a save vs spells or else the weapon is partially absorbed by the statue, and cannot be used again until the living statue is killed

6) This room is accessed by a short flight of stairs up from corridor #1 and is guarded by 4 troglodytes.

7) The Stairs Down. This room has 5 troglodytes (see bottom of this post) keeping an eye on the shaft. As well as teeth and claws, these troglodytes have been trained to fling rocks for 1d4 damage (range 10ft/20ft/40ft) at anyone on the ledge around the shaft (2a) - there is a 10ft drop from this room down to the ledge.  There are 2 arrow slits that creatures in room 8 can shoot from. The eastern half of this room is about 5ft higher than the western part, with a small flight of steps between the two. 

8) Archers Quarters home to 3 Arvorian Arcane Knights, (2x 2nd level Apprentices and 1x 3rd level Junior Sword-Seer). The two apprentices have shortbows and can shoot through the arrow slits at targets in room 7. The Junior sword-seer does not have a bow but may still cast spells through the arrow slit.
Arvorian Apprentice: AC 5, Move 90ft, HD 2, hp 8, THAC0 19, Att 1 weapon for 1d6 or by spell, Save MU 2, Ml 10, Align C, 25xp, equipment: chain mail, shortsword, shortbow, 20 arrows, 2d6gp, Typical Spells: Magic Missile, Charm Person (spells may vary at DM's discretion)
Arvorian Junior Sword-Seer: AC 3, Move 90ft, HD 3, hp 15, THAC0 18, Att 1 weapon for 1d8 or by spell, Save MU3, Ml 10, Align C, 50xp, equipment: chain mail, sword, Shield+1, spellbook
Spells prepared: Magic Missile, Detect Magic, Caustic Bolt

9) This room has stairs down to room 12 on level 6 and is currently empty 

10) This small chamber is accessed via a short (5ft down) flight of stairs from room 9. This room holds an Arvorian Junior Priest. Under her couch is a small leather sack with 2300sp and 1300gp.
Junior Priest: AC 4, Move 90ft, HD 3, 14hp, THAC0 18, Att 1 mace for 1d6 or by spell, Save C3, Ml 10, Align C, 50xp, Equipment: chain mail, mace, shield, unholy symbol, Spells prepared: Cure Light Wounds, Darkness

11) 2 Arvorian Apprentices (2nd level Arcane Knights) with shortbows. These two guard the shaft. They also know that the gark in room 2 and the troglodytes in room 7 are also keeping an eye on whoever might find themselves on the sunken ledge (2a).
Arvorian Apprentice: AC 5, Move 90ft, HD 2, hp 8, THAC0 19, Att 1 weapon for 1d6 or by spell, Save MU 2, Ml 10, Align C, 25xp, equipment: chain mail, shortsword, shortbow, 20 arrows, 2d6gp, Typical Spells: Magic Missile, Charm Person (spells may vary at DM's discretion)

Level 6

12) Empty but the west side of this large passage has an alcove holding a large painting (4ft x 5ft) of a portait of an elderly Arvorian. It will come to life within the frame when creatures approach and will try to engage in conversation. The picture holds the spirit of a senior Arvorian called Tortholus, who is surprisingly amicable and talkative. He is, however, quite unreliable as a source of information.  

13) 2 ogres guarding the "bridge", actually a roughly hewn tree trunk, across the shaft
Ogre: AC 5, Mv 90ft, HD 4+1 (19hp each), THAC0 15, Att 1 club for 1d10, Save F4, Ml 10, Align C, XP 125, equipment: oversized club, oversized leather armour

14) 1 ogre leader is here. He commands the ogres in room 13 and 15 and also holds the ogres' collected treasure in a large chest (5200sp, 2400gp, 4 amethyst gems worth 100gp each, 1 emerald gem worth 1000gp, potion of invisibility, potion of extra-healing). 
Ogre leader: AC 4, Move 90ft, HD 6+2, hp 29, THAC0 12, Att 1 axe for 1d10+2, Save F6, Ml 10, Align C, 350xp, equipment: oversized scraps of armour, oversized battleaxe

15) 3 ogres guarding the stairs that go up to level 6 (area 2) and down to level 7 (room 19). 
Ogre: AC 5, Mv 90ft, HD 4+1 (19hp each), THAC0 15, Att 1 club for 1d10, Save F4, Ml 10, Align C, XP 125, equipment: oversized club, oversized leather armour

16) 1 Arvorian war priest oversees the ogres on this level and also can speak ogrish.  
Arvorian War Priest: AC 3, Mv 90ft, HD 4, 20hp, THAC0 16, Att 1 mace for 1d6+1 or by spell, Save C4, Ml 11, Align C, 125xp, equipment: banded armour, shield, mace, unholy symbol, 240gp, spells: Cure Light Wounds, Rage, Detect Law

17) This room is accessible only via the stairs down to level 7 room 22. It currently has 6 skeleton archers and 6 skeletons with melee weapons. The skeleton archers will shoot through the arrow slits into areas 12 and 13 at anyone who is not an ogre or an Arvorian. 
Skeleton: AC 7, Move 60ft, HD 1, hp 5, THAC0 19, Att 1 weapon for 1d6, Spec Abil: Undead Traits, Save F1, Ml 12, Align C, 10xp, equipment: hand axe or shortbow & quiver + 10 arrows

Level 7

18) This natural cavern has 2 pools on the south side and east side. There are 4 troglodytes here who will attack any non-Arvorians (including orcs, who have a rivalry with the troglodytes). This cave also contains the stairs heading up to level 6. The path around the west side of the shaft is about 5ft wide and is wet and uneven. Although taking time and care to traverse should mean no risk, running or combat while getting between caverns 18 and 19 may require a dexterity check. A failure could mean accidentally slipping on the wet stone into the shaft. 

18a) The southern pool contains a clutch of 4 giant toads and their toadspawn. They leave the troglodytes alone but will attack anything warm blooded. The largest toad (15hp) has swallowed a spinel gemstone worth 400gp if removed from the toad. 
Toad, Giant: AC 7, Move 90ft, HD 2+2, hp 6, 11, 12, 15, THAC0 17, Att 1 bite for 1d4+1 or 1 tongue (range 15ft) to drag small targets to melee range, Spec abil: camouflage (surprise on 1-3 on d6), swallow small opponents whole on natural 20 to hit (automatic 1d6 damage/rnd until cut free), Save F1, Ml 6, Align N, 25xp

19) This cavern has a sky-walk across the top, which is part of the stairs between this level and level 6. The sky-walk is 20ft above the cavern floor and anyone falling takes the usual 2d6 damage. This cavern also contains 5 giant bats
Giant Bat: AC 6, Mv Fly 180ft/crawl 30ft, HD 2 (9hp each), THAC0 18, Att 1 bite for 1d4, Ml 7, Save F1, Align N, 20xp

20) 5 troglodytes are here and will try to hide then ambush any non-Arvorian intruders. The north of this cavern leads to the stairs going down to level 8. 

21) Quarters of an Arvorian Sword-Seer. This Arvorian knows the language of troglodytes and tries to keep them in line. If attacked he will try to get help from the war priest in room 22
Arvorian Sword-Seer: AC 7, Move 120ft, HD 4, 13hp, THAC0 16, Att 1 sword for 1d8+2 or by spell, Save MU4, Ml 10, Align C, 125xp, equipment: leather armour, sword +1, amulet of clear breathing (wearer is immune to troglodyte stench and +2 to save vs effects of other gases) 32pp, prepared spells: Adhesive Slime, Detect Magic, Entrapping Slime, Mirror Image

22) residence of an Arvorian War Priest. This room also has the stairs leading up to room 17 on level 6. He can command the skeletons to stand down, allowing creatures friendly to the Arvorians (such as troglodytes) to pass through level 6 without being shot at.  If attacked he will try to either alert the sword-seer in room 21 or get to room 16 where he can command his skeletons (a variation of his clerical ability to Turn Undead). 
Arvorian War Priest: AC 3, Move 60ft, HD 5, 19hp, THAC0 17, Att 1 mace for 1d6+1 or by spell, Save C5, Ml 9,  300xp, equipment: chain mail, shield +1, mace +1, unholy symbol, 24pp, belt of silver links worth 350gp spells: Cure Light Wounds, Darkness, Bless, Aura of Shadows, Paranoia
22a) Empty

Level 8

23) Troglodyte Guard Post. Here are 3 troglodytes. If faced with strong opponents they will try to warn the others in area 30

24) This chamber has a subterranean stream running through it. The stream widens into a pool here. Lurking in the pool are 2 gray oozes that will attack anything entering the pool or stream. 
Gray Ooze: AC 8, Move 10ft, HD 3, hp 20, 12, THAC0 17, Att 1 acidic slam for 2d8, special abilities: acidic slam destroys armour. Automatic damage after first attack as ooze attaches itself to target, immune to cold and fire, Save F2, Ml 12, Align N, 50xp

25) Here the subterranean stream falls into the shaft. This chamber is empty apart from some greenish glowing fungi that are harmless.

26) Lair of the Rhagodessa. Here a rhagodessa has made its nest and it will attack any intruders. It has killed a troglodyte that was carrying a gold and mammoth-leather harness that is the traditional garb of troglodyte rulers. The current troglodyte leader (room 30) would like to get this back and this could be either by negotiations or by violent robbery. The harness is worth 500gp on the open market.
Rhagodessa: AC 5, Mv 150ft, HD 4+2, 20hp, THAC0 15, Att 1 leg/1 bite for grapple/2d8, Spec Abil: grappled creatures are automatically bitten for 2d8 damage the round after being grappled, Save F2, Ml 9, Align N, 125xp
27) The Lost Chapel: This place can only be accessed by traversing the shaft somehow. Against the south wall there is a statue of a grotesque monster with tentacles and eyeballs in unnatural arrangement (a depiction of  E’hillit, a Scion of the Outer Dark). Under the statue is a basket of woven bronze wire containing 22 small pieces of Eldritch Crystal, none larger than. These have been gathered from the walls of the shaft and are being collected to transport to the City of Madness

28) The spider webs: This room is strewn with large sticky cobwebs that are effectively a Web spell. Lurking here are 4 giant Black Widow spiders that will attack any potential prey. There are also a dozen or so spiderlings that are non-combatant (AC 9, 1hp each, about 8” leg span) but are distracting and perhaps scary.   Among the webs there is a dead Arvorian who still has a sword +1 and a jade gem worth 300gp
Black Widow Spider: AC 6, Move 60ft/120ft in webs, HD 3*, hp 10, 12, 14, THAC0 17, Att 1 bite for 2d12 + poison (save or die in 1 turn), Save F2, Ml 8, Align N, 50xp. 

29) This room has a stone pillar in the middle with a wall of iron bars stretching out on either side to narrow shafts (3ft x 5ft) dropping down to level 9. On the far side of the bars is a wraith - being incorporeal it can pass through the bars without problem and may use this tactically.  The wraith used to be an Arvorian but she was stranded here as punishment and her colleagues let her starve to death. 
Apart from the main shaft (which has no known bottom), these shafts with their 30ft drop down to the next level are the only way further down. 
Wraith: AC 3, Move 120ft/fly 240ft, HD 4**, 21hp, Att 1 touch for 1d6+ energy drain (1 level), Spec Abil: level drain, immune to normal weapons, half damage from silver weapons, Undead traits, Save F4, Ml 12, Align C,  175xp

30) 6 troglodytes + troglodyte leader live in this cavern. There are also clutches of troglodyte eggs here in 3 nests of detritus and fungal matter. Although the troglodytes in Iseldek’s Drop will obey the Arvorians out of fear, it is this leader they truly respect and follow. She has an understanding with the Arvorian Sword-Seer in room 21 - although she fears the other Arvorians she does not get on with them.  
Troglodyte Leader: AC 5, Move 120ft, HD 5+5, 25hp, THAC0 14, Att 2 claws/1 bite for 1d4+1/1d4+1/1d4+1, Spec Abil: Camouflage (surprise opponents on 1-3 on 1d6), stench as normal troglodytes, Save F5, Ml 10, Align C,  400xp

30a) This natural alcove holds the troglodytes’ main treasure hoard in a series of earthenware pots and jars. Guarding this and hanging from the ceiling is a giant draco lizard the troglodytes have tamed. The treasure in the pots is 13,000sp, 3200gp and 4 gems worth 100gp each and a piece of jewellery (silver & pearl tiara) worth 1600gp
Giant Draco Lizard: AC 5, Move 120ft/fly 210ft, HD 4+2, 15hp, THAC0 15, Att 1 bite for 1d10, Save F3, Ml 7, Align N, 125xp

Commonly used combat statistics

Troglodyte: AC 5, Mv 120ft, HD 2*, hp 9, THAC0 18, Att 2 claws/1 bite for 1d4/1d4/1d4, special atttack: stench, Ml 9, Save F2, Align C, XP 30
Troglodyte stench: Troglodytes can release a stench at will which requires opponents within 10ft to save vs poison or suffer -2 to hit while in melee with the troglodyte until the end of the encounter
Troglodyte camouflage:  Troglodytes have chameleon-like camouflage and can surprise opponents on 1-4 on d6

Beyond this dungeon

Iseldek’s Drop does continue down though I do not currently intend to detail the lower levels. Access to level 9 is either via the main shaft (with its negation of magical flight and levitation) or the two smaller shafts in room 29 guarded by an angry wraith. 
The eldritch crystals in room 27 are of great importance to the Arvorians and they will go to great lengths to protect this stash. They intend to later send it on to the City of Madness, their capital city. 

Friday 4 October 2024

The Holy City of Abbashan


Art by Magnus Schramm , source

The Holy City of Abbashan is found in the western half of Ylaruam, in the desert well away from the coast. It relies on a network of oases though the naturally occuring pools with vegetation around them are all found a few miles from the city. The city draws its water from wells that connect to the same underground aquifer that feeds the oases. The city grows some of its food around these oases though it is supplemented by imports of food from the coast, typically coming through the port town of Jaboor

Abbashan is the capital of the Abbashan Emirate, and is the seat of power for the Emir who has recently added Jaboor to his fiefdom. Abbashan City has a population of 7,200, the vast majority of whom are Alasiyani desert dwellers. They are devout and observant of the Eternal Truth (the official religion of Ylaruam), though less charitable visitors might call them quite strict and uptight. 

The Holy City got its title from back in the days of Al-Kalim, the founder of The Eternal Truth, who was born here. Although he established Ylaruam city as his capital,  he often returned to Abbashan to visit his family when he was able to. It is also said that Al-Kalim started writing the Nahmeh in Abbashan. There are also apocryphal stories of Al-Kalim in Abbashan that most followers take with a grain of salt but which the faithful of Abbashan insist are true. 

The centre of Abbashan is dominated by a huge mosque, cylindrical in structure with a dome over 600 yards wide covering it which contains the Shrine of Abbashan, marking the spot where it is believed Al-Kalim was born. It is supported by seven massive buttresses that stretch out through the city acting as walls to divide it up into seven sectors. There are smaller mosques in each sector. The sectors are:

  • The Foreigners sector in the west
  • The Clerks' Sector in the southwest
  • The Artisan Sector in the south
  • The Smelting Sector in the southeast
  • The Garrison Sector in the east & northeast
  • The Palace Sector in the northeast and north
  • The Monastic Sector in the northwest

Religion and Laws

For the last fifty years or so the city has been under the sway of a particularly conservative faction of clerics and soldiers called the Al-Fassaad. They are centred here but also have members in Jaboor and Fabia. Al-Fassaad considers itself very devout though others might say they are bossy, strict and perhaps a bit fanatical. Al-Fassaad does not like foreigners, secularism, immodesty or vanity and is quite wary of commerce, viewing greed and luxury as dangerous distractions from the Eternal Truth. This is similar to the faction in Jaboor but whereas in Jaboor Al-Fassaad are a vocal minority who cannot dictate policy, in Abbashan they are all but in power, with advisers to the Emir openly espousing Al-Fassaad's viewpoint and senior clerics in the central mosque promoting Al-Fassaad as the "proper" way to the Eternal Truth, questioning the faith and discipline of any who suggest a more relaxed approach. Since the rise of Al-Fassaad the following laws now apply in Abbashan:

  • All people, especially women, must be modestly dressed, covering their torsos, shoulders and hips, and preferably more if the situation allows it. Full body coverage is preferable. Minor infringements will cost a fine of up to 50gp, major infringments (public indecency and the like) on pain of flogging. The threshold will vary from enforcer to enforcer. 
  • All residents of Abbashan are expected to follow the edicts and daily practices of the Eternal Truth on pain of expulsion from the city. This even applies to foreigners and self-professed non-believers. No exceptions. 
  • All foreigners from outside Ylaruam are to stay within the Foreigners Quarter on pain of expulsion from the city. Those caught sneaking back in will be assumed to be spies or chaos cultists and thus dealt with in the harshest possible manner. Those who are native to the Emirates but not to Abbashan can only stay in the Foreign Sector, and although they can visit the other sectors during the day they must return to the Foreign sector or leave the city by nightfall. Exceptions to this must be escorted by the City Guard (e.g. foreigners with an audience with a senior figure). 
  • "Sorcery" (magic user spells) must not be cast within the city. If no actual harm is done then it is a fine, usually up to 1000gp depending on how sinister and "chaotic" the spell appears to be. If people are harmed or there is significant property damage then the penalty can escalate accordingly, up to and including banishment or death. 
  • Chaos worship and aiding and abetting those chaos worshippers and chaotic monsters is punishable by death. This is one of the few laws that has been revised and now definitive evidence and testimony from at least two witnesses is required, since in the past this law was used in ill-judged "witch-hunts" with innocent people (particularly foreigners) being executed on very questionable evidence. 
  • Those trafficking in illicit goods such as alcohol, mind-altering substances (such as tobacco and coffee) and decadent luxury items will be fined up to double the value of goods seized and banished from the city. Those only having enough for personal use (again the threshold is variable) will have their goods seized and will be fined the value of said goods. 
There are other laws but they follow similar patterns. 


Abbashan does not have a particularly thriving economy, mainly due to the town government's attitude towards outsiders and also an ascetic wariness of greed and materialism. Traders from outside Ylaruam are distrusted and restricted to the Foreigners' Sector, while Ylari merchants from outside Abbashan are only slightly more tolerated. Most of the town's food is grown around the local oases, though some is imported from elsewhere in Ylaruam - very little is "foreign" food, which is often deemed decadent and probably unsafe. Taxes are quite heavy to support the clerics who tend the mosques and the soldiers who guard the town. The town and the local area does not have much mineral wealth and as most of the food grown is consumed within the town it exports very little. 

The one thing that Abbashan has in its favour is its reputation as a holy city and birthplace of Al-Kalim Therefore pilgrims are an important source of income, even if they are concentrated in the Foreigners Sector. 


Abbashan has a regular town guard of 200 soldiers, capable of both internal policing and occasional forays into the desert to deal with external threats. These regular soldiers are all 1st level fighters, equipped with leather armour, scimitars, leather and wood shields and either a longspear or a shortbow with 20 arrows. They are organised into 10 platoons of 20 soldiers each led by a sergeant (3rd level fighter).   

The religious establishments within Abbashan have their own military force, the Shrine Guardians. There are 120 shrine guardians, selected both for religious devotion and skill at arms. All are at least 2nd level fighters with scale mail, scimitars, shortbow and 20 arrows. As well as protecting the clerics and the mosques they also ensure that the laws and morality of Al-Fassaad are obeyed by the citizenry. They keep a particular eye on any foreigners and maintain a heavy presence in the Foreigners's Sector.

Almost all of the Shrine Guardians are with Al-Fassaad, and a number of the regular town guard are as well. However, other members of the town guard are not comfortable with a rival military force within the town. What if the clerics want to take over? Others point out that in a way the clerics already have, and the Shrine Guardians are there to not just protect the clerics themselves but also their authority.  There have been times when the town guard and the Shrine Guardians have disagreed on points of law and order, and the Emir's advisors have come down on the side of the Shrine Guardians. There is the feeling that the Shrine Guardians can overrule the town guard. 

The Agent of Chaos

Malakdir is a resident administrator who is in fact a secret cultist of Chaos, posing as a bureaucrat with a strong interest in The Eternal Truth and Al-Kalim. He turned to Chaos after being sickened by the harsh discipline of Al-Fassaad. Rather than trying to directly confront the forces of Law (which are overwhelmingly powerful here), he had decided to try to discredit them. This is proving quite interesting as the more fantatical elements of Al-Fassaad are on the one hand rock solid in their own faith in their interpretation of the Eternal Truth but are so difficult and intransigent in their beliefs that many outside of Al-Fassaad and Abbashan are disturbed and sometimes appalled by the faction’s behaviour and attitudes. Malakdir is trying to capitalise on this, and he has been talking to some senior clerics, quietly encouraging them to more extreme beliefs, usually with the cleric’s own devotion as the incentive. “It’s what Al-Kalim would want…” is a phrase Malakdir likes to use when suggesting an even tighter, intolerant policy. And if they hesitate or question how far they should go Malakdir will suggest that maybe their faith is not that strong. The end result is many normal people becoming fed up and even disgusted with this overzealous and often warped interpretation of the Eternal Truth, and leaving Abbashan for more tolerant places, bearing tales of Law gone too far and disillusion with religion. Malkadir has been surprised at how easy this has been - he feels he has not done much and most of this tension and intolerance is from the clerics of Al-Fassaad. He has just occasionally given them a nudge in the wrong direction.  It is possible that Malakdir has other chaotic allies who share the same goal within Abbashan but they are even more secretive. 

Notes on Alignment. 

Similar to my post on The Monastery of the Iron Eagle and its resident Heldannic Knights, the usual single-axis alignment system of Law-Neutrality-Chaos does not necessarily reflect what is going on with Al-Fassaad. Some members do not fit the usual description of Law being the good guys very well and yet they are staunch opponents of Chaos. Using the AD&D two-axis nine-alignment system they could definitely be described as Lawful Evil. In this case the evil is not selfishness and greed but hatred and intolerance of those who have different beliefs or even not enough beliefs. The ironic thing is that although the Heldannic Knights and Al-Fassaad are both intolerant and militant fanatics, they would view each other as clearly the wrong religion and nationality and therefore the enemy. As with that previous post, I can use the two-axis alignment system temporarily. 

NPCs of Abbashan

Malakdir, junior administrator for legal affairs
5th level cleric, human male, align Chaotic (AD&D chaotic neutral)
Str 8, Int 16, Wis 16, Dex 10, Con 13, Cha 13
Notable Equipment: Warhammer +1, Chain Mail, Amulet of Alignment Masking
Spells: Hold Person, Speak With Animals, Cure Light Wounds, Detect Magic

A disillusioned and angry cleric, Malakdir has turned his allegience to Chaos in a subtle and insidious way. He advises senior clerics on matters of law and order, and in this he is very clever and competent. Much of the time he does his job as expected but when he spots an opportunity to make the city government more intolerant (and thus more intolerable) he will try to steer his seniors in that direction. Malakdir tries to keep a low profile, only making suggestions rather than demands, and to everyone else he is just a minor bureaucrat. 

Bushiri Al-Abbashani, High Cleric of the Holy Shrine of Abbashan
15th level cleric, human male, align Lawful (AD&D lawful evil)
Str 13, Int 13, Wis 16, Dex 10, Con 11, Cha 15
Notable Equipment: Mace +3 +5 vs Undead, Chain Mail +3, Shield +2, Holy Symbol,
Notable Spells: 6th level: Aerial Servant, Cureall, Barrier, 5th level: Commune, Dispel Evil, Quest, 4th level: Neutralise Poison, Protection from Evil 10' r, Create Water

Bushiri is the highest religious authority in Abbashan, second only to those in Ylaruam City itself. He and many of those around him see him as the next best thing to Al-Kalim himself and in matters of religion and morality he will brook no dissent. He is particularly concerned with what he sees as the watering down and ignoring what he believes is the correct version of the Eternal Truth. It was his tutor and master, Benharath the Devout, who wrote down and taught the ideas behind  Al-Fassaad and therefore sowed the seeds for this strict religous movement, and Bushiri sees it as his duty to maintain the momentum of this movement. Bushiri is fastidious, taking a lot of time in washing (the main purpose of preparing Create Water spells is so he has a suppy of water he knows is clean), and also keeping things neat, tidy and in their proper order. He extends this view to society around him, hoping to keep his followers on the right path, and ready to expunge any "unclean" elements from Abbashan, whether they be unbelievers, "sorcerous" magic users, foreigners or demihumans. 

Rakdathi the Swiftblade, Commander of the Shrine Guardians
14th level fighter, human male, align Lawful (AD&D lawful neutral)
Str 16, Int 12, Wis 13,  Dex 16, Con 13, Cha 14
Notable Equipment: Banded Armour +2, Two-Handed Sword +3 +5 vs Magic Users

Rathdaki is the leader of the Shrine Guardians. He is utterly loyal to Bushiri and will follow orders without question. When left to his own devices or making his own judgements he can be quite reasonable and is really more interested in keeping everyone safe, especially the clerics at the central shrine. But he often ends up enforcing the harsher judgements of the clerics which he does because he is absolutely certain that they speak on behalf of the Eternal Truth, and the Eternal Truth is never wrong. 

Kurramor Shadaan, Commander of the Town Guard
10th level fighter, human female, align Lawful (AD&D lawful neutral)
Str 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Dex 14, Con 15, Cha 14
Notable Equipment: Banded Armour +1, Scimitar +3, Shield +1

Kurramor does her best at keeping Abbashan safe and keeps her guardsmen patrolling both inside and outside town. She considers herself a good follower of the Eternal Truth and would never openly disagree with the clerics, but she is getting more fed up with her troops being sidelined in favour of the Shrine Guardians. If pressed or if she thinks she can confide, she will say that she thinks the clerics of Al-Fassaad have gone too far in their distrust of visiting fellow Ylaris from outside Abbashan, especially non-Alasiyans, and it all seems a little paranoid. 

Druthorni the Zealous, Deputy High Cleric of the Monastic Sector
12th level cleric, human female, align Lawful (AD&D lawful evil)
Str 9, Int 13, Wis 17, Dex 13, Con 10, Cha 10
Notable Equipment: Banded Armour +2, Staff of Striking (+ Power Word Stun on each successful hit)
Notable Spells: 5th level: Quest, Insect Plague, Cure Critical Wounds, 4th level: Create Water, Neutralise Poison, Sticks to Snakes, Speak with Plants, 3rd level: Continual Light, Locate Object, Remove Curse/Curse x2

Druthorni is a bully and a nasty piece of work. Whereas Bushiri may see the upset he causes as necessary in the name of the Eternal Truth, Druthorni actually enjoys pushing people around and making them miserable. Of course, she will always justfy what she does in terms of maintaining discipline and keeping Abbashan safe from undesirable elements. Druthorni has upset enough people around Abbashan that she has good right to be a bit paranoid - there are some who really would like to get rid of her, therefore she never trusts anybody. She has a contingent of 5 Shrine Guardians at her beck and call at all times, and she sometimes gets them to do her dirty work. 

Andano Shaldir
5th level Thief/2nd level Darokin Merchant, Human male, align Neutral (AD&D neutral good)
Str 10, Int 14, Wis 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Cha 13
Notable Equipment: Leather Armour +2, Ring of Desert Survival, Scimitar +2, Elven Boots
Andano is a trader from Jaboor who has been around Abbashan enough times to know how things work here. He is frequently skirting the edge of the law, bringing in goods that the followers of Al-Fassaad would not approve of. He is generally found in the Foreigners Sector but he has visited other sectors of the city. During the daytime as a native of Ylaruam he is allowed to enter the other sectors to do business as long as he is back in the Foreigners Sector at sundown. However, he sometimes uses his thief skills to sneak around the city at night. He is sympathetic to most people who get into trouble in Abbashan and will sometimes advise such folks how to avoid the attentions of the Shrine Guardians. He knows many of the back alleys and hidden tunnels around the town that even the Shrine Guardians do not know about.

Thursday 26 September 2024

Logos Location #10: The Dungeons of Kalaxar

Introduction and Background

Thanks to Dyson Logos' generosity, he has made a large number of his high quality maps available for use. I have decided (with his approval) to incorporate these into locations within Mystara. This is a B/X D&D adventure for a party of  characters of levels 3-4 set in the southeast of Darokin.

House Kalaxar was a merchant house to the south of Selenica in eastern Darokin until twenty years ago. The family members, although ostensibly respectable merchants, used underhand and violent methods to deal with competitors. Ten miles to the south of Selenica they had a secret base, with a farmer’s cottage on the surface but dungeons excavated underneath. This they used to launch bandit raids against the caravans of rivals and then having the audacity to sell the looted goods as their own. House Kalaxar came undone and was disgraced, with its members no longer allowed to do business in Darokin, and most of their property was seized by the authorities once their banditry was uncovered. The farmer’s cottage and dungeon were abandoned but not properly searched by the authorities. This has frustrated surviving victims of the bandits as they are sure there is evidence within the ruined cottage that would explain more about Kalaxar and the bandits’ activities. 

After two decades the dungeon has now been taken over by the Cragged Maw tribe of bugbears. However, the bugbears have resumed banditry, attacking merchants and other travellers on the road between Selenica and the Grand Duchy of Karameikos. It is this that the PCs get involved in - maybe they are with a caravan that gets ambushed by bugbears or else they are in Duke’s Road Keep when survivors of an attacked caravan arrive and ask for help and taking the PCs to the site of the ambush, with tracks leading to the farm cottage. 

Cartography by Dyson Logos, source

Surface Level:

1) Empty. The whole of the surface level is intentionally kept as abandoned and uninteresting as possible. However, the inhabitants have not hidden the stairs going down. 

Dungeon Level 1

2) Guard Post. This room has 4 bugbears guarding it.

3) Home to a pet grizzly bear kept here by the bugbears.
Grizzly Bear: AC 6, Mv 120ft, HD 5, 25hp, THAC0 15, Att 2 claws/1 bite for 1d4/1d4/1d8, Spec Abil: Hug for 2d8 dam if both claws hit, Ml 8, Save F2, Align N, 175xp 

4) Bear-keeper's lair. The bear keeper is a bugbear who also has a whistle carved from ivory (worth 60gp) that produces a distinctive tone that calls the bear's attention. 

5) Empty apart from rubble from a partial ceiling collapse in the southeast corner. 

6) Bugbear leader quarters. This Bugbear Leader is an oversized brute who also has 2 normal bugbear companions. He wields a magic two-handed sword and has an iron-bound chest containing much of the tribe's treasure, and has the key to this chest around his neck on a leather cord. The chest contains 7,500sp, 1250gp and 800pp and an emerald worth 1000gp.
Bugbear Leader: AC 5, Mv 120ft, HD 5+2, hp 27, THAC0 14, Att 1 sword for 1d10+2, Spec Abil: Stealth (surprise opponents on 1-3 in 6), Ml 9, Save F5, Align C, 225xp, equipment: Bugbear armour (large scale mail), Two-Handed Sword +1, 2 throwing axes, key to treasure chest. 

7) The Upper Pit. This area drops down into the pool in #21 30ft below. However, there are 3 alcoves with ledges that overlook this drop. Getting to the ledges could require some magic or problem solving or thief skills. 
    a) North alcove: There is a plank from the west side to the north alcove. What look like four large leather sacks hanging from the ceiling are in fact 4 giant bats that will awaken and attack if disturbed. 
Giant Bat: AC 6, Mv Fly 180ft/crawl 30ft, HD 2 (9hp each), THAC0 18, Att 1 bite for 1d4, Ml 7, Save F1, Align N, 20xp
    b) East alcove: This is home to a roost of 10 stirges. They will fly up and attack anyone who tries to cross the gap to get to any of the alcoves, or if they are otherwise disturbed.  There is a ladder from this alcove down into the water in room 21.
Stirge: AC 7, Mv Fly 180ft/crawl 30ft, HD 1 (4hp), THAC0 19, Att 1 beak for 1d3, Spec abil Swooping strike (+2 to first hit roll), Blood drain (automatic 1d3 damage/round after successful hit), Ml 9, Save F2, Align N, 13xp
    c) South alcove: This has a statue of an immortal, Loki, although with all the guano on the statue it is not easy to recognise. The statue has no magical properties but behind it out of sight is a wooden box with 250gp and 1600sp.  

8) Stairs down. This is guarded by 2 bugbears

9) The Crypts. The bugbears don't go in here and the door is bolted on the outside. The bugbears have written in Goblinish "Don't go in. Dead Danger."
Inside is a passage with 5 alcoves, each with a stone sarcophagus. The last on the right (the north eastern alcove) holds an angry wight that will attack anything including PCs or bugbears. There are also 4 zombies, each in one of the other alcoves, that will follow the wight. The wight used to be the bandit chief hired by the Kalaxars, and the zombies some of his fellow brigands. In the wight’s alcove in his sarcophagus is his treasure: 4800sp, 240gp and a silver and gold ceremonial sword worth 900gp and a gold and steel ceremonial helmet worth 600gp (both are non-magical).
Wight: AC 5, Mv 90ft, HD 3 (16hp), THAC0 17, Att 1 claw for Energy Drain, spec abil Energy Drain (1 level per hit), Immune to normal weapons (magic or silver weapons needed to hit),Undead properties, Ml 12, Save F3, Align C, 65xp 
Zombie: AC 8, Mv 120ft, HD 2,  THAC0 18, Att 1 weapon for 1d8, spec abil: undead properties, attack last in combat, Ml 12, Save F1, Align C, 20xp

10) Family quarters. Here are 8 bugbears + 6 bugbear young. There are numerous mattresses on the floor. 
Bugbear Young: AC 8, Mv 90ft, HD 1+1, 5hp, THAC0 19, Att 1 bite for 1d2, Spec Abil: Stealth (surprise opponents on 1-3 in 6), Ml 5, Save F1, Align C, 15xp

11) Kitchen and storeroom. This has 2 normal bugbears  + 1 bugbear novice who also doubles as the cook. There is a big fireplace on the east wall and cooking cauldron in the middle of the room The west side is raised up by several steps and has over a dozen boxes and barrels of food and drink, most of which the bugbears have looted from raided caravans. 

12) The Old Dining Room. This still has two huge dining tables. However, these days it is more used as an armoury and training room. There are 3 normal bugbears in here sparring. At the south end there is an upturned table with a humanoid figure drawn on the table top now serving as a target - there are 3 hand axes and 2 javelins stuck into the table. 
Laid out on the big dining tables are 
  • 3 morning stars
  • 2 bastard swords
  • 2 heavy battleaxes (2d4 damage)
  • 4 sets of bugbear armour (equivalent of scale mail but too large for humans)
  • 6 hand/throwing axes
  • 4 javelins
  • 4 throwing hammers

Dungeon Level 2

13) This large chamber is empty though to the south there are wooden screens between slim pillars. There are also two unoccupied beds. 
    a) This cordened off section has 3 alcoves each with a bed. This is the quarters of 3 bugbear novices

14) Bugbear Shaman quarters. The shaman in charge of the novices is usually found here. Underneath his bed is a large box. Inside is the shaman's pet Pit Viper which is never happy about being disturbed.  Next to the viper is a silk bag with the shaman's treasure (1800gp, 120pp and a walrus-ivory statuette of Huggrek worth 200gp). Note that the shaman always wears his Periapt of Poison Protection as his pet viper is not entirely tame. 
Bugbear Shaman: AC 5, Mv 90ft, HD 5+2, (20hp), THAC0 16, Att 1 weapon for 2d4 or by spell, Spec abil: Stealth (surprise opponents on 1-3 in 6), Clerical spells, Ml 9, Save C5, Align C, 400xp, equipment: bugbear armour (large-size scale mail), morning star, unholy symbol, Periapt of Poison Protection (see below), prepared spells: Cure Light Wounds, Darkness, Hold Person, Aura of Shadows 
Pit Viper: AC 6, Mv 90ft, HD 2, hp 12, THAC0 18, Att 1 bite for 1d4 + poison, Spec Abil: Always wins initiative, infravision (heat sensing pits), poisonous bite (save vs poison or die), Ml 9, Save F1, Align N, 25xp

15) Shrine of Huggrekk. There is a crude stone altar set up in the east side of this room. This place is usually unoccupied though the shaman and his novices occasionally come in here for daily rituals. 

16) The old chief's quarters. Here is an old bugbear chief called Shalkneeth, although he does not get involved in the leadership of this tribe. According to the shaman (in room 14, the only one he confides in), he was expelled from another larger tribe of bugbears, narrowly escaping with his life, and found his way here to recuperate and reconsider his options. The current bugbear leader (room #6) respects this chief but is also wary - what if the chief's ambition reawakens and decides to take over this tribe? There is a set of shelves on the west wall that hold various trinkets and trophies, most of which are worthless (coloured feathers, severed hands, helmets etc). However, there is a skull of a slain ogre enemy that has a removable top. Inside the braincase is the chief’s treasure: 200pp and a small but perfect ruby worth 800gp.  
Shalkneeth the Bugbear Chief: AC 3, Mv 90ft, HD 7+3, 30hp, THAC0 12, Att 1 weapon for 2d4+2, Ml 10, Save F7, Align C, Equipment: Morning Star, large-size chain mail, Shield +1

17) Bruldoo the Cave Bear lives here. He came with the chief and is his loyal pet. The area is split between the excavated part and the natural cavern part by a large wall of iron bars. There is no normal way through within this room. 
Bruldoo the Cave Bear: AC 5, Mv120ft,  HD 7, 38hp, THAC0 12, Att 2 claws/1 bite for 1d8/1d8/2d6, Spec abil: hug for 2d8 if both claws hit, Ml 9, Save F3, Align N, 450xp

18) Empty. This is a natural cave with steps leading up to room 13.

19) Cavern junction. There is a steep drop here in the passage from areas 17 & 18. This stops the gelatinous cube in room 20 from getting into the rest of the dungeon. 

20) A Gelatinous Cube lives here. The bugbears are careful to keep the door to the corridor shut, so the cube wanders into areas 19, 21 and 22. Suspended in the body of the cube are 23gp, 40sp and 2 gems (an aquamarine worth 50gp and a polished sardonyx worth 30gp)
Gelatinous Cube: AC 8, Mv 60ft, HD 4, hp 22, THAC0 16, Att 1 slam for 2d4 + special, spec abil: transparent (surprise opponents on 1-4 on d6), Paralysing hit (opponents must save vs paralysis or be paralysed for 2d4 turns), Ml 12, Save F2, Align N, 125xp

21) This pool is about 10ft deep. Anyone falling from any of the alcoves in area 7 (30ft above) will only take 1d6 fall damage but swimming and drowning rules apply. Furthermore the creatures in area 7 (the giant bats and stirges) will be disturbed by the splash and may swoop down to attack. The west side is a raised dry platform, and anyone falling from the west ledge in area 7 takes the usual 3d6 falling damage.  The gelatinous cube in area 20 will sometimes pass through this.

22) This small cave is guarded by a carrion crawler. It has a locked chest left by the previous residents that contains a series of letters written by the head of the Kalaxar merchant house to the former master of this dungeon (the bandit chief), informing about potential targets for robbery and also explaining that House Velasquer, another merchant house, has provided this information and therefore their caravans are not to be attacked. This evidence that House Velasquer was involved in House Kalaxar’s criminal activities would be of great use to the Darokin City and Selenica authorities. The key to this has long since been lost but  a thief could pick the lock or a Knock spell would work. Also in the chest are 800gp and 4 spinel gems worth 100gp each. 
Carrion Crawler: AC 7, Move 120ft, HD 3+1, hp 13, THAC0 16, Att 8 tentacles, each causing paralysis.Spec Abil: Tentacle hit means save vs paralysis or be paralysed for 2d4 turns, Ml 9, Save F2, Align N, 75xp 

Stats for common monsters

Bugbear (normal): AC 5, Mv 90ft, HD 3+1 (15hp), THAC0 16, Att 1 weapon for 2d4, Spec Abil Stealth (surprise opponents on 1-3 in 6), Ml 9, Save F3, Align C, 50XP, equipment: Bugbear armour (large-sized scale mail), morning star, 2 throwing axes or javelins, 2d4gp each

Bugbear Novice: AC 5, Mv 90ft, HD 3+1 (15hp), THAC0 16, Att 1 weapon for 2d4, Spec Abil Stealth (surprise opponents on 1-3 in 6), Clerical spells, Ml 9, Save F3, Align C, 50xp, equipment: Bugbear armour (large-size scale mail), morning star, 2d4gp. Prepared spells: Cure Light Wounds, Vigour  

New Magic Item

Periapt of Poison Protection: This is a green jade amulet often carved into the shape of a venomous creature such as a spider, scorpion or snake. While wearing it once per day the user may automatically succeed on a saving throw vs poison (before the roll is made: it cannot work retroactively after a failed save). After that for the rest of the day the periapt gives +2 to further saving throws against poison but no more automatic successes. 

Friday 20 September 2024

The Lich-Tower of Westria


 On the north shore of the Great Bay of Norwold west of Barathmir is the village of Westria, part of the domain of Panteria. It is small, only 300 folks living here, mostly Alphatian human colonists and a few halfling families. The village is dominated by the massive square-based tower that looms over it, over 240ft, 15 storeys high. Built by an Alphatian mage, Dorsennos the Dour, it is a menacing structure built of dark grey basalt and minimal style or decoration. Some say he was inspired by Arvorian ruins found much further north in the desolate tundra, while others say the tower simply reflects his character. 

Dorsennos technically no longer lives here: He resides in the top of the tower but he has become a lich, an undead creature no longer requiring normal sustenance or sleep. A little like Ellaria the Studious (from the floating city of Aalthir) he still maintains some contact with living humans though usually through his junior mages who act as intermediaries.  It is believed that Dorsennos moved here from Alphatia after being confronted by powerful archmage neighbours about his unsavoury experiments in necromancy. He arrived here in Westria about 40 years ago and started the construction of his tower (mostly through magical means, with minimal human labour).  Around five years later he underwent the transformation from mortal human into undead lich.  
The ground floor includes a number of human employees including servants who live in the village and mercenary guards (human male fighters, levels 5-8) but above them the upper levels hold laboratories, libraries, store rooms and holding cells. There are very few living humans here, and most of them wish they were somewhere else. The top floors include a rooftop stable that holds a Nightmare and late at night it can be seen galloping off the rooftop into the night sky with a rider, either Dorsennos himself or Nagleth. Rellifross of course does not need a nightmare as a steed - he can fly by himself. 
There are probably dungeons below the ground floor though this has never been confirmed by those who have got out alive. The domestic servants and mercenary guards say there are no stairs going down on the ground floor but one Alphatian mage who visited Dorsennos to discuss magical matters says that on the tenth floor of the tower there is a magical portal. When he and Dorsennos stepped through they were transported underground, finding himself next to a similar portal. Stepping back through that he found himself returned to the tenth floor.  He speculated that there is a dungeon under the tower but it can only be reached via this portal. 

Dorsennos is crotchety, unpleasant and knows he is powerful enough to obliterate most foes - what might seem like arrogance is actually well-placed self-confidence. He is currently experimenting with various forms of undead and these occasionally escape to terrorise the village. He is still predominantly interested in research and experimentation, though he views political power as a useful tool in this regard - the more territory or money he controls, the easier it is to acquire the resources for his experiments. However, his influence is mostly behind the scenes - although he could simply take control of Panteria he considers it more useful to threaten and bribe the rulers there in both leaving him alone and giving him what he needs. Dorsennos is aware that there are powerful mages in Alpha across the Great Bay who could threaten and maybe destroy him, so he is careful not to overplay his hand.  
From a campaign point of view Dorsennos is predominantly a villain, a threat to be dealt with at least once the PCs are powerful enough. Dorsennos is neither interested in the political manoevrings of Thyatis and Alphatia, nor is he involved in the Arvorians, so at least for the moment he is an independent menace. However, it is possible to negotiate with him, particularly if the PCs have something he wants that he cannot take from them by force, such as information. 
Dorsennos has spent some of his time studying eldritch crystals, which he now has a basic understanding of (his Staff of Conjuring Elementals is powered by one). He is also aware of the Arvorians though not of their long-term plans. He might be willing to discuss such matters with mortals on a quid-pro-quo basis - if they retrieve the body of an unusual undead creature for him to study, he might help them out. Spellbooks with spells he has not seen before are also a big attraction though he is brutal enough to kill one who carries such a book and simply take it from their dead body, particularly if they demand a ridiculous price or are rude when negotiating.  

NPCs of Westria

Dorsennos the Dour: 29th level magic user lich (formerly human male), align Chaotic. Str 16, Int 19, Wis 14, Dex 10, Con - (undead), Cha 6
Notable equipment: Staff of Power, Staff of Conjuring Elementals (once per 8 hours), Ring of Undead Control 

Nagleth the Weird-talker: 18th level magic user, human female, align Chaotic, Str 10, Int 17, Wis 15, Dex 11, Con 12, Cha 15
Nagleth is Dorsennos’s principle protege, a powerful mage in her own right. She is also the public face of Dorsennos in the village of Westria and the town of  Panteria. Like her master she has travelled the dark path of necromancy and is considering how to achieve lichdom as well.  She occasionally hires unwitting mercenaries to perform tasks that benefit Dorsennos such as removing an irritating foe like a band of lupins or else retrieving an item from a dungeon. She may approach the PCs with such an offer. 

Master Ibbraxe: 5th level fighter, human male, align Neutral, Str 15, Int 12, Wis 14, Dex 10, Con 10, Cha 13
Master Ibbraxe is the nominal head of the village of Westria, though he is well aware that his main duty is to keep Dorsennos placated. He is resigned to his situation and simply tries to keep himself and his fellow villagers alive. He can seem quite cowardly but he has seen Dorsennos and his lieutenants kill off plenty of "heroes" with impunity.

Rellifross: 14th level magic user vampire (formerly human male), align Chaotic, Str 18, Int 17, Dex 16, Con - (undead), Cha 14
Rellifross is another of Dorsennos’ apprentices, and is undead as well, although his transition was not voluntary. He was a handsome happy-go-lucky mage in Alphatia when he visited the Isle of Dawn and was seduced, drained and turned by a vampire madame in charge of a brothel. He fled here seeking advice from Dorsennos who was already an expert in the undead and has stayed here since. He only rarely feeds off villagers, and then usually as a punishment for offending him or Dorsennos, but he has preyed on elves and lupins in the nearby woods. He has also sometimes attacked adventurers who have found themselves near Westria late at night.   

Nordredd: 17th level cleric, human male, align Chaotic, Str 12, Int 15, Wis 17, Dex 9, Con 10, Cha 13
Nordredd is the lich’s undead-wrangler, creating and commanding all sorts of lesser undead. He is also adept at finding fresh corpses and has been known to lead a contingent of skeletons and ghouls on grave robbing expeditions to nearby towns and villages, sometimes sailing along the coast of the Great Bay in a pitch black longship with a skeleton crew. He has a twisted sense of humour and will often laugh at things that would horrify most folks. 

Tereellion Sureshot: 4th level Elf Ranger, elf male, align Lawful, Str 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Dex 16, Con 9, Cha 12
Tereellion is a resident of Westria who is not happy about the state of the village or the creatures that rule over it. He will try to warn visitors about the inhabitants of the tower. He ideally wants to see Dorsennos removed permanently but is aware there are very few people in the area powerful enough to actually do this. He has been compiling a report (which he keeps in a locked chest) documenting the necromantic goings-on and he hopes to pass this on to authorities in Alpha where there may be powerful wizards capable of stopping Dorsennos. However, unbeknownst to him Rellifross the vampire has already found out about these papers and is considering killing Tereellion and burning his incriminating documents. 

Friday 13 September 2024

Gnome Tinkers

 I have previously described gnomes in a previous post where I turned them from entries in the monsters section of the rules into NPCs with two classes, the gnome warrior (essentially a gnomish fighter) and the gnome trickster (similar to a gnome magic-user/thief with a slant towards illusion and mischief). This post introduces the gnome tinker, a new class for gnomes that involves the utilisation of magi-tech - the magic of clockwork, steam and gunpowder. 

Art by Jesper Ejsing, source

There are different cultures of gnomes (sometimes referred to as subraces though the biological differences are minimal). The gnomes around Highforge in Karameikos are commonly known as rock gnomes. They are lighthearted but shy and rarely get involved in large-scale politics, preferring to focus on their families and craftsmanship of gem-cutting and jewelry crafting. They make friends with burrowing animals and are equally at home in sylvan forests, rolling hills or dwarf-style mines.  

However, there is another culture known collectively as Tinker gnomes. These are found west of the Sea of Dawn, on the Isle of Dawn, Alphatia and Bellissaria. There are some straightforward warriors and even a few tricksters (from my first post on gnomes). But about a third develop an interest, some might call it an obsession, with tools and machinery, starting with crossbows and ending up with the flying city of Serraine. They use a craft called magi-tech which is, as the name suggests, a combination of magic and mechanical technology. The magic means this is not entirely scientific - indeed the whole tinker gnome world could be described as science fantasy - technology is the outward appearance, but anything that people point out could not work in the real world is simply explained as magic. Most tinker gnome devices are sensed when a magic user casts Detect Magic. Magical forms of energy such as Eldritch Crystals from Norwold and the Radiance from Glantri will gladly be harnessed by these gnomes to power their contraptions, as will elemental magic and dimensional magic.  

Gnome Tinker Class Basics

Gnome Tinkers
Spells Per Day
LevelHit DiceTHAC0Title1st Level2nd Level3rd Level4th Level

Note that gnome tinkers save as magic users of the same level. They can use leather armour and any weapon that a halfling can use (as they are approximately the same size and strength). They can be of any alignment though are often neutral (most of them are not interested in the conflicts of Law or Chaos). 

Tinker gnomes also cast spells, both normal MU spells and their own 

Spell List for Gnome Tinkers
1st level2nd Level3rd Level4th level
Find MaterialsDetect Mechanical TrapsCreate Base MetalSummon Grade II device
Detect MagiTechMalfunctionExpand BagRe-Energise
Summon ToolReliabilitySummon Grade I deviceSummon Mechanical Trap
CountingCreate WoodCreate Glass
Understand BlueprintsCreate ClothLocate Components
Mend simple itemSummon WeaponArcane Repair

Tinker Devices

Tinker devices are generally treated as magic items with chance of malfunction. Each will have Construction time and materials, and chance of malfunction per use. I intend to detail them in a separate blog post. 

Tinker devices are categorised into Grades, with Grade I being the simplest and easiest to make, and subsequently considered the least powerful. Grade I devices are considered little more than neat versions of mundane items, while Grade VI items are weird and powerful enough to rival minor artefacts in their rarity and effect on the campaign. 

  • Grade I: Repeating Crossbow, multitool (Swiss Army Penknife meets Leatherman),  Folding Boat, Beam Lantern (like electric torch), Mechanical Trap Goggles, Replicating Printing Press (photocopier!)
  • Grade II: Chainsword (like chaos space marines!), Climbing Boots & Gloves (like spiderman!), Parabolic Shield (reflects gaze attacks back at gazer), Smoke grenade, Telescopic Ladder, Ether-sensing goggles (see ethereal creatures etc)
  • Grade III: Rock-drilling bore, mechanical steed, Faraday Suit (protects wearer from lightning), Fire Extinguisher, Entropic Net (entangles and magically slows ensnared targets), Backpack of Holding (like bag of holding), Helms of Telecommunication, Rapid Fire Ballista, Guided Missile Catapult
  • Grade IV: Flamethrower, Submersible, Ornithopter, Document Teleporter (mail system!)
  • Grade V: Hot Air Dirigible, Juggernaut (X4 Desert Nomads), Clockwork Golem, Umbrella of Protection (inc. resistance vs rays, wands & breath weapons)
  • Grade VI: Teleportation Pad, Apparatus of Kwalish, Scaladar (Undermountain),  
A tinker gnome can attempt three main tasks with magi-tech devices. All of these actions are dependent on having correct tools, materials, time and maybe assistance from other gnomes and the situation can modify the chance of success. A single gnome without a workshop or supplies (i.e. out adventuring) will suffer a penalty in their chance of success, while a gnome with a full workshop and another gnome assisting will have a bonus to their chances.  Any attempt will take time and resources regardless of success. The good news is that the tinker gnome can attempt the same task once per month, thus even the most difficult of tasks can succumb if the tenacious gnome keeps on working on it over many months. 
Repair: The gnome has a chance to put a malfunctioning or broken device back into use
Replicate: Given either a blueprint or a working example the gnome can study (often refered to as a prototype) the gnome tinker can recreate the device. 
Innovate. This means inventing a new device of the given grade. It is up to the DM as to what grade a device should fit into. Innovating can also be used to create a device that already exists but the gnome cannot study in detail. 
Their basic chances of success are given below:
Gnome Tinker LevelActionGrade I DeviceGrade II DeviceGrade III DeviceGrade IV DeviceGrade V DeviceGrade VI Device

As tinker gnomes are expected to be NPCs only the rules for inventions are more like guidelines for the DM and are not particularly rigorous. There are established designs that, like standard spells or well-known magic items, can be copied or found as blueprints. Or else the gnome can try to create something completely new but with much longer time and much higher chance of failure. Having said that, many gnomes will happily embark on research projects to invent a new gadget just as a proof of concept or out of curiosity. Some of these will be complete failures, while others are sort of functional but are really not efficient or effective - a gnome might invent an excavating machine that is actually slower than a dwarf with a shovel and pick-axe. Another might invent a cooking machine similar to a microwave oven, but it doesn’t do anything better than a normal wood burning stove (except explode - gnomish devices have a tendency to explode…) . Rarely the gnome manages to craft something that actually works well and is worth the time and effort, and these devices are highly prized. 

Finding components, blueprints and materials to build new devices or maintain existing devices could be a powerful motive to go adventuring. 

Author's Inspiration 

I first encountered tinker gnomes in the Dragonlance Saga, particularly the novel Dragons of Winter Night. These tinker gnomes clearly influenced not just me on what gnomes could be like - PC2 Creature Crucible Top Ballista came out in 1989. And then in 2004 World of Warcraft launched across the internet, and I think the creators of WoW had read the Dragonlance stories of tinker gnomes as well. The engineering skill (that any character in World of Warcraft can learn, not just gnomes) is similar to the magi-tech that I envision. One final influence was the dwarves of Warhammer, with their war machines such as the Ornithopter. Since 2016 they have evolved into the Kharadron Overlords, dwarves clad in armoured suits who fly the skies of the Realms in quasi-mechanical airships. Although their attitude is quite different from gnomes (much more dour and also profit-driven) their aptitude for fantasy machinery is spot on.