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based on original by sixinchnails, source |
This is a small town on the north coast of the Great Bay of Norwold, situated between the dominions of Panteria and Latela. Interestingly it is not ruled as a dominion by some powerful warlord or former adventurer with pretensions of nobility. It is mostly self-governing though with obvious fealty to the King in Alpha.
Barathmir has a population of 660, mostly human but with some hin (halflings) and elves. There are also sometimes visitors including local tribal elves and lupins.
The town economy relies on a combination of fishing, forestry and hunting for meat, fur and leather but is always looking out for new resources to exploit. As the map above shows, the town has a substantial wooden palisade studded with watchtowers, and a decent port complete with harbour wall.
Significant buildings numbered on the map are:
- The Mayor's Residence.
- The Chapel of Law
- Farnath's Forge (local blacksmith)
- The Town Well (principle source of fresh water)
- The Iron Halberd Inn
- The Gatehouses
- The Bay Watchtower
- The Merchant-Traders' Guild
- The Warehouse
History: Barathmir was founded about 60 years ago as a trading outpost and has slowly developed since then. It suffered near-catastrophe several times in its history, including the dread winter of 955AC when half the population died of starvation or cold but the residents could not flee because the bay had frozen. The giant attack of 979AC saw a band of 7 hill giants rampage through the town, killing the then governor and anyone who opposed them, destroying the local barracks and seizing dozens of sheep and cows. Ulquolor the Usurper was a mage exiled from Glantri for various crimes who arrived in 981AC (the townsfolk were still rebuilding from the giant attack) and took over the town as his own private fief for several weeks. Several fishermen escaped across the bay to Alpha and returned with an elderly couple who turned out to be Alphatian mages on a retirement cruise around the Alphatian Empire. One Feeblemind spell later and order was restored.
Diplomacy & Relations: The leaders of Barathmir try to maintain a good relationship with Alpha and will regularly pay taxes but otherwise they try to stay neutral in matters of Thyatis vs Alphatia.
Trade with the local elves ensures some goodwill and communication. Although the elves are unlikely to risk themselves if Barathmir is under attack, they will at least try to warn the town. In return the townsfolk try to be restrained and respectful around lumber and forestry.
Similarly there is a local tribe of Malamute lupins who are usually friendly but do warn the townsfolk about overhunting.
The town is aware that it is between Panteria and Latela, both of which are described in Vaults of Pandius. With Panteria firmly loyal to Alpha and Latela being an outpost of Thyatian subversion and greed, the leaders of Barathmir fear the town may be the focus of a subtle but dangerous power struggle between agents of the great empires.
Defences: As a rugged frontier town, Barathmir has a militia system where every man between 18 and 40 is expected to train with weapons every week. This has produced a pool of 120 1st level fighters, no standard equipment but usually spear, shortbow and maybe leather armour. In addition, the mayor has a professional bodyguard of 20 swordsmen (human F3). Finally there are various NPCs with levels in adventuring classes, including clerics in the Chapel of Law and a maybe a wizard visiting from Alphatia.
Notable residents include:
- Mayor Osquith (human male MU3, neutral, Str 8, Int 14, Wis 7, Dex 12, Con 10, Cha 10) is not a very effective ruler - he seems perpetually out of his depth with almost any significant decision. He relies heavily on those around him. He is the third son of a mage and minor aristocrat in Alpha who basically asked the king to give the job to his rather useless son.
- Captain Gunningham (human female, F5, lawful, Str 14, Int 12, Wis 11, Dex 10, Con 14, Cha 13) is in charge of defence and policing. Although technically subordinate to the mayor, she really has free reign. Fortunately she takes her responsibility seriously and wants to protect the town and keep it safe.
- Mellissa Wazzak (human female, MU4, chaotic, Str 7, Int 16, Wis 13, Dex 10, Con 10, Cha 13) is one of the principle merchants in town and organises a lot of the trade with other settlements along the bay, including Alpha. She is self-serving and greedy. She is also a part-time agent for the rulers in Latela, but only when they pay her enough.
- Sandrina the Surfwatcher (human female, C3, neutral, Str 10, Int 12, Wis 16, Dex 8, Con 13, Cha 10) is a cleric of a neutral Exalted patron of the seas and sailors. She has taken up residence in the Bay Watchtower and has built up a small congregation among the fishermen and caravel sailors.
- Sorsoni the Mysterious (elf male, elf spellsword 5, neutral, Str 8, Int 16, Wis 12, Dex 10, Con 9, Cha 14) is considered the most knowledgeable of the townsfolk. In matters of lore, magic, legend and monsters he is almost a sage.
- Father Rythorn (human male, C4, lawful, Str 10, Int 11, Wis 15, Dex 7, Con 16, Cha 11) is the chief cleric in the Chapel of Law. He sees his two main duties as firstly protecting and helping the community of Barathmir, and secondly detecting and investigating the forces of Chaos that may lurk in the region.
- Ribbari Buttonjacket (halfling male, H3, neutral, Str 9, Int 10, Wis 12, Dex 13, Con 14, Cha 15) is the landlord of the Iron Halberd Inn, the only place in town that offers accommodation to strangers. Ribbari is generally easy-going and friendly, but he does expect payment and can get very angry if he thinks customers are taking his hospitality for free.
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