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Image by David Roberts, source |
This short dungeon is written for an adventuring party of levels 3-5 and is set in the hills north of Cinsa-Men-Noo in northern Ylaruam. Note there are several monsters that are immune to non-magical weapons so any party venturing in here will need at least 1 magic weapon, preferably several.
So what brings adventurers to this temple?
- Local goatherds have actually seen the ruined temple, and mentioned it in taverns near Cinsa-Men-Noo. And everybody knows that those old ruins contain lots of ancient treasure.
- A merchant arriving at Cinsa-Men-Noo has only half his caravan left after being attacked by skeletal raiders. The undead attackers weren't even interested in the goods he was carrying, just killing the people and draft animals. The skeletal raiders stopped and retreated back from the road to the hills in the northwest. Their trail should not be hard to follow.
- A concerned cleric of the Eternal Truth is worried about reports of undead creatures appearing in the hills to the north-west. More specifically he is aware that this could be a pattern. Rumours from goatherds of an ancient temple in the hills is a good starting point. Is there a master plan or common cause behind these undead?
Key to the map
- The Entrance Hall: This is guarded by 10 skeletons & 5 skeleton archers. The two statues next to the entrance are of Umsettu, a cow-headed Nithian goddess, far too peaceful and serene to be a minotaur.
Skeleton: AC 7, Mv 60', HD 1, hp 5 each, THAC0 19, Att 1 weapon for 1d6, Save F1, Ml 12, Align C, XP 10, equipment: hand axe or spear
Skeleton Archer: AC 7, Mv 60', HD 1, hp 5 each, THAC0 19, Att 1 weapon for 1d6 or 1 arrow for 1d6 (range 120'), Save F1, Ml 12, Align C, XP 10, equipment: hand axe, shortbow, quiver + 10 arrows - Empty apart from jars of very old wheat and barley
- 12 skeletal rats, previously giant rats that had been feeding on the offerings of wheat and fruit left in the temple.
Skeletal Rat: AC 7, Mv 90', HD 1/2, hp 2 each, THAC0 20, Att 1 bite for 1d3, Save NM, Ml 12, Align C, XP 5 - Empty though there are murals of Umsettu overseeing shepherds and cattle farmers.
- This room is trapped with blinding gas. Anyone opening the door will break the glass jar with the gas (although a thief inspecting the door has +10% to Find Traps to detect this as it is not well hidden). Unlesss disarmed anyone in 10' of the door must save vs poison or be blinded for 2d4 turns (-4 to hit, -2 penalty to AC) . Furthermore inside there are 5 skeletons that will emerge and attack anyone once the door is opened.
Skeleton: AC 7, Mv 60', HD 1, hp 5 each, THAC0 19, Att 1 weapon for 1d6, Save F1, Ml 12, Align C, XP 10, equipment: hand axe or spear - 2 skeletal centaurs are here with shields and bronze-like swords & spears. They will attack any who open the door. They were former allies of Umsettu now corrupted against her in undeath. They both wield magic weapons of Orichalcum - one has a Spear +1 and the other has a Shortsword +1. These could prove useful against later monsters. Also on the floor is a sack with 1600sp.
Skeletal Centaur: AC 6, Mv 150', HD 4, hp 19, 22, THAC0 16, Att 1 weapon/2 hooves for 1d6+1/1d6/1d6, Save F4, Ml 12, Align C, XP 75, equipment: spear, shortsword shield - The great Fane. This grand chamber is haunted by 3 shadows that lurk in the dimly lit south end. At the north end is the altar of Umsettu with three statues behind it. The central one is Umsettu the cow-headed goddess herself, while to the left is her cohort a goat-headed male figure and to the right a pharonic figure. All three statues are about 10' tall and standing on 2' high plinths, looking imposing, except they have been defaced and vandalized although the area is still lit by magical Continual Light above the altar. On the altar are 2 candelabras of wrought silver worth 150gp each.
Shadow: AC 7, Mv 90', HD 2+2* hp 7, 11, 12, THAC0 17, Att 1 touch for 1d4 + strength drain (1 strength point per hit, lasts 8 turns), immune to charm & sleep, immune to non-magical weapons, surprise opponents on 1-5 on d6, Save F2, Ml 12, Align C, XP 35 each - Passageway
- High Priest's chamber. This room is now occupied by a mummy who is dressed in Nithian priestly regalia. However, those familiar with Nithian religion will note that the mummy's symbols are of Chaos not Umsettu. Rather than a bed, the mummy has a sarcophagus. Next to it is a chest containing its treasure: 240pp, 2200gp and 4 gems (opals) worth 300gp each. The mummy also wears an amulet of silver and turquoise worth 200gp. It is engraved with Nithian Hieroglyphs that say that this person is a lieutenant or henchman of Anashfet. Although Read Languages may be needed to decipher this, it will indicate that this undead infestation is part of a wider movement.
Mummy: AC 3, Mv 60', HD 5+1*, hp 24, THAC0 14, Att 1 fist for 1d12+ disease (Mummy's rot prevents all magical and natural healing until magically cured), Spec Def: Mummies are only vulnerable to fire, spells and magic weapons (+1 or better) and these all do half damage, Save F5, Ml 12, Align C, XP 400. - 3 ghouls are feasting on the carcass of a desert antelope they have dragged in here.
Ghoul: AC 6, Mv 90', HD 2*, Att 2 claws/1 bite for 1d3/1d3/1d3 + paralysis (save or be paralysed for 2d4 turns), Save F2, Ml 12, Align C, XP 25 - Empty
- 2 Bone Warriors: AC 5, Mv 120', HD 3, hp 12, 15, THAC0 17, Att 1 weapon for 1d8+1, Save F3, Ml 12, Align C, XP 35
- Crossbow trap aimed at west door (to the Great Fane). Anyone entering or exiting this way will be shot at by a series of 4 crossbows, each with THAC0 10 and doing 2d4 damage. However, anyone entering from a different direction will not set off the traps. The crossbows are attached to the ceiling pointing down towards the west door but are poorly hidden and any character will spot them if they look around the room.
- Empty
- 6 skeletons are here standing guard.
Skeleton: AC 7, Mv 60', HD 1, hp 5 each, THAC0 19, Att 1 weapon for 1d6, Save F1, Ml 12, Align C, XP 10, equipment: hand axe or spear - The great pool. This room is dominated by a large pool of fresh water and on the north wall there is a sign in ancient hieroglyphs - "Pray to Umsettu before drinking the water!" The good news is that it is safe to drink. The bad news is there is a water elemental inhabiting it, merging with the water. If one or more of the PCs pray out loud to Umsettu the elemental will reveal itself peacefully. If the PCs leave the pool alone the water elemental stays hidden but if they enter the pool or drink from it without praying, the elemental assumes they are intruders and will attack. The elemental can speak a halting form of Common and it is possible to convince it that the PCs are not enemies of Umsettu. The elemental is loyal to Umsettu and hates the undead infestation of her temple - if the PCs show that they are intent on destroying the undead the elemental will let them leave this room in peace. The elemental will leave the pool to chase intruders around the room but will not leave the room (so retreat is an option). Incidentally scattered along the west side of the pool are shattered skulls and bones - the remains of undead that came into conflict with the elemental. In the pool (which is 5' deep) there is a metal box that contains a single ruby worth 1000gp. However, the elemental considers this to be an offering to Umsettu and will react violently if adventurers try to take it.
Water Elemental: AC 2, Mv 60', swim 180', HD 8, hp 30, THAC0 12, Att 1 slam for 1d8 (2d8 if opponent is in water such as the pool), Special Defenses: Immune to non-magical weapons (+1 or better weapons needed to hit), Save F8, Ml 12, Align N, XP 1200 (DM's discretion 600xp instead for dealing with elemental in non-violent manner). - Empty
- 10 skeletons
Skeleton: AC 7, Mv 60', HD 1, hp 5 each, THAC0 19, Att 1 weapon for 1d6, Save F1, Ml 12, Align C, XP 10, equipment: hand axe or spear - Empty
- Temple Guards - 3 Bone Warriors guard a bronze statuette of Umsettu worth 1300gp though it does weigh 120lb/1200cn.
Bone Warrior: AC 5, Mv 120', HD 3, hp 10, 15, 20, THAC0 17, Att 1 weapon for 1d8+1, Save F3, Ml 12, Align C, XP 35
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