Friday, 14 June 2024

Scenario 11: The Snake Cult under Jaboor

Introduction and background

This is a short B/X D&D adventure for a party of characters of about 5th level and is set in eastern Ylaruam. It includes my version of the ancient Serpent People, a race of reptilian humanoids that predates the Nithian Empire. 
As mentioned previously, a snake cult of chaotic persuasion has established itself in the port town of Jaboor on the coast of the Emirates of Ylaruam. Their main lair is deep underground, through a long subterranean passage. The cult consists of a mixture of humans, serpentfolk and more recently troglodytes. In the last five years the cult has recruited useful humans, offering money, authority (at least within the cult) and ancient Nithian magics. But it has also started to kidnap and sacrifice ordinary citizens of Jaboor - this has stirred up fear and anger and the town authorities are now prioritizing the protection of its people and the destruction of this chaotic cult, which is where the PCs come in. 

A few days ago Reverend Tormond, a cleric of the Eternal Truth (Ylaruam's main religion which is lawful in its nature and teachings) was captured in the late evening as he was walking back home in town. Although people did not stop the assailants from carrying him off, they did observe the kidnappers bundling the hapless cleric into a cave in a rocky outcrop to the west of town. These witnesses told the town guard and the captain of the town guard now asks the PCs to help. 

The place where Reverend Tormond was dragged to is a cluster of large boulders, in the middle of which is a tunnel large enough for a human to easily enter. It leads down into the earth beneath Jaboor…

Key to the map: 

  1. The crossroads. This junction is guarded by 3 human guards
  2. 4 human guards + table & 6 chairs. This is the guardroom. 
  3. 2 rattlers. They may emerge to assist the human guards in room 2. Their rattles will affect the human guards as well as the PCs.
  4. 1 human acolyte + 1 serpentfolk
  5. The Storeroom and Kitchen. This room is dominated by boxes of food and barrels of wine. Also includes a kitchen area with a metal stove and a table with kitchen knives, spoons and spatulas. On shelves to the side are various pieces of crockery, such as plates, bowls and mugs.
    On one shelf there is a box containing 4 vials of blue-green liquid labeled "Antivenom". Each of these counts as a potion of Neutralise Poison. Note that it only works if taken after being affected by venom - it cannot work pre-emptively. 
  6. Clerics Quarters. Here are 2 human acolytes, plus four beds, a table and several chests of personal belongings. 
  7. Rattler Leader: AC 6, Mv 120ft, HD 5**, hp 24, THAC0 15, Att 1 bite/1 weapon for 1d6 + poison/1d8+1, Save F5, Ml 10, Align C, XP 425, Equipment: Sword +1, shield
    The rattler leader wields a magic Sword +1 and also has a small chest containing its treasure, 650gp, 34pp and a perfectly formed sapphire worth 1000gp
  8. The bridge over the Obronix. The underground river that flows here is called the Obronix by the serpentfolk. It is guarded by a single rattler on the bridge but underneath in the river lurk 2 large crocodiles. The crocs won’t emerge from the river as the banks are more like a steep wall 3’ down to the water surface but if anyone falls in or tries to wade across, the crocs will attack. 
    Large crocodile: AC 3, Mv 90ft, swim 90ft, HD 6, hp 28, THAC0 14, Att 1 bite for 2d8, Ml 7, Save F3, Align N, XP 275
  9. The passage to the shadowdeep. Where this leads to is up to the DM. If you would rather the PCs do not venture down here then it is caved in and requires considerable excavation to be passable again. 
  10. The Scaly Chapel. This chamber has a high ceiling and the east side has a towering statue of  Apep in the form of a rearing cobra with its hood spread wide. There is also a sacrificial altar and disturbing murals glorifying the Serpentfolks’ brutally violent past. In here are 2 serpentfolk and a human senior cleric, Vornthor. Vornthor the cleric is the leader of the humans here and answers only to the Serpentfolk leader in room #11. 
    Human senior cleric: AC 2, Mv 60ft, HD C5, hp 17, THAC0 17, Att 1 mace or 1 spell, Ml 10, Save C5, Align C, XP 300, Equipment: Banded Armour, Shield +1, Mace +1, unholy symbol, vial of antivenom (see room #5), dark green robes, 126pp. Spells: Cure Light Wounds, Cause Fear, Hold Person, Snake Charm
  11. The Serpentfolk leader’s quarters. Here is a serpentfolk leader and his treasure, a locked chest containing 15000sp, 3300gp and 2 pieces of jewelry worth 600gp (a matching pair of silver filigree wrist guards) and 900gp (a golden goblet with artistic engraving)
    Serpentfolk Leader: AC 6, Mv 90ft, HD 6+6**, hp 36, THAC0 13, Att 1 weapon/1 bite for 1d8+1/1d6 + poison or 1 spell, Ml 10, Save F6, Align C, XP 950, Equipment: sword +1. key to treasure chest.
    Serpentfolk poison: Anyone bitten by a serpentfolk must save vs poison or suffer 2d4 damage per round until the poison is neutralized or the victim dies. Multiple failed saves, i.e. further doses of venom, do not stack on a single target - they still only lose 2d4hp/rnd while the target is poisoned.
    Spells: As 3rd level Magic user, Web, Magic Missile, Detect Magic
  12. Prison cell. This place is locked and holds 4 captive humans, all of whom are unarmoured and unarmed.
    1. Baelnis (human male T2, hp 6, align N) a travelling merchant from the north who was waylaid while trying to do business in Jaboor. He has been captive for several weeks and will help the PCs in order to escape. 
    2. Mad Meltha (human female, NM, hp 3, align N), a homeless person who is quite mad and fearful of everything and everyone. As far as she is concerned everyone else, including her fellow prisoners and the PCs, are part of the evil reptile cult. 
    3. Reverend Tormond  (human male C4, hp 11, align L), a travelling cleric of the Eternal Truth whose abduction sparked the town guard to ask the PCs to investigate. He still has Cure Light Wounds, Light and Bless spells prepared. 
    4. Norbert the Glum (human male F2, hp 10, align C), a former cultist who became disillusioned and tried to escape but was caught. He does not intend to harm the PCs but simply wants to get out alive and will do anything including betraying anyone to protect himself. 
  13. 2 serpentfolk
  14. The Gatorman champion 1 gator man (AC 3, Mv 120'/180' swim, HD 7, hp 35, THAC0 13, Att 1 bite/1 weapon for 3d6/1d10+2, Save F7, Ml 10, Int 7, Al C, XP 450, see Creature Collection for more details).
  15. 1 Serpentfolk + 1 female human mage, Ebridis the Corrupt. This room is the library of the serpentfolk and holds several spellbooks. It also has Ebridis’ bed and belongings. Ebridis is a willing cultist but if the PCs show hesitation in attacking her she will act as if she is a prisoner coerced into helping the serpentfolk with their arcane studies. She will be an unreliable ally, willing to abandon or betray the PCs whenever convenient. 
    Ebridis the Corrupt: AC 8, Mv 120ft, HD MU4, hp 9, THAC0 19, Att 1 dagger for 1d4 or by spell, Save MU4, Ml 7, Align C, XP 125, Equipment: wizards robes, dagger, vial of Antivenom (see room #5), 30gp, prepared spells: Shield, Magic Missile, Mirror Image, Caustic Bolt
    There are 2 large book shelves. Some of the books are saleable (10 of them are worth 2d4 x10gp each) but others are considered chaotic and blasphemous enough that any decent people would rather burn them than allow them to be read. 
    1. Ebridis’ Spellbook (contains the spells Detect Magic, Magic Missile, Read Magic, Shield, Caustic Bolt, Mirror Image, Rope Trick, Wizard Lock). The more unusual spells have been taught to her by the serpentfolk. 
    2. The spellbook of the Serpentfolk leader (contains the spells Detect Magic, Charm Person, Magic Missile, Read Magic, Caustic Bolt, Levitate, Web)
    3. Vornthor’s tract (written by the senior cleric in room #10, it is a religious and philosophical tract explaining why the chaos worship advocated by the serpent people is better than the Eternal Truth (the official religion of the rest of Ylaruam)). 
    4. Song of the Ancient Serpents: A rather biased history text written by and about the serpent folk from their origins before the Great Rain of Fire through their domination of what is now Ylaruam and their part in the downfall of the Nithian empire, and then their current state, lurking underneath Ylaruam. 
    5. Melpion's Cooking Recipes: This book has had the inside of the pages cut out to form a secret compartment. Inside is Ebridis' treasure, 4 beryl gems worth 300gp each and 1 small diamond worth 500gp. 
  16. Empty apart from racks of weapons and armour, including 5 suits of human-sized chain mail, 10 shortbows and 60 arrows, 10 shields, 3 maces and 12 normal swords. 
  17. The Meeting Chamber. This is where the serpentfolk discuss matters with the troglodytes in a relatively civilized way. The troglodytes are currently allies of the serpentfolk but not true believers. At the moment this room is empty. 
  18. The Troglodyte breeding chamber: 4 troglodytes (all female) and 4 clusters of eggs containing troglodyte embryos. 
  19. 2 troglodytes + 2 giant geckos (AC 5, Move 120ft/Climb 120ft, HD 3+1, hp 13, 15, THAC0 16, Att 1 bite for 1d8, Save F2, Ml 7, Align N, XP 50) 
  20. Troglodyte leader + 3 troglodytes + treasure in a series of earthenware pots and jars. The troglodytes' treasure is 3200sp, 1400gp and 5 gems worth 100gp each. All 4 will investigate any bell-ringing in area 22. 
    Troglodyte leader: AC 5, Move 120ft, HD 4*, hp 16, THAC0 16, Att 2 claws/1 bite for 1d4/1d4/1d4+1, Save F4, Ml 10, Align C, XP 125
  21. 4 troglodytes around a camp fire with a roasting pig on it. Two of the troglodytes will be close to the camp fire and clearly visible but the other two will lurk in the shadows and try to use their camouflage. All 4 will investigate any bell-ringing in area 22.
  22. 2 troglodytes + 3 giant toads on guard, with a metal bell on hand to alert others of the tribe. 
    Giant toad: AC 7, HD 2+2 (9 hp each), Mv 90ft, Swim 90ft, THAC0 17, Att 1 bite for 1d4+1, Save F1, Ml 6, Align N, XP 25 each. Camouflage:giant toads will surprise opponents on 1-3 on d6. Sticky tongue: A giant toad can shoot its tongue out to 15ft and drag dwarf-sized or smaller creatures into its mouth. Swallow whole: on a hit roll of 20 a giant toad may swallow a dwarf-sized or smaller opponent whole, the opponent taking 1d6 damage per round until dead or freed.
  23. 1 Hydra. This large creature is generally found on the shore of the Obronix river. It can enter the troglodyte lair but the narrow tunnels of the serpentfolk and humans  are too small for it to fit. The hydra has decided that troglodytes are not good to eat (their stench is quite offputting for even hungry predators) and will let them pass, while serpentfolk can somehow calm it down enough that it will not attack them. Human cultists and any adventurers are fair game.  On the western bank are three barrels containing treasure that it has accumulated: 8800sp, 1200gp and 620pp.
    6-Headed Hydra: AC 5, HD 6, hp 31, Mv 120', THAC0 14, Att 6 bites for 1d10 each, Save F6, Ml 9, Align N, XP 275, For every 8 points of damage the hydra takes, 1 head is destroyed and will no longer attack.
Commonly used stat blocks:
Human Acolyte: (3rd level cleric): AC 4, Mv 90ft, HD C3, hp 11, THAC0 19, Att 1 mace for 1d6, Ml 9, Save C3, Align C, XP 50, Equipment: Chain mail, Shield, Sword, dark green robes, unholy symbol, 2d6gp/7gp
Clerical spells: Cast as 3rd level cleric, typically Cure Light Wounds (used on self or allies) and Light

Human guard (3rd level fighter): AC 4, Mv 90ft, HD F3, hp 15, THAC0 17, Att 1 sword for 1d8,  Ml 9, Save F3, Align C, XP 35, Equipment: Chain mail, Shield, Sword, dark green robes, 2d6gp/7gp each

Rattler: AC 7, Mv 120ft, HD 3**, hp 13, THAC0 17, Att 1 weapon/1 bite for 1d6/1d6 + poison, Ml 9, Save F3, Align C, XP 65
Rattler poison: Anyone hit by a rattler's bite must save vs poison or lose 1d6hp per round over 2d4 rounds. This may be removed by Neutralise Poison or delayed by a Slow Poison spell. Multiple failed saves, i.e. further doses of venom, do not stack on a single target - they still only lose 1d6hp/rnd while the target is poisoned.
Rattler rattle: Anyone within 30ft hearing the rattle must make a save vs paralyzation. Those who fail and have 2HD/2 levels or less are paralyzed with fear for 1d6 rounds. Those with more than 2 HD or levels and fail suffer -2 to hit and saves for 1d6 rounds. A target can only be affected by any rattler's tail once per day. Anything immune to mind-affecting spells is also immune to the rattle.
Serpentfolk: AC 6, Mv 90ft, HD 4+4**, hp 22, THAC0 15, Att 1 weapon/1 bite for 1d8/1d6 + poison or by spell, Save F4, Ml 10, Align C, XP 200, equipment: scimitar
Serpentfolk poison: Anyone bitten by a serpentfolk must save vs poison or suffer 2d4 damage per round until the poison is neutralized or the victim dies. Multiple failed saves, i.e. further doses of venom, do not stack on a single target - they still only lose 2d4hp/rnd while the target is poisoned.
Spells: As 2nd level Magic user, typically Charm Person, Magic Missile

Troglodyte: AC 5, Mv 120ft, HD 2*, hp 9, THAC0 18, Att 2 claws/1 bite for 1d4/1d4/1d4, special atttack: stench, Ml 9, Save F2, Align C, XP 30
Troglodyte stench: Troglodytes can release a stench at will which requires opponents within 10ft to save vs poison or suffer -2 to hit while in melee with the troglodyte until the end of the encounter
Troglodyte camouflage:  Troglodytes have chameleon-like camouflage and can surprise opponents on 1-4 on d6

Beyond this scenario

There are four exits on the edges of this map. One of them leads back to the surface and the town of Jaboor. Further adventures here are quite possible, as the Serpent cult was not the only problem the town was facing. 

To the north and south there is the river Obronix, which is part of the subterranean water system running underneath Ylaruam. Downstream (southwards) it connects to the river Nithia, which was the main artery of the Nithian civilization before it was diverted underground and the Nithian culture that depended on it collapsed. What might be found along this stygian waterway is up to the DM but I would suggest many underground races such as goblins and kobolds may be found as well as more serpent folk, the rare and alien fishfolk and maybe some degenerate remnants of the Nithian race who followed the river down into the earth after it was magically diverted. If the DM really does not want the PCs to travel this way then the river could flow through narrow gaps where there is no air above and the top of the water meets solid rock for long stretches. Or maybe there are waterfalls that are impassable. 

Finally to the west there is a tunnel leading to what is often referred to as the Shadowdeep. Although maybe not as extensive or infamous as the underdark of the Forgotten Realms, nonetheless Mystara has its own network of caves, passages and great chambers deep underground where strange things that never see the light of day may be found. As has been said, if the DM does not want PCs travelling further this way then the tunnel has caved in, rendering it impassable. 

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