Friday 7 June 2024

Humanoid Warriors and Shamans

Here I present tribal warriors and shamans of goblins, orcs, kobolds and hobgoblins as NPC classes. This is really an expansion of the goblin warrior and goblin shaman classes I put together way back near the beginning of this blog. Here the shamans of different races all share the same titles and spell progression and the warriors gain the same special abilities - in a way this is moving away from the classic D&D trope of Class as Race and making the class more independent from the race. But not entirely. Each race will have its own THAC0 and Hit dice progression for the two classes. Note that 1st level warriors for each race should be effectively the same as the stat blocks given in the monster description in the basic rules. I have stuck to this with their typical weapons and armour for each race below. However, variations in equipment is certainly possible, especially for tougher more experienced individuals who may have looted better gear. 

Apologies if this all seems rather dry, crunchy and flavourless but I felt it important to lay down the game rules first then world-building flavour and fluff can be added later. 

I am also aware that I am not including gnolls, bugbears and trolls, or other humanoid creatures such as lizardfolk, centaurs and troglodytes. Instead I have stuck to creatures that are roughly comparable to PC races (humans, halflings & dwarves) in terms of size, strength and body shape. For these other races I will probably give them additional monster stat blocks as I have done with ogres, minotaurs, nagpas and araneas.  I personally feel that although orcs, goblins, kobolds and hobgoblins can be treated as NPCs, other races are best treated as monsters.  


LevelTitleSpec Abilities
1WarriorAs basic monster stats
2Veteran WarriorSet Spear vs charge
3SubchiefJunior Commander
4ChiefInspire Courage
5Chieftain2-weapon Fighting
6Senior CommanderMiddle Commander
7Senior CommanderMonstrous Mount
8Tribal CommanderInspire Zeal
9Tribal CommanderSenior Commander
10WarlordTwo-weapon mastery

All humanoid warriors can use whatever weapons and armour are available to them within racial limitations. 
Warriors make saving throws as fighters of the same level. 
As they progress and become more powerful they gain certain abilities. These include: 
  • Set Spear versus Charge is the same as for human fighters. 
  • Junior Commander - a warrior of level 3 or higher can reliably command up to 5 1st level warriors or ordinary humanoids (of the same race) per level of the commander.
  • Inspire Courage - Allies within 30' get +2 to morale checks and saves vs fear.
  • 2-weapon Fighting - The warrior can use 2 one-handed weapons, at -2 to hit penalty for both. 
  • Middle Commander -  The warrior can reliably command 1 junior commander per level. 
  • Monstrous Mount - The warrior can tame and ride a monster larger than himself, which must have HD equal to or lower than the warrrior and be suitable for riding. 
  • Inspire Zeal - Allies within 30' get +2 to hit and damage and +4 to morale and saves vs fear, usable 1 encounter per day. 
  • Senior Commander - reliably command 1 middle commander per two levels. 
  • Two-Weapon Mastery - As per two-weapon fighting, but the warrior suffers no penalty to hit. 


Spells prepared
LevelTitle1st level2nd level3rd level4th level5th level
4Minor Shaman21
5Minor Shaman22
8Senior Shaman3221
9Senior Shaman3322
10Great Shaman33321

Shamans at 2nd level or above can cast spells from the Cleric spell list and, if available to the DM, druid spells. They can cast reversed and chaotic versions of spells without problem. At 1st level they are still proving their worthiness to be granted such power.
Shamans may not use banded armour, plate mail or other heavy armour. They can still use shields and leather, chain mail and scale mail armour. 
Shamans make saving throws as clerics of the same level. 
Shamans cannot use two-handed weapons except for staffs. 


Goblin ShamanGoblin Warrior
LevelHit DiceTHAC0Hit DiceTHAC0
  • Goblins suffer -1 to hit in sunlight
  • Goblins have 60ft infravision
  • Goblins have a base movement of 60ft/round
  • Goblins are restricted to the same weapons as dwarves, and are too short to wield two-handed swords, polearms and longbows. They can wear dwarf-sized armour.
  • 1st level goblin warriors usually have leather armour, shields and either spears or hand-axes (AC 6, 1d6 damage) as per their stat block in the monster section of the rules.
  • A goblin at 2nd level or above (warrior or shaman) may use a dire wolf as a mount. If the AD&D stats for worgs are available then the goblin may ride a worg instead. 
  • Goblins, like dwarves, are skilled miners and can detect unusual stonework as a dwarf. 


Hobgoblin ShamanHobgoblin Warrior
LevelHit DiceTHAC0Hit DiceTHAC0
  • Hobgoblins have 60ft infravision
  • Hobgoblins can wield any weapon that a human can and can wear human-sized armour.
  • 1st level hobgoblin warriors usually have leather armour, shields and normal swords (AC 6, 1d8 damage) as per their stat block in the monster section of the rules.
  • Hobgoblins have a base movement of 90ft/round


Orc ShamanOrc Warrior
LevelHit DiceTHAC0Hit DiceTHAC0
  • Orcs suffer -1 to hit when in sunlight
  • Orcs have 60ft infravision
  • Orcs have a base movement of 90ft/round
  • Orcs can use any weapons that humans can use and can wear human-sized armour
  • 1st level orc warriors usually have leather armour, shields and either spears or hand-axes (AC 6, 1d6 damage) as per their stat block in the monster section of the rules.
  • An orc warrior of 2nd level or higher gains +1 to damage rolls
  • An orc shaman of level 2 or higher can speak the language of either ogres or trolls


Kobold ShamanKobold Warrior
LevelHit DiceTHAC0Hit DiceTHAC0
  • Kobolds are small and are restricted to the same weapons as halflings, and cannot wield two-handed swords, polearms, longbows or other large weapons. They can wear halfling-sized armour.
  • 1st level kobold warriors usually have leather armour and either very small spears or daggers (AC 7, 1d4 damage) as per their stat block in the monster section of the rules.
  • Kobolds have 90ft infravision
  • Kobolds have a base movement of 60ft/round
  • Kobolds are skilled miners and can sense unusual stonework as dwarves can. 
  • Kobold sorcerers - a small proportion of kobold shamans (perhaps 1 in 10) learn magic-user spells instead of clerical spells. These kobold sorcerers do not wear any armour at all. 

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