Introduction & Background
This is a short adventure for a party of adventurers of levels 2-3, using the B/X D&D rules. Although nominally set in Karameikos, perhaps near Castellan Keep, this could be set anywhere there are dwarven mines, including Rockhome, near Selenica in Darokin or even in Norwold.Balannir Hammerhand, a dwarf mine-owner is looking for help. His main business asset, a copper mine, has been overrun by undead, and many of his employees have been slain. He has asked that adventurers assist in reclaiming the mine. Balannir is willing to pay the party 1000gp to destroy the undead.
What Balannir does not know is that his miners have accidentally tunnelled into the tomb of a particularly nasty orc shaman, who was protected by a tomb guard of undead orcs. These undead are inimicable to all intelligent life, and have slain or chased away the dwarves though a few are still trapped alive in the mine. Rescuing surviving dwarves will give the PCs 50xp per dwarf.
Key to the map
1) 6 skeletons, formerly orcs, standing over the body of a slain dwarf. The skeletons will attack on sight.
2) 2 dwarf miners who are terrified. They will be grateful for being rescued though they cannot offer much in return.
3) A minecart is here, partly filled with copper ore. Lurking behind the cart is a giant crab spider that will rush out and attack if the cart is disturbed.
Giant Crab Spider: AC 7, Mv 120ft, HD 2*, hp 9, THAC0 18, Att 1 bite for 1d8 + poison, Save as F1, Ml 7, Align N, XP 25
The poison of a crab spider requires the victim to save vs poison at +2 or die in 1d4 turns.
4) The Grand Chamber. This large circular chamber has a 20’ high ceiling and various exiting tunnels. Guarding it are 6 skeletons (former orcs) and 2 gnoll zombies. There are 3 minecarts here, two are empty but one is full of copper ore.
5) This chamber has evidence of recent mining, including copper ore on the ground and abandoned picks. There is also a slain dwarf on the floor.
6) 2 zombie gnolls standing over a slain dwarf.
7) 12 giant rats have made their nest here under an upturned minecart. They will squeek loudly at intruders and if anyone approaches within 20ft of the minecart the rats will rush out and attack. Behind the minecart is the (inanimate) skeleton of a dwarf. It still has 3 pieces of clear quartz, each worth 50gp.
Giant Rat: AC 7, Mv 120ft, HD 1/2, hp 2, THAC0 20, Att 1 bite for 1d3 + disease, Save as F1, Ml 8, Align C, XP 7. Anyone bitten by a giant rat has a 1 in 20 chance of needing to make a save vs poison or else contract a nasty disease.
8) Foreman’s post. This chamber has a table, chair and chest as well as a lantern that still has a Continual Light spell cast on it (a gift from a mage). A drawer in the table has 25gp in it, while the chest just has written documents including financial records.
9) Cowering in here is a surviving dwarf miner.
10) 4 skeletons (former orcs) and 2 dead dwarves
11) 3 giant bats hang from the ceiling here. They are irritable and will attack if disturbed. On the ground here is a dead dwarf still clasping a sack of 320gp (the dwarf miners’ wages from the Foremans’ post #8 - this dwarf tried to steal the payroll when the mine descended into chaos but was chased and killed here).
Giant Bat: AC 6, Mv crawl 30ft/fly 180ft, HD 2, hp 10, 8, 7, THAC0 18, Att 1 bite for 1d4, Save as F1, Ml 8, Align N, XP 20
12) 4 dead dwarves, 3 skeletons (former orcs) and 1 zombie gnoll. In the middle of this chamber is a wooden pillar. Any dwarf or engineer will understand it is holding up the central part of the ceiling. It has an effective AC 6 hp 4. If it is destroyed then there will be a partial collapse of the ceiling, causing 2d6 damage from falling rocks to anyone failing a save vs wands. Clever PCs might use this to their advantage to damage the undead.
13) The breach. Here are 2 dead dwarves and 2 zombie gnolls standing guard.
14) The ante chamber: Filled with noxious gas. Any living thing entering must save vs poison or be incapacitated for 1d6 rounds (unable to fight or concentrate enough for spellcasting, and movement is at half speed). A new save is required every turn the PCs spend in this ante chamber. The gas is similar to tear gas, causing gagging, vomiting, running eyes and nose and serious disorientation.
15) The Shaman’s tomb. The orc shaman has now become a wight with clerical spells and he still has 3 skeletons as a personal guard. In a series of earthenware bowls there is the shaman's treasure: 4500sp, 400gp and 2 beryl gems worth 100gp each as well as 2 scrolls: one holds 3 clerical spells: Cure Light Wounds, Purify Food & Drink and Detect Chaos. The other one is a Scroll of Protection from Elementals.
Shaman Wight: AC 5, Move 90ft, HD 3**, hp 20, THAC0 17, Att 1 touch or 1 spell, Damage: Energy drain or as spell. Save as C3. ML 12, Align C, XP 65
Spells prepared: Hold Person, Cause Light Wounds, Darkness
Wights are immune to normal weapons (silver or magic weapons or spells needed to hit). Their hit will drain 1 level from the target. As undead, wights are immune to sleep, charm and other mind-affecting spells as well as diseases and poison.
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Commonly used creature stats:
Dwarf Miner: AC 7, Mv 60ft, HD 1, hp 5, THAC0 19, Att 1 improvised weapon for 1d4, Save as Dw1, Ml 6, Align L, XP 50 if rescued, equipment: leather overalls, shovel or pick-axe.
Note that dwarves have 60ft infravision and have a chance to detect unusual stonework.
Skeleton: AC 7, Mv 60ft, HD 1, hp 5, THAC0 19, Att 1 weapon for 1d6, Save as F1, Ml 12, Align C, XP 10
As undead skeletons are immune to sleep, charm and other mind-affecting spells as well as diseases and poison.
Zombie Gnoll: AC 7, Mv 60ft, HD 3, hp 15, THAC0 17, Att 1 weapon for 1d8+1, Save as F2, Ml 12, Align C, XP 35
Zombie gnolls always lose initiative. As undead, zombie gnolls are immune to sleep, charm and other mind-affecting spells as well as diseases and poison.
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