Friday, 30 August 2024

Arvorian Titles, Cults, Inspiration and Horror


Art by Wayne Reynolds, source
This is an addendum to the initial post detailing the Arvorians, both as a culture and as a pair of B/X D&D classes (albeit NPCs, not balanced or expected to be used by players)

Titles of the Arvorian Classes. 

The actual details of the Arvorian classes are given in the main post on Arvorians. However, at the time I omitted to give Eldritch Crusaders (Arvorian Fighter/Clerics) and Arcane Knights (Arvorian Fighter/Magic Users). Here this is rectified. These titles are fairly general like those for human and demihuman classes - those with particular roles or specialisations may be known as something else, such as a human 4th level fighter might be referred to by other NPCs as a Hero (i.e. a fighter of some experience) or as a veteran sergeant major in the town guard (his job description and how those who meet him would deal with him). Although these titles assume the Arvorian is male, feel free to adjust them to fit female Arvorians. 


Eldritch Crusader

Arcane Knight








Junior Priest

Junior Sword-Seer


Junior Priest



War Priest



War Priest






















Wizard Lord



Wizard Lord



Wizard Lord



Wizard Lord



Wizard Lord



Wizard Lord


High Priest of the Scions

Wizard Lord


High Priest of the Scions

Archmage Lord


Patriarch of the Scions

Archmage Lord


Patriarch of the Scions

Archmage Lord


Patriarch of the Scions

Archmage Lord


Patriarch of the Scions

Archmage Lord


Patriarch of the Great Old Ones

Magister Lord

Eldritch Crusader Cults

Eldritch Crusaders require some patron or higher power to grant them clerical spells, and therefore will worship something supernatural, and usually very chaotic. Some Eldritch Crusaders follow Chaos itself, as the cosmic force that constantly battles against the force of Law for control of the Multiverse. However, other Arvorians follow the Scions of the Outer Dark, strange alien beings of Chaos that are the intermediaries between mortals such as Arvorians and Humans, and the Great Old Ones, primal entities of Chaos of incomprehensible age and power. These Scions can communicate with and recruit mortals, and grant them clerical powers, using them as footsoldiers in the armies of Chaos. As noted before the most infamous Scions are:

  • E’hillit: The cultists of E’hillit are always at least a little unhinged, and occasionally totally insane. Yet their mad patron is happy to keep them going, causing havoc and truly unpredictable chaos wherever they are. They get +2 to all mind-affecting spells and abilities, and are immune to incapacitating insanity - if the cultist is affected by something that would drive other creatures completely insane, the cultist does not like what’s going on in their head but still carries on regardless.   
  • Vergillos: Although more popular among Arcane Knights, there are some Eldritch Crusaders who follow Vergillos. Such worshippers generally focus on this scion’s interest in knowledge and secrets rather than arcane magic. 
  • Tallassia: Eldritch Crusaders who follow Tallassia are consumate masters of necromancy and undeath. Even low level Eldritch Crusaders of Tallassia have a chance to command undead instead of turning or destroying them. 
  • Skeereett: Followers of Skeereett are immune to diseases. Their personal and household hygiene often leaves a lot to be desired, and other Arvorians claim they can smell priests of Skeereett approaching. 
  • Belthag’uur: His followers focus on battle and bloodshed. His Eldritch Crusaders always choose spells that maximise their combat effectiveness. 
  • Mohosskith cultists tend to use magic to compensate for Arvorians’ lack of actual thief skills and natural stealth. 
  • Chaos Undivided: A sort of catch-all for those Arvorians who do not focus on any Scion of the Outer Dark.They don’t gain any particular special abilities and are probably not a very organised or united group (they are chaotic after all). But they are also far less bothered about finding eldritch crystals and releasing the scions from their planar prisons. They are also more likely to find allies among other races that have cults of Chaos.
  • The Uncaring: These are Arvorians who are nominally Eldritch Crusaders but who do not worship any power that might grant them spells. As such they do not cast any spells and function as fighters (albeit with on average fewer hit points and slightly worse THAC0s than their human counterparts). They are considered foolish and refusing to live up to their potential by other eldritch crusaders who do receive spells from their patron powers. 

Companies of Arcane Knights

Arcane Knights will often organise themselves into companies - unlike other military forces there is no set size, and an Arvorian company can range from a dozen individuals to up to a thousand. Companies tend to focus on tactics, equipment and selected spells rather than philosophy or politics. One company may focus on being heavy infantry with Shield spells, while another may focus on herding orcs and other humanoids towards the enemy using Charm Person. A company might restrict membership to those who can cast specific spells that are integral to their fighting style such as a counter-magic company that only allows membership to those who can cast Dispel Magic. 

Looking at other editions of D&D (particularly 3E & 5E) there are classes that are primarily melee but can cast spells as well - Paladins, rangers, hexblades and the like can all provide ideas for how arcane knights might operate.   Low level Arcane Knights have only one or two 1st level or mage spells. What if these spells were specific to Arvorians, not just Magic Missiles or Charm Person but giving the Arvorian a battlefield role? Spells that were actually created for multiclassed casters? 

  • A spell that improves archery? 
  • A spell that improves stealth?
  • A spell that improves survivability? 
  • A spell that improves agility?

I intend to develop these ideas in a later blog post. 

Part of me wants to go crazy with ideas for each company. A company of blind arvorians who fight like Daredevil, using excellent hearing and touch to compensate? A company of vampiric blooddrinkers? Elementalist arcane knights who use fire, ice, earth and lightning alongside cold steel?  This would take Arvorians, or at least these Arvorians, far away from the initial concept in my main Arvorian post where they were almost but not quite a pair of playable classes. 

Inspiration for the Arvorians and where to draw the line with Horror

Although Arvorians are my own creation, they are very much drawn from a combination of different sources. 
  • The biggest one is the Melniboneans of Michael Moorcock’s Elric novels, although it was only Elric himself who was albino. Some of the pictures I have borrowed to illustrate Arvorians were of Elric of Melnibone. The Melniboneans are ancient, decadent, a small but powerful civilization and worship the forces of Chaos. They are skilled in both close combat and in sorcery. What’s not to love?
  • The next big inspiration are the drow of AD&D, starting with Gary Gygax’s Descent into the Descent of the Earth and then the Vault of the Drow. In the Forgotten Realms RA Salvatore took Gygax’s Drow and really fleshed them out (I definitely enjoyed the Homeland trilogy, the first novel being set inside the drow city of Menzoberranzen). Again, like the Melniboneans they are very intelligent, very decadent and, more than the Melniboneans, capable of terrible wickedness. The fact that they are skilled warriors, wizards and demon-worshipping clerics just adds to their appeal. 
  • Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40,000 have Dark Elves and Dark Eldar respectively. The same traits from the first two are there as well: decadence, wickedness, civilization of sorts, intelligence and a tendency towards Chaos. Sorcery and martial skill are seen on the battlefield and within their culture. The Druchii can field specialist troops such as witch cultists, assassins and corsairs, all of whom could have Arvorian equivalents. 

I have not gone into great detail about their decadence and evil. I like the idea that this blog is rated PG-13 - after all I first got into this hobby when I was 10 years old. Only rarely will I go into unpleasant and graphic details. This means something of a balancing act.  Back when I first started to blog about Norwold and the Arvorians, I mentioned that if the Blackmoor civilization was D&D meets Star Trek, then the Arvorians and Norwold is D&D meets Call of Cthulhu. Call of Cthulhu is not just weird and spooky - it sometimes goes into outright horror, particularly the original literature from H.P. Lovecraft, August Derleth and others who contributed to the Mythos. The Scions of the Outer Dark, who themselves are servants and offspring of things even greater and more terrible, are loosely based on the Great Old Ones of the Cthulhu Mythos (with some Melnibonean and Warhammer Chaos thrown in).  There is some really dark stuff going on in those books.

I have also been listening to some Youtube videos about both Dark Eldar and Slaanesh (the Warhammer chaotic god of sensation and excess). Some of them can get pretty disturbing, and yet it is also inspirational for truly evil opponents such as the Arvorians. The Drow (the dark elves of AD&D) are by necessity toned down a bit from what they could be (neither TSR nor WotC wish(ed) to scare parents away from buying products for their children) but in both the Gygax modules and also Salvatore novels there are aspects of the drow that verge into real horror. For all three of these inspirations for the Arvorians human sacrifice, demon worship, dark magic including necromancy, sexual perversion, drug use, torture and gladiatorial death matches for others’ entertainment are all par for the course .  

One minor consideration is that Arvorian society has survived for several thousand years, since before the cataclysm that engulfed Blackmoor. Whatever happens within Arvorian society, it cannot be so disruptive and threatening as to pull Arvorian society apart. After all, Arvorians are selfish and have a distinct sense of self-preservation. Although they might not have compassion or even much empathy for each other, if one Arvorian is killing a lot of his fellows, the other Arvorians will act to make sure they are not going to be the next victim. A lot of the senior Arvorians have reached their position not just by being evil bastards, but by being pragmatic evil bastards who have the support of fellow evil bastards. Thus the worst of the Arvorians’ malevolence is directed at those where vengeance and retaliation is unlikely and those that Arvorian society as a whole will not miss - lesser races such as elves, humans and orcs, and those Arvorians who have displeased those in power. Arvorians tend not to attack each other without reason - when violence among Arvorians does happen it is similar to human society with greed, ambition, lust and anger playing a role. There is also a certain unity among Arvorians and although it is not very intense it does mean that Arvorians will support each other when confronting outsiders such as human and demihuman adventurers. 

I think I will stay relatively conservative in my writings here and try to keep this PG-13. But that does not mean these repulsive things do not happen among the Arvorians, merely that they are not openly described here - the worst stuff happens behind the scenes, away from the eyes of PCs though they may find evidence or hear stories of these abominations. If DMs and their players are comfortable with mature subjects, horror and the like, then go for it. After all, if you want to fight bad guys, why not make them the worst bad guys imaginable?  

Art by Santiago Betancur, Source

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

Logos Location #9: Iseldek's Drop part 1

Cartography by Dyson Logos, source

Introduction and Background

Thanks to Dyson Logos' generosity, he has made a large number of his high quality maps available for use. I have decided (with his approval) to incorporate these into locations within Mystara. 

Iseldek's Drop part 1 is the first part of an adventure for B/X D&D for a party of adventurers of levels 3-7, set in Norwold

Iseldek's Drop is a dungeon based around a vertical shaft that seemingly plummets endlessly into the bowels of Mystara. The shaft was formed many thousands of years ago during the Great Rain of Fire that ended the Blackmoor civilization. An arcane device created by the Arvorians and utilizing many eldritch crystals that had been placed high up above the atmosphere of Mystara and held up by powerful levitation magic then fell back down as a result of the disaster, piercing the earth in what is now Iseldek's Drop. Small fragments of eldritch crystals can still be found embedded in the walls of the shaft, and the Arvorians are keen to salvage as many as they can. They believe that when they reach the bottom of the shaft there will be a massive lode of eldritch crystals from the crashed device. Iseldek was the arvorian overseer who discovered the shaft, and organised the initial salvage process. Iseldek himself died as a result of falling down the shaft - his body is yet to be recovered. Some say he tried to levitate down to the bottom but his spell failed; others say a rival Arvorian pushed him. Either way the site was named after him - Iseldek's drop. 

Iseldek's Drop is a multilevel dungeon  but each level is quite small and compact. The top four levels presented here are suited for a party of average level 3. Each level is of course centred around the shaft which has strange properties - magic that enables flying or levitation does not work within the shaft itself. This could be connected to why the device that was hovering so high up suddenly fell back to the ground. Therefore the Arvorians and their servants and allies either use the excavated stairs or use ropes to abseil or climb up and down the shaft. Generally speaking the Arvorians prefer to use stairs, and only use ropes to haul up or lower things of little value (such as orc and kobold workers). If the rope snaps then whatever the rope was holding onto is gone. From floor to floor each level is about 30ft below the previous level, as can be seen by looking down the shaft. 

So what brings the PCs to Iseldek's Drop? This could be part of a campaign against the Arvorians and investigating the eldritch crystals, starting with The Glowing Gemstone for 1st level characters, then moving on to the Ruined Arvorian Outpost for 2nd level characters. This adventure could segue on from that, and the human trapper Berresford who the PCs may rescue from the outpost could point them in this direction.  

Level 1 Key

1) The Entranceway: This wide passage opens out onto the rolling forested hills . The entranceway is always guarded by 4 orcs + 1 orc veteran (2nd level warrior). Furthermore there will be orc crossbowers in the arrow slits in rooms 2 and 6 (one crossbower each)

2) The Dorm. This room has a number of rough wooden bunks along the south wall and a set of shelves along the east wall. In here are 3 orcs and 2 orc crossbowers. Only one crossbower at a time can fire through the port into the entranceway (#1). 

3) 2 Arvorian Adepts + 4 orcs. Arvorian adepts are 2nd level eldritch crusaders (figher/clerics). There are two racks that hold basic weapons (orcish spears, hand axes and javelins). The arvorians are sending the orcs out on patrol.  

4) Orc Trophy room. This place is a short passageway but there is an alcove in the south wall with a ledge that now holds the severed heads of various enemies and victims slain by the orcs. 

5) 2 orcs + 1 orc subchief. This room also contains barrels and boxes of food and drink stores. The subchief has hidden the orcs treasure at the bottom of a barrel of beets, potatoes and turnips. If the vegetables are removed then at the bottom the PCs will find 2300sp, 110gp and a small amethyst worth 50gp

6) 3 orc crossbowers and 1 veteran orc crossbower are manning the firing port into the entranceway, although only one orc at a time can fire from the port. In the south wall there is a curtained off alcove that is home to an Arvorian Apprentice (a 2nd level Arvorian arcane knight called Paranna) who oversees who the orcs allow into the site. She will emerge from behind the curtain and join in the fight. In her alcove is a bottle of mead and a statuette of an Arvorian warrior carved in mammoth ivory worth 400gp (18" tall and weighing 20lb)

7) The top of the drop. This circular chamber is dominated by the top of the shaft. There is no ceiling above the shaft here - it is open to the sky. Around the rim are various buckets, coils of rope and what would pass as a safety harness for an orc - a leather belt with a metal ring for passing rope through. The stairs down are just off this room. The stairs to the west (left) lead down to area 10 and the stairs to the east (right) lead down to area 8

Level 2

Note that areas 8 & 9 do not connect to the other rooms by any passage on this level - they can only be accessed by the stairs up to area 7 or by braving the shaft. 

8) These two alcoves have a bookshelf, a table and a chair each and are considered quiet study areas for Arvorians. There is an Arvorian Apprentice (2nd level Arcane Knight) here studying, called Zephod. He will react angrily to amy interuptions especially by unauthorised intruders. The bookshelves have 24 books in total, each book is worth 20gp. The subject of each book is up to the DM but they are neither magical (no mages' spellbooks) nor particularly informative about this dungeon. 

9) Level 2 balcony for the shaft. There is no safety rail here so those peering over the edge had better watch their footing. In the south is a small alcove with an alabaster statue of Iseldek who discovered this shaft. The statue is 3ft high and weighs 180lb/1800 coins but will sell for 200gp if undamaged. To either side are small bookshelves, holding 12 books total worth 20gp each. 

10) This room has iron bars across it like a jail cell, and there is an iron door that is usually locked. Considering this is the only easy way down, the PCs will need to deal with this barrier. If they make a noise then an orc subchief who acts as gatekeeper appears from area 10a and demands an explanation. If the PCs kill him from a distance before he can reach the bars then retrieving the key from his body may be problematic.
There is also a crude wooden orcish idol just on the other side of the bars about 4ft tall. If the head is pressed or twisted then a Magic Mouth spell is activated outside room 11.

10a) This curtained off section is the home of the gatekeeper, the orc subchief mentioned above. He holds the key to unlock the door that allows passage through the wall of iron bars. 

11) The passage approaching this room has stairs leading up. Immediately outside the door here there is a magic mouth spell prepared by a clever Arvorian. If humans walk within 10ft of this then it will start shouting in Orcish language "Intruders immediately outside!". If the orcish idol in room 10 has been pressed the Magic Mouth will shout out in orcish "Intruders at the Iron Gate!". This place is pretty squalid and has 6 orcs and an orc veteran living here. They will attack any intruders and they can also here any announcement from the Magic Mouth spell and will respond accordingly. 

11a) This secret door opens to reveal a small shaft dropping down to the next level. There is a ladder firmly in place that leads to area. The orcs know of the secret passage down and may either tell PCs in exchange for their lives or maybe try to use it themselves if they are not in combat with the PCs. 

12) This room is currently unoccupied but against the west wall there are several bookshelves with documents and records about the running of this site by the Arvorians. 

13) This room is occupied by a dire wolf. It has been trained to leave Arvorians and orcs alone but will attack other species. The Arvorians take it hunting on the surface and it has brought several kills (two deer, two large hares) down here and partially consumed them. Around its neck is a fine leather collar studded with silver and with a silver ring worth 160gp. It guards the stairs down to level 3.

Level 3 

14) This room has the main stairs going up to level 3 (area 13). It is dominated by a large pool that contains safe fresh water. This is magically renewed by a small conch shell on the bottom that is connected to the Elemental Plane of Water and provides a small but steady stream of pure water. This is used by most of the inhabitants of these first four levels. There are also 4 small alcoves, one on each wall. Each has a small bronze statuette of an Arvorian champion or leader worth 50gp each and weighing 30lb. 

15) This secret room has a ladder at its north end leading up to area 11a. It has 2 small flights of steps between which is a platform holding a chest. Inside is a patch of Yellow Mold that will billow forth spores if the chest is opened. If anyone survives this yellow mold they will find 400gp and 3 gems worth 100gp each (pale green Chrysoprase gems) inside the chest. The Arvorians know this is a trap and the orcs have been warned to leave it alone. There is a skeletal dead orc lying at the bottom of the stairs - the corpse shows a slight trace of yellow mold around its skull. 

16) 3rd level balcony for the drop. Interestingly this level has 3ft high railings around the rim, reducing the likelihood of accidental falling. 

17) 2 orc Shaman acolytes dwell here. They are far enough from the entrance that they do not expect intruders but they will still attack any humans and demihumans. On the southwest wall is a disturbing mural of demonic things devouring humans while Arvorians and orcs look on and cheer. 

18) This room is slightly lower than others on this level - the stairs from areas 17 and 19 both descend about 10ft to this room. In here there is a dire wolf, tamed by the orcs, particularly the subchief in room 19. It also has the stairs going down to area 22.  

19) This room holds 4 orcs + 1 orc subchief. The subchief has raised the dire wolf in room 18 from a pup and it is loyal to him. He and his gang will investigate if there is a disturbance in room 18. Underneath the subchief's mattress is a sack with 2500sp & 100gp

20) This room has several benches and acts as a makeshift chapel of Chaos. There are murals on the walls depicting Scions of the Outer Dark. There is also an Orc Minor Shaman + 2 orc shaman acolytes
Orc minor shaman: AC 6, Mv 120ft, HD 4(d6), hp 15, THAC0 17, Att 1 mace for 1d6+1 or by spell, Save C4, Ml 10, Align C, 125xp, Equipment: leather armour, mace +1, shield, unholy symbol, 14gp, spells: Rage, Vigour, Hold Person

21) This almost-triangular room has an Arvorian Junior Priest. She is supposed to be keeping an eye on the orcs but most of the time she lets them do as they wish as long as they don’t threaten her or other Arvorians. 
Arvorian Junior Priest: AC 3, Move 60ft, HD 3(d6), THAC0 19, Att 1 mace for 1d6+1 or by spell, Save C3, Ml 10, Align C, equipment: chain mail, shield +1, mace, 15gp , silver & turquoise unholy symbol worth 150gp, spells: Cure Light Wounds, Darkness, Aura of Shadows

Level 4

22) This balcony looking down the drop has its west half as part of the steps leading up to level 3 (area 18). There is a bookshelf in an alcove. If anyone touches any of the books, 4 stirges nesting behind the book case are disturbed and fly up to attack the intruders. Note that as the stirges use natural flight they can fly up and down the shaft without the problems that those trying to use magical flight will encounter. 
Stirge: AC 7, Move 30ft/fly 180ft, HD 1* (5hp), THAC0 19 (17 on first attack) Att 1 beak for 1d3, Spec Abil drain blood for 1d3hp/rnd once attached (no to-hit roll needed), Save F2, Ml 9, Align N, XP 15, 

23) This room has what seems to be a horrible demonic statue with wings, horns, fangs and claws. It is actually a gargoyle that will leap into action should either anyone try to damage it from afar or if anyone gets within 10ft of it. The Arvorians have allowed it to nest here on the understanding it does not attack Arvorians. There are 5 pedestals about 4' high  with humanoid skulls on them, former victims of the gargoyle. Hidden inside each one is a gem the gargoyle has collected, each worth 100gp (2 aquamarines, a piece of jade and 2 large pearls). 
Gargoyle: AC 5, Mv 90ft/Fly 150ft, HD 4, hp 18, THAC0 16, Att 2 claws/1 bite/1 horn for 1d3/1d3/1d6/1d4, Spec abil: immune to non-magical weapons, Save F8, Ml 11, Align C, 125xp

24) This room is slightly lower than the rest of the level. In the middle is a bookshelf with various records and documents. There are 3 Arvorians, an apprentice and two adepts here on the east side of the bookshelf. 

24a) This stairway down is hidden by a secret door in room 24. Halfway down, just before the stairs turns west, there is a patch of yellow mold on the steps that will be triggered if anyone steps on it. Note that it is possible to jump right over it if going down, though PCs need to make a dexterity check. Failure means they have landed on the yellow mold.  Note that this is the only stairs down to level 5. If the PCs do not find the secret door or are scared of the yellow mold they will have to negotiate the shaft. 

25) This large room is home to an ogre, hired by the Arvorians as a mercenary bodyguard. He has a sack hanging from his belt that contains his treasure: 460gp, 44pp and a gold and topaz torc worth 150gp. 
Ogre: AC 5, Mv 90ft, HD 4+1 (19hp each), THAC0 15, Att 1 club for 1d10, Save F4, Ml 10, Align C, XP 125, equipment: oversized club, sack of treasure

26) Administrators Quarters: Here is a senior Arvorian sword-mage (4th level arcane knight) who is responsible for the running of these top 4 levels. In a desk drawer there is a small box with 170gp, 20pp and a silver ring with a small eldritch crystal set into it. Although it glows when Detect Magic is used, it does not have any magical powers but is still worth 200gp. 
Arvorian Sword-mage: AC 3, Mv 90ft, HD 4(d6), hp 18, THAC0 16, Att 1 two-handed sword for 1d10+2 or by spell, Save MU4, Ml 10, Align C, XP 175, Equipment: Banded armour, two-handed sword +1, 2 potions of healing, spells: Magic Missile, Hold Portal, Entrapping Slime, Caustic Bolt

Commonly encountered monsters' stats

Arvorian Adept: AC 5, Move 90ft, HD 2, hp 8, THAC0 19, Att 1 weapon for 1d6, Save C2, Ml 10, Align C, 25xp, equipment: Scale armour, shield, mace, unholy symbol, 1d6gp. Typical Spells: Cure Light Wounds, Detect Law.(spells may vary at DM's discretion)

Arvorian Apprentice: AC 5, Move 90ft, HD 2, hp 8, THAC0 19, Att 1 weapon for 1d6, Save MU 2, Ml 10, Align C, 25xp, equipment: chain mail, shortsword, 2d6gp, Typical Spells: Magic Missile, Charm Person (spells may vary at DM's discretion)

Dire wolf: AC 6, Move 150ft, HD 4+1, hp 21, THAC0 15, Att 1 bite for 2d4, Save F2, Ml 8, Align N, 125xp 

Orc: AC 6, Move 120ft, HD 1, hp 5, THAC0 19, Att 1 weapon for 1d6, Save F1, Ml 8, Align C, 10xp equipment: leather armour, shield, hand-axe, 2d6sp

Orc Crossbower: AC 7, Move 120ft, HD 1, hp 5, THAC0 19, Att 1 melee weapon for 1d6 or 1 light crossbow (range  80/160/240ft) for 1d6, Save F1, Ml 8, Align C, 10xp, equipment: leather armour, hand-axe, light crossbow, 10 bolts, 2d6sp

Orc Shaman acolyte: AC 7, Move 120ft, HD 2(d6), hp 8, THAC0 19, Att 1 mace for 1d6 or spell, Save C2, Ml 8, Align C, 25xp, equipment: leather armour, shield, mace, unholy symbol, 2d6gp, spells: either Rage, Detect Law or Cure Light Wounds  (spells may vary at DM's discretion)

Orc Subchief: AC 5, Move 90ft, HD 3, hp 15, THAC0 17, Att 1 weapon for 1d8+1, Save F3, Ml 10, Align C, 35xp, equipment: chain mail, battleaxe, dagger, 2d8gp

Orc Veteran: AC 6, Move 120ft, HD 2, hp 10, THAC0 18, Att 1 weapon for 1d6+1, Save F2, Ml 8, Align C, equipment: Leather armour, shield, hand-axe, 2d6+7sp 

Orc Veteran Crossbower: AC 7, Move 120ft, HD 2, hp 10, THAC0 18, Att 1 melee weapon for 1d6+1 or 1 crossbow (range  80/160/240ft) for 1d6, Save F2, Ml 9, Align C, equipment: leather armour, hand-axe, light crossbow, 20 bolts, 2d6+7sp

Yellow Mold: AC always hit, Mv 0, HD 2, hp 13, Att Spores, Ml 12, align N, XP 29, spores cover 10' cubed and require save vs poison or death in 6 rounds)