External sources: For this post I have borrowed from the following resources from the Vaults of Pandius:
The main description: http://www.pandius.com/dymrakf.html
The accompanying map: http://pandius.com/dymrak_forest_by_6inchnails_ddaqgvd.png
Deep in the heart of the Dymrak Forest of eastern Karameikos a vicious horde of goblins has lurked for centuries, scaring, attacking and raiding anyone near by. Even during the ancient past of Traldar this place was considered cursed and troublesome, with the human Traldar tribes leaving it alone. Any human entering these dark and twisted woods could expect to wind up dead with goblin arrows in their backs.
When the Empire of Thyatis expanded westwards from their homeland they tried to settle here, but the goblins were having none of it. Although defeated when caught in open battle, the goblins tried to avoid confronting the Thyatians head-on but used guerilla warfare to great effect, particularly raiding settlements of the expanding Empire. There was one particularly brutal battle where the Rugalov River meets the Lake of Lost Dreams where the goblins did in fact defeat a Thyatian regiment in battle by dint of overwhelming numbers as well as attacking from all directions at once. Bones of the fallen can still be found today among the forest litter. Thyatian ruins of abandoned farmsteads, watchtowers and the like can still be found in the forest. Some of these have been incorporated into goblin outposts.
The Goblins and other Races
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Image by Sam Wood from D&D 3E Monster Manual |
Humans of Rugalov Village & Keep: The Karameikos humans view the goblins as dangerous bandits - not capable of overrunning their settlements but enough to kill travellers and steal livestock. The humans are wary of goblins but have no respect for them - goblins are disgusting, violent, untrustworthy. Goblins in turn view the humans as usually soft and easy to kill unless prepared, and also foolishly naive, actually expecting goblins to tell the truth and keep promises. There are frequent skirmishes and violent encounters between the two sides.
Gnomes of the Haven Hills: Although only a few hundred strong, the gnomes of the Haven Hills are fierce opponents of the goblins, second only to the elves, with both their warriors and tricksters taking on goblins where odds seem reasonable. They are rivals in many ways, both being excellent miners and excavators. The goblins view the gnomes with a fierce hatred bordering on obsession. Similar to the humans of Rugalov, the gnomes view the goblins as disgusting, treacherous bandits.
Callarii Elves & Sylvan Folk: These are actually the most frequent opponents of the goblins. Goblins and elves frequently clash, and elves will always try to kill any goblins they catch out in the open though they are loathed to go down into their dark lairs. Sylvan folk including dryads, pixies, sprites and nixies avoid goblins altogether though a few of the braver individuals may try to play tricks and pranks on the goblins. The wiser fey creatures discourage this as spiteful and angry goblins have been known to burn and chop down patches of forest where these pranks were pulled.
Orcs & other chaotic humanoids: Orcs, kobolds and bugbears have all been encountered by the goblins in the Dymrak. Because the goblins are so often fighting humans, elves and gnomes they are prepared to consider other chaotic creatures as potential allies or at least mercenaries. Such humanoids are approached with caution but with a goblin leader ready to parlay. Sometimes this goes well and the band of orcs or bugbears join the goblins, usually temporarily, adding much-needed muscle to goblin fighting strengths. But often things degenerate into a brawl, so goblins never approach such humanoids solo - they always bring enough tribal warriors to defend themselves and drive off the intruders if necessary.
Drezzalnith the Toxic: This large female green dragon dominates the northern part of the Dymrak Forest. Most goblins stay away from her though when they do interact the goblins either try to flee or act as submissively as possible. Drezzalnith has been around long enough to know that such small creatures can be useful and although she hates elves and gnomes, she will usually spare goblins especially if they bring her food, gold and information. As such several tribes have agreed to serve her when called upon.
Goblin Social Structure
The Goblins of Dymrak Forest are not one single hierarchy, but a confederacy of smaller tribes. They share the same language and culture but they owe very little loyalty to each other, only teaming up in times of severe danger from a common enemy. These goblin tribes are led by warriors supported by shamans - the bigger the tribe, the more of these leaders can be found. A tribe will usually be defended by typical goblin infantry, with hand-axes, shields and leather armour, but the larger a tribe is, the more specialised troops it can field - goblin archers, wolf-riding cavalry and even stealthy scouts.
Goblins inevitably form a hierarchy, with the stronger ruling the weak, and generally males dominate the females and cubs. Note that if a goblin female can prove her worth through shamanic magic or combat prowess she may gain some status though there will always be some misogyny from more conservative members of the tribe.
Goblin religion is led by the shamans. Exactly who or what the shamans worship varies from tribe to tribe though most acknowledge Maglubiyet as their patron deity. There are some minor goblin demigods with narrower portfolios, essentially the same as those worshipped in Zugguth Peak, though their worshippers within the Dymrak Forest are few and far between.
Other goblins beyond the Dymrak Forest are of little interest to these tribes. Most are entirely ignorant, though the more powerful chiefs are vaguely aware of other tribes of goblins beyond Karameikos, including the Broken Lands and Zugguth Peak in southern Rockhome. There is no significant exchange of information, trade or military support.
The goblin tribes include:
- Green Raiders Tribe: known for their bitter hatred of elves, both Callarii and Vyalla. Despite their chaotic alignment, the Green Raiders can be surprisingly loyal and disciplined, partly due to the strong influence of shamans of Maglubiyet.
- Jaggadash Tribe: The most frequent raiders of human settlements, and also among the sneakiest and stealthiest of goblins. They are also the most prone to a variant of lycanthropy causing infected goblins to turn into giant weasels.
- Kloss-Lunk Tribe. Due to their copper, zinc and malachite mines they are the wealthiest tribe but they also clash with gnomes. In return they have thrown their lot in with a green dragon, Drezzalnith the Toxic.
- Kosivikh Tribe: The most bloodthirsty and aggressive. Their shamans are believed to be Chaos Cultists, viewing Maglubiyet as being too restrained and moderate.
- River Wolves Tribe. As their name suggests they have many wolf-riders. They are also river-warfare specialists, with a fleet of canoes and coracles. They will roam eastwards across the river into the territory of Vyalla elves.
Goblin Infrastructure
Nearly all the goblin lairs and outposts are underground. Goblins are naturally nocturnal, only emerging into the forest at night, sheltering in caves and tunnels during the irritating day. A goblin tribe will typically consist of a central large lair where up to a hundred goblins may reside, and many (perhaps a dozen) smaller outposts perhaps several miles from the central lair. These outposts typically hold 20 or so goblins. Despite their distance from the main lair, they often have tunnels running under the forest to the main lair, allowing goblins to move between outposts and main lairs without being seen or suffering sunburn. Goblins are also very skilled at setting booby traps to ensnare, kill and maim any intruders - they have learnt from their cousins in Zugguth Peak. Most of these traps are in their lairs to defend against intruders but they do occasionally set traps within the forest, either to catch intruders or food.
Goblins are skilled miners when motivated, and the goblins in general are self-sufficient in iron and bronze that they forge into weapons. These goblin mines may sometimes be extensions of lairs when a valuable seam or vein is serendipidously found while excavating new rooms or passages. Other mines are the reason for outposts being established - the ore is found and a mine is started, then living quarters and defences are added later on. The Dymrak Forest is dotted with mines, some of which are still occupied by goblin miners, while others have been abandoned to less intelligent denizens.
Food supply is a combination of hunting in the forest and growing fungi in cavernous chambers in their lairs. This is usually sufficient, though when forest game and fungal farms run low, hungry goblins can get desperate and launch serious assaults on human towns including Rugalov village and surrounding farmlands. Livestock are the primary targets, but humans can be eaten if seasoned properly.
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