Saturday, 29 June 2024

Bugbear Leaders

Art by Dave C Sutherland from 
AD&D Monster Manual

According to the Moldvay Basic Rules the entry for bugbears does not mention any leaders. This of course is not the same as there should not be leaders, and the module that came with the Moldvay Basic rules, B2: The Keep on the Borderlands, includes a bugbear lair among the Caves of Chaos which has a bugbear leader among normal bugbears, given stats approximately those of a normal ogre.

The AD&D Monster Manual entry for bugbears certainly has bugbear leaders mentioned in the text although they do not get their own stat blocks. 

In a previous post I proposed rules for different humanoid races to have their own leaders that can advance as NPCs, with classes (warrior or shaman), levels and spell progression for shamans or ability progression for warriors. The basic monster stats for kobolds, orcs, goblins and hobgoblins represent a typical 1st level warrior for that race. 

Although I could have a go at doing a similar thing for bugbears, I personally feel that once a creature’s normal hit dice is at 2 or more (and bugbears have 3+1 HD), the idea of starting at 1st level breaks down - essentially a basic bugbear from the Moldvay rules starts at 3rd level. So instead I’m going with the approach I have taken with minotaurs and ogres, and presenting bugbear leaders as monsters having their own stat blocks. 

Bugbear Leaders

These are the bigger, tougher members of a tribe who have become leaders through a combination of brute force, guile and personality (at least among bugbears - more civilised races may not find them so charismatic). Such leaders are generally better equipped than most of their tribe as they get first pick of any loot. DMs should feel free to modify the stats to allow for magic weapons, armour and other items the bugbear recognises as useful. Bugbears tend not to ride animals as they always want to be able to sneak around if they sense enemies nearby, and mounts might give their presence away. 

Bugbear flingers are normal bugbears who have become skilful at throwing weapons such as throwing axes, javelins, large knives and the like. This is borrowed from AD&D where most bugbears are assumed to carry throwable weapons. At the DM’s discretion any number of normal bugbears may be equipped with 1d4 throwable weapons such as javelins or hand-axes that have 10ft short/30ft medium/50ft long range and do 1d6 damage each. In melee bugbears use large weapons that do 2d4 damage, such as bastard swords, morning stars (large spiked maces) and unusually heavy battleaxes (doing 2d4 not 1d8 damage). Leaders, chiefs and warlords get bonuses to damage due to their greater strength. Bugbears have an unarmoured AC 8 but generally wear some sort of armour, such as reinforced leather, scale mail, a chainmail shirt or some sort of brigandine that gives normal bugbears AC 5. Chiefs and warlords will wear better armour that may not look smart but gives the equivalent protection of plate mail. 

All bugbears not wearing heavy armour can be stealthy, surprising opponents on 1-3 on 1d6. Bugbears will try to incorporate this advantage into their tactics, usually by setting an ambush. Note that as  bugbear chiefs and bugbear warlords are wearing heavy metal armour they cannot be stealthy unless they take it off (unarmoured AC 8). 

Bugbear Young are generally considered non-combatants, but stats are given here if something (such as an adventuring party) is trying to wipe out the whole tribe. 

Bugbear Leaders are found in groups of 10 or more bugbears. 

Bugbear chiefs are found in tribes of 40 or more bugbears and will have 1d4 bugbear leaders acting as their personal bodyguard and buddies as well as other bugbear leaders as lieutenants and squad commanders. 

Bugbear warlords are rare, and are usually found leading the largest tribes (200 or more bugbears). They can command up to a dozen bugbear chiefs and scores of bugbear leaders, and may well have other races as slaves, mercenaries, allies and the like. 

Although bugbears more powerful than warlords might exist, they are unique creatures that do not fit any template, and are extremely rare. Huggrek (see below) was one of these. 

NameBugbear YoungNormal BugbearBugbear LeaderBugbear
Bugbear Warlord
Armour Class85532
Hit Dice1+1 (6hp)3+1 (15hp)5+2 (25hp)7+3 (35hp)9+4 (45hp)
Attacks1 bite1 weapon1 weapon1 weapon2 weapons
Special Abilitystealthstealth, possible
thrown weapons
stealth, possible
thrown weapons
Save AsF1F3F5F7F9
Treasure TypenoneS (2d4 gp each)BBB x 3
Size & Typesmall humanoidlarge humanoidlarge humanoidlarge humanoidlarge humanoid
Experience Points1550225450900

Bugbear Shamans

Bugbear shamans have made spiritual contact with something beyond this world that can grant them spells. Bugbear shamans are nearly always chaotic, and since bugbear culture in general is chaotic, any neutral bugbear shamans would probably be exiled hermit. Lawful bugbear shamans are unheard of. Some bugbear shamans worship Chaos itself, and draw power from the cosmic force of Chaos that is opposed to Law. Others will worship immortals with a little more personality, including ascended Chaos Princes. Although they appreciate sneakiness and stealth, bugbears are not clever enough to understand deep philosophies, so most of the immortals they worship appeal to more brutal humanoids. A few of the more predatory ones have started to follow the Ravening Maw, while the Arvorian Scion of the Outer Dark known as Mohosskith appeals to bugbear shamans who focus on stealth and surprise. 

One of the most popular deities is an ascended bugbear known as Huggrek, now a chaos prince. A mighty bugbear warlord and leader of bugbear nations, Huggrek exemplified what a bugbear should aspire to be - cunning, brutal, deadly in close combat and capable of commanding great loyalty and tribal cohesion. Despite having ascended many centuries ago, his cult among bugbears has endured and spread. Huggrek always used a morning star (a two-handed spiked mace doing 2d4 damage) and as such many followers of his will use morning stars in melee. There have been other ascended bugbears but these tend to be more local and their worship tends not to persist for more than a few generations. 

Bugbear shamans can use any melee weapon but tend not to use missiles. Bugbear shamans, like other humanoid shamans, can wear leather, chainmail or scale armour or its equivalent (AC 5 like most bugbears) but not banded armour or plate mail - this has the advantage that they can still use their stealth. They can use magic items that a cleric can use and make saving throws as clerics of appropriate level. They can cast clerical and druid spells. The prepared spells listed below are suggestions, not prescriptive. Clerical spell progression is borrowed from the Rules Cyclopedia, not Cook's Expert set which seems a little uneven. 

Bugbear novices are rarely found alone - either they are accompanying normal bugbears (and may blend in with the group) or are assisting a more important shaman. They can cast clerical spells as a 3rd level cleric, typically preparing 
1st level spells x 2: Cure Light Wounds and Vigour

Bugbear Shamans are found in the larger tribes of 40 or more, offering support and advice to a bugbear chief. They can cast spells as a 5th level cleric, typically preparing
1st level spells x 2: Cure Light Wounds and Vigour.
2nd level spells x 2: Hold Person and Blight (reverse of Bless)

Bugbear Senior Shamans are few indeed, and only found in the biggest tribes of 200 or more, usually along side or behind a Bugbear warlord. They can cast spells as a 7th level cleric, typically preparing
1st level spells x 3:Cure Light Wounds, Rage and Vigour.
2nd level spells x2: Hold Person and Blight (reverse of Bless)
3rd level spells x2: Continual Darkness (reverse of Continual Light) and Cause Disease (reverse of Cure Disease)

Bugbear Great Shamans are the pinnacle that a shaman can reach as far as bugbears are concerned and are very rare. Only about 3 are known to currently live in Bugburbia while there might be another one in the depths of the Davanian jungle. If there are greater bugbear spellcasters then the world has not heard of them. They can cast spells as a 9th level cleric, typically preparing
1st level spells x 3: Cure Light Wounds, Rage and Vigour.
2nd level spells x3: Aura of ShadowsHold Person and Blight
3rd level spells x3: Continual Darkness, Champion of Chaos and Cause Disease 
4th level spells x 2: Animate Dead, Dispel Magic

Bugbear ShamanBugbear Senior ShamanBugbear Great Shaman
Armour Class5555
Hit Dice3+1 (15hp)5+2* (25hp)7+3* (35hp)9+4* (45hp)
Attacks1 weapon1 weapon1 weapon1 weapon
Special AbilityClerical Spells, stealthClerical Spells, stealthClerical Spells, stealthClerical Spells, stealth
Save AsC3C5C7C9
Treasure TypeS (2d4 gp each)BBB x3
Size & Typelarge humanoidlarge humanoidlarge humanoidlarge humanoid
Experience Points504009501600

Bugbears in Mystara

The biggest population of bugbears in Mystara is in the Broken Lands, with a whole realm, Bugburbia, dominated by them. However, like other goblinoids they are widespread, and can be found from the tundra wastes of Norwold to the humid jungles of Davania as well as deep underground in all sorts of dungeons and caverns.  There were rumours of bugbears around the Marilenev Estate in Karameikos but they no longer seem to be there. The tribe actually migrated eastwards decades ago and now lurks near the Rugalov River, alongside the goblins of the Dymrak Forest

Bugbears have their own dialect that is based on Goblinish, and can live and fight along side both goblins and hobgoblins. They are much larger and tougher and as such bugbears have a tendency to boss around and bully goblins and hobgoblins though this rarely deteriorates into outright violence. Bugbears may well have goblins servants in their lairs, or else act as mercenaries for a powerful hobgoblin chief. Similarly bugbears may be found as servants, mercenaries or footsoldiers of more powerful creatures such as dragons, the aranea of Davania  and even slave-trading pirates

Art by Dave C Sutherland from AD&D Monster Manual

Friday, 21 June 2024

The White Palace of Sindhara the Sorceress


Image by Ruxing Gao, source

This magnificent palace is in the hills of northern Ylaruam, to the northwest of Cinsa-Men-Noo, set in a steep canyon of red sandstone. The lady of the palace, Sindhara, is a powerful mage and has created this palace as a school for magic-users. The authorities and the clerics of the Eternal Truth watch this palace with a certain suspicion as they do not entirely trust mages. In return Sindhara herself is indifferent to the Eternal Truth and although she does not deliberately antagonise its followers, she does not bother with many of its observances either - her philosophy is that magic is beyond rituals and self-righteous zeal. She merely does what is needed to stay out of trouble. 
While her attitude may not please the establishment of Ylaruam, she has attracted numerous apprentices and would-be mages from across Ylaruam. She currently has 5 senior tutors (mages of levels 10-18), 10 junior tutors (mages of levels 5-10) and 34 students (levels 1-3), as well as another 20 non-magical support staff including cooks, janitors and guardsmen. The palace has its own well in its cellars so has sufficient water, but food needs to be brought in, usually from Cinsa-Men-Noo, Tel Al Kebir or Deraan, sometimes from further afield, with trade caravans stopping off on their way from the Northern Reaches. 

8 miles per hex

The palace itself is quite new - Sindhara built it about 25 years ago using a mixture of magic and mundane labour. She used conjured earth elementals and also hired stone giants to assist along side human masons and labourers. The white stone that forms the bulk of the palace is unlike anything found in the area, but at least one architect who visited Sindhara's palace has said it is very similar to the white marble used in Shiell, in northern Alphatia. As both Sindhara and the rulers of Alphatia are powerful mages, transporting the quarried stone by magic would not be a problem (perhaps teleporting it). But it does raise questions about what sort of deals were struck with the Alphatians, whom the Ylari view with suspicion. Sindhara refuses to discuss this matter, which does not ease the minds of the Ylari authorities. The visible white marble structure jutting out from the russet canyon walls is only half of the palace - a lot of the rooms and chambers are dug into the sandstone cliff. 

While most of the tutors and students at Sindhara's Palace study the usual, widely known spells found in many mages spellbooks, there are two teams that are working on more specialised forms of magic. 

In the east wing Zintharios leads the Constructed Servitors team, a group of mages that try to create constructs such as living statues, golems and the like. They also employ craftsmen including dwarves and gnomes to create the bodies of their enchanted creations. The eastern wing often has strange constructed creatures roaming its corridors as well as parts and left-overs from construction in piles in the corridors. Quasi-mechanical creatures such as iron cobras, shield guardians, juggernauts and scaladar are being researched here, and the rod that controls the amber golems at the Pleasure Palace of Kithannis was reputedly created and enchanted here. 

The western dome is the home to the other team, the Elementalists. These mages focus on spells that are based on the four main elements, fire, air, water and earth. Although some of these spells are among the most famous spells (Fly, Fireball, Wall of Ice and Stoneshape), the elementalists want to push the boundaries of what is possible using the elemental planes as sources of magic and have created some unique spells that even the mages of Glantri and Alphatia would be fascinated by. 

NPCs of the White Palace

The most important characters in the palace are:

Sindhara the Sorceress: 18th level magic user, human female, align Neutral, Str 8, Int 17, Wis 13, Dex 13, Con 10, Cha 14. Notable items: Wand of Lightning, Crystal Ball with ESP, Robe of the Mage
Sindhara is now a white-haired grand lady who is formidable both in combat and in conversation. She is generally respectful and courteous but she does not put up with prejudice, especially chauvanism and those that dislike magic users. She had enough of that growing up in Ylaruam City.  She is also quite protective of her school, both the property and the people therein. 

Zintharios the Constructor: 18th level magic user, human male, align Neutral, Str 10, Int 17, Wis 10, Dex 10, Con 14, Cha 8. Notable items: Staff of Power, Portable Hole, Amulet of Protection From Constructs 
Zintharios is the head of the Constructed Servitors team who research, create and experiment with constructed creatures such as golems and living statues. He can be very geeky, staying away from non-magical people but going off into academic details and enthusing about esoteric matters at the slightest prompt. His research is not just a job - it is his way of life, and he can get quite upset if something gets in its way. Some students have quit his tutelage, finding him difficult to get along with, but those who can cope with him view him with a certain awe, at least around magically animated servitors. It is known he has visited Alphatia and acquired many secrets, including spells for the care and maintenance of golems

Balampallu Firebrand: 16th level magic user, human male, align Neutral, Str 9, Int 18, Wis 9, Dex 13, Con 10, Cha 14, Notable items: Wand of Fireballs, Wand of Ice Storms, Bowl of conjuring Water Elementals 
Balampallu (known informally as Bal), is a senior tutor and researcher into elemental magic. Although more sociable and easier to deal with than Zintharios, he can be quite impulsive, reacting rather than considering a situation. Unlike some mages who specialises in fire magic or air magic (see the ancient histories of Glantri and Alphatia), he treats each element equally, as part of of a whole elemental system, and encourages his students to do likewise. Ballampallu is from the coast of Ylaruam, and as such has travelled several times to the Isle of Dawn, talking to both Alphatian and Thyatian mages. However, he finds Glantri wizards to be a bit weird and creepy, though he can’t explain exactly why. He maintains a close friendship with Rahelli Aljaboorzi. 

Kaitella Silvermoon: 10th level spellsword, elf female, align Lawful, Str 10, Int 16, Wis 13, Dex 10, Con 10, Cha 15, Notable items: Shortbow +2, Sword of Sharpness,  Ring of Flying
Kaitella is a senior tutor who focuses both on teaching 1st level novices the basics of magic (such as Read Magic and Detect Magic) and also the pastoral care of students and staff, ensuring that everyone is relatively happy and well enough to focus on their studies.  She is from Alfheim and has travelled around the Known World for more than a century and is settling down here “for at least a decade or so”. 

Abullam Ald’ir: 12th level magic user, human male, align Lawful. Str 12, Int 16, Wis 12, Dex 9, Con 14, Cha 12 Notable items: Boots of Levitation, Wand of Fireballs, Wand of Webs
Abullam treads a careful line in the palace. On the one hand he is proud to be Ylari (born and raised in Tel Al Kebir) and is a sincere follower of the Eternal Truth, and he is quite open about this. On the other hand he respects Sindhara and her preference for neutrality and secularism. Despite several approaches from certain clerics, he has refused to be “their man” in the palace. In terms of teaching, Abullam is a senior tutor who both assists Kaitella in teaching the fundamentals of arcane magic use and also has a class in the ethics and responsibilities of magic use. 

Rahelli Aljaboorzi: 14th level magic user, human female, align Neutral, Str 9, Int 16, Wis 12, Dex 10, Con 10, Cha 10. Notable items: Wand of Polymorphing, Staff of Conjuring Elementals
Rahelli is a Ylari native, but unlike Abullam she has difficulties being part of Ylari society, and feels a lot safer within Sinhara’s palace. She flits between arcane subjects and some view her as a jack of all (magical) trades, like an academic butterfly. Currently she is helping Zintharios with his constructs but in the past she has both investigated ancient history (including a bit about the Nithians) and alchemy - she keeps a laboratory in a corner of the palace cellars where she can still brew up a potion. Although never openly declared, it is believed she has been romantically involved with Ballampu Firebrand. 

Sabir Bel’thar: 6th level fighter, human male, align Lawful, Str 16, Int 12, Wis 13, Dex 10, Con 14, Cha 12. Notable items: Chain Mail +2, Two-handed Sword +2 +4 vs Elementals,  Ring of Spider Climbing. 
Sabir Bel’thar is the most senior non-mage in the palace. He is both captain of the guard and chief of the non-mage staff. As such he oversees physical security, and also provisions, housekeeping and the horse stable. Sabir’s brother was a mage who got himself into trouble in a small town and was killed by an angry mob. Sabir initially came here to try to understand mages, unlike the mob that killed his brother. He has stayed here partly because he needs the money but also he wants to facilitate mutual respect between mages and mundane townsfolk.   

Friday, 14 June 2024

Scenario 11: The Snake Cult under Jaboor

Introduction and background

This is a short B/X D&D adventure for a party of characters of about 5th level and is set in eastern Ylaruam. It includes my version of the ancient Serpent People, a race of reptilian humanoids that predates the Nithian Empire. 
As mentioned previously, a snake cult of chaotic persuasion has established itself in the port town of Jaboor on the coast of the Emirates of Ylaruam. Their main lair is deep underground, through a long subterranean passage. The cult consists of a mixture of humans, serpentfolk and more recently troglodytes. In the last five years the cult has recruited useful humans, offering money, authority (at least within the cult) and ancient Nithian magics. But it has also started to kidnap and sacrifice ordinary citizens of Jaboor - this has stirred up fear and anger and the town authorities are now prioritizing the protection of its people and the destruction of this chaotic cult, which is where the PCs come in. 

A few days ago Reverend Tormond, a cleric of the Eternal Truth (Ylaruam's main religion which is lawful in its nature and teachings) was captured in the late evening as he was walking back home in town. Although people did not stop the assailants from carrying him off, they did observe the kidnappers bundling the hapless cleric into a cave in a rocky outcrop to the west of town. These witnesses told the town guard and the captain of the town guard now asks the PCs to help. 

The place where Reverend Tormond was dragged to is a cluster of large boulders, in the middle of which is a tunnel large enough for a human to easily enter. It leads down into the earth beneath Jaboor…

Key to the map: 

  1. The crossroads. This junction is guarded by 3 human guards
  2. 4 human guards + table & 6 chairs. This is the guardroom. 
  3. 2 rattlers. They may emerge to assist the human guards in room 2. Their rattles will affect the human guards as well as the PCs.
  4. 1 human acolyte + 1 serpentfolk
  5. The Storeroom and Kitchen. This room is dominated by boxes of food and barrels of wine. Also includes a kitchen area with a metal stove and a table with kitchen knives, spoons and spatulas. On shelves to the side are various pieces of crockery, such as plates, bowls and mugs.
    On one shelf there is a box containing 4 vials of blue-green liquid labeled "Antivenom". Each of these counts as a potion of Neutralise Poison. Note that it only works if taken after being affected by venom - it cannot work pre-emptively. 
  6. Clerics Quarters. Here are 2 human acolytes, plus four beds, a table and several chests of personal belongings. 
  7. Rattler Leader: AC 6, Mv 120ft, HD 5**, hp 24, THAC0 15, Att 1 bite/1 weapon for 1d6 + poison/1d8+1, Save F5, Ml 10, Align C, XP 425, Equipment: Sword +1, shield
    The rattler leader wields a magic Sword +1 and also has a small chest containing its treasure, 650gp, 34pp and a perfectly formed sapphire worth 1000gp
  8. The bridge over the Obronix. The underground river that flows here is called the Obronix by the serpentfolk. It is guarded by a single rattler on the bridge but underneath in the river lurk 2 large crocodiles. The crocs won’t emerge from the river as the banks are more like a steep wall 3’ down to the water surface but if anyone falls in or tries to wade across, the crocs will attack. 
    Large crocodile: AC 3, Mv 90ft, swim 90ft, HD 6, hp 28, THAC0 14, Att 1 bite for 2d8, Ml 7, Save F3, Align N, XP 275
  9. The passage to the shadowdeep. Where this leads to is up to the DM. If you would rather the PCs do not venture down here then it is caved in and requires considerable excavation to be passable again. 
  10. The Scaly Chapel. This chamber has a high ceiling and the east side has a towering statue of  Apep in the form of a rearing cobra with its hood spread wide. There is also a sacrificial altar and disturbing murals glorifying the Serpentfolks’ brutally violent past. In here are 2 serpentfolk and a human senior cleric, Vornthor. Vornthor the cleric is the leader of the humans here and answers only to the Serpentfolk leader in room #11. 
    Human senior cleric: AC 2, Mv 60ft, HD C5, hp 17, THAC0 17, Att 1 mace or 1 spell, Ml 10, Save C5, Align C, XP 300, Equipment: Banded Armour, Shield +1, Mace +1, unholy symbol, vial of antivenom (see room #5), dark green robes, 126pp. Spells: Cure Light Wounds, Cause Fear, Hold Person, Snake Charm
  11. The Serpentfolk leader’s quarters. Here is a serpentfolk leader and his treasure, a locked chest containing 15000sp, 3300gp and 2 pieces of jewelry worth 600gp (a matching pair of silver filigree wrist guards) and 900gp (a golden goblet with artistic engraving)
    Serpentfolk Leader: AC 6, Mv 90ft, HD 6+6**, hp 36, THAC0 13, Att 1 weapon/1 bite for 1d8+1/1d6 + poison or 1 spell, Ml 10, Save F6, Align C, XP 950, Equipment: sword +1. key to treasure chest.
    Serpentfolk poison: Anyone bitten by a serpentfolk must save vs poison or suffer 2d4 damage per round until the poison is neutralized or the victim dies. Multiple failed saves, i.e. further doses of venom, do not stack on a single target - they still only lose 2d4hp/rnd while the target is poisoned.
    Spells: As 3rd level Magic user, Web, Magic Missile, Detect Magic
  12. Prison cell. This place is locked and holds 4 captive humans, all of whom are unarmoured and unarmed.
    1. Baelnis (human male T2, hp 6, align N) a travelling merchant from the north who was waylaid while trying to do business in Jaboor. He has been captive for several weeks and will help the PCs in order to escape. 
    2. Mad Meltha (human female, NM, hp 3, align N), a homeless person who is quite mad and fearful of everything and everyone. As far as she is concerned everyone else, including her fellow prisoners and the PCs, are part of the evil reptile cult. 
    3. Reverend Tormond  (human male C4, hp 11, align L), a travelling cleric of the Eternal Truth whose abduction sparked the town guard to ask the PCs to investigate. He still has Cure Light Wounds, Light and Bless spells prepared. 
    4. Norbert the Glum (human male F2, hp 10, align C), a former cultist who became disillusioned and tried to escape but was caught. He does not intend to harm the PCs but simply wants to get out alive and will do anything including betraying anyone to protect himself. 
  13. 2 serpentfolk
  14. The Gatorman champion 1 gator man (AC 3, Mv 120'/180' swim, HD 7, hp 35, THAC0 13, Att 1 bite/1 weapon for 3d6/1d10+2, Save F7, Ml 10, Int 7, Al C, XP 450, see Creature Collection for more details).
  15. 1 Serpentfolk + 1 female human mage, Ebridis the Corrupt. This room is the library of the serpentfolk and holds several spellbooks. It also has Ebridis’ bed and belongings. Ebridis is a willing cultist but if the PCs show hesitation in attacking her she will act as if she is a prisoner coerced into helping the serpentfolk with their arcane studies. She will be an unreliable ally, willing to abandon or betray the PCs whenever convenient. 
    Ebridis the Corrupt: AC 8, Mv 120ft, HD MU4, hp 9, THAC0 19, Att 1 dagger for 1d4 or by spell, Save MU4, Ml 7, Align C, XP 125, Equipment: wizards robes, dagger, vial of Antivenom (see room #5), 30gp, prepared spells: Shield, Magic Missile, Mirror Image, Caustic Bolt
    There are 2 large book shelves. Some of the books are saleable (10 of them are worth 2d4 x10gp each) but others are considered chaotic and blasphemous enough that any decent people would rather burn them than allow them to be read. 
    1. Ebridis’ Spellbook (contains the spells Detect Magic, Magic Missile, Read Magic, Shield, Caustic Bolt, Mirror Image, Rope Trick, Wizard Lock). The more unusual spells have been taught to her by the serpentfolk. 
    2. The spellbook of the Serpentfolk leader (contains the spells Detect Magic, Charm Person, Magic Missile, Read Magic, Caustic Bolt, Levitate, Web)
    3. Vornthor’s tract (written by the senior cleric in room #10, it is a religious and philosophical tract explaining why the chaos worship advocated by the serpent people is better than the Eternal Truth (the official religion of the rest of Ylaruam)). 
    4. Song of the Ancient Serpents: A rather biased history text written by and about the serpent folk from their origins before the Great Rain of Fire through their domination of what is now Ylaruam and their part in the downfall of the Nithian empire, and then their current state, lurking underneath Ylaruam. 
    5. Melpion's Cooking Recipes: This book has had the inside of the pages cut out to form a secret compartment. Inside is Ebridis' treasure, 4 beryl gems worth 300gp each and 1 small diamond worth 500gp. 
  16. Empty apart from racks of weapons and armour, including 5 suits of human-sized chain mail, 10 shortbows and 60 arrows, 10 shields, 3 maces and 12 normal swords. 
  17. The Meeting Chamber. This is where the serpentfolk discuss matters with the troglodytes in a relatively civilized way. The troglodytes are currently allies of the serpentfolk but not true believers. At the moment this room is empty. 
  18. The Troglodyte breeding chamber: 4 troglodytes (all female) and 4 clusters of eggs containing troglodyte embryos. 
  19. 2 troglodytes + 2 giant geckos (AC 5, Move 120ft/Climb 120ft, HD 3+1, hp 13, 15, THAC0 16, Att 1 bite for 1d8, Save F2, Ml 7, Align N, XP 50) 
  20. Troglodyte leader + 3 troglodytes + treasure in a series of earthenware pots and jars. The troglodytes' treasure is 3200sp, 1400gp and 5 gems worth 100gp each. All 4 will investigate any bell-ringing in area 22. 
    Troglodyte leader: AC 5, Move 120ft, HD 4*, hp 16, THAC0 16, Att 2 claws/1 bite for 1d4/1d4/1d4+1, Save F4, Ml 10, Align C, XP 125
  21. 4 troglodytes around a camp fire with a roasting pig on it. Two of the troglodytes will be close to the camp fire and clearly visible but the other two will lurk in the shadows and try to use their camouflage. All 4 will investigate any bell-ringing in area 22.
  22. 2 troglodytes + 3 giant toads on guard, with a metal bell on hand to alert others of the tribe. 
    Giant toad: AC 7, HD 2+2 (9 hp each), Mv 90ft, Swim 90ft, THAC0 17, Att 1 bite for 1d4+1, Save F1, Ml 6, Align N, XP 25 each. Camouflage:giant toads will surprise opponents on 1-3 on d6. Sticky tongue: A giant toad can shoot its tongue out to 15ft and drag dwarf-sized or smaller creatures into its mouth. Swallow whole: on a hit roll of 20 a giant toad may swallow a dwarf-sized or smaller opponent whole, the opponent taking 1d6 damage per round until dead or freed.
  23. 1 Hydra. This large creature is generally found on the shore of the Obronix river. It can enter the troglodyte lair but the narrow tunnels of the serpentfolk and humans  are too small for it to fit. The hydra has decided that troglodytes are not good to eat (their stench is quite offputting for even hungry predators) and will let them pass, while serpentfolk can somehow calm it down enough that it will not attack them. Human cultists and any adventurers are fair game.  On the western bank are three barrels containing treasure that it has accumulated: 8800sp, 1200gp and 620pp.
    6-Headed Hydra: AC 5, HD 6, hp 31, Mv 120', THAC0 14, Att 6 bites for 1d10 each, Save F6, Ml 9, Align N, XP 275, For every 8 points of damage the hydra takes, 1 head is destroyed and will no longer attack.
Commonly used stat blocks:
Human Acolyte: (3rd level cleric): AC 4, Mv 90ft, HD C3, hp 11, THAC0 19, Att 1 mace for 1d6, Ml 9, Save C3, Align C, XP 50, Equipment: Chain mail, Shield, Sword, dark green robes, unholy symbol, 2d6gp/7gp
Clerical spells: Cast as 3rd level cleric, typically Cure Light Wounds (used on self or allies) and Light

Human guard (3rd level fighter): AC 4, Mv 90ft, HD F3, hp 15, THAC0 17, Att 1 sword for 1d8,  Ml 9, Save F3, Align C, XP 35, Equipment: Chain mail, Shield, Sword, dark green robes, 2d6gp/7gp each

Rattler: AC 7, Mv 120ft, HD 3**, hp 13, THAC0 17, Att 1 weapon/1 bite for 1d6/1d6 + poison, Ml 9, Save F3, Align C, XP 65
Rattler poison: Anyone hit by a rattler's bite must save vs poison or lose 1d6hp per round over 2d4 rounds. This may be removed by Neutralise Poison or delayed by a Slow Poison spell. Multiple failed saves, i.e. further doses of venom, do not stack on a single target - they still only lose 1d6hp/rnd while the target is poisoned.
Rattler rattle: Anyone within 30ft hearing the rattle must make a save vs paralyzation. Those who fail and have 2HD/2 levels or less are paralyzed with fear for 1d6 rounds. Those with more than 2 HD or levels and fail suffer -2 to hit and saves for 1d6 rounds. A target can only be affected by any rattler's tail once per day. Anything immune to mind-affecting spells is also immune to the rattle.
Serpentfolk: AC 6, Mv 90ft, HD 4+4**, hp 22, THAC0 15, Att 1 weapon/1 bite for 1d8/1d6 + poison or by spell, Save F4, Ml 10, Align C, XP 200, equipment: scimitar
Serpentfolk poison: Anyone bitten by a serpentfolk must save vs poison or suffer 2d4 damage per round until the poison is neutralized or the victim dies. Multiple failed saves, i.e. further doses of venom, do not stack on a single target - they still only lose 2d4hp/rnd while the target is poisoned.
Spells: As 2nd level Magic user, typically Charm Person, Magic Missile

Troglodyte: AC 5, Mv 120ft, HD 2*, hp 9, THAC0 18, Att 2 claws/1 bite for 1d4/1d4/1d4, special atttack: stench, Ml 9, Save F2, Align C, XP 30
Troglodyte stench: Troglodytes can release a stench at will which requires opponents within 10ft to save vs poison or suffer -2 to hit while in melee with the troglodyte until the end of the encounter
Troglodyte camouflage:  Troglodytes have chameleon-like camouflage and can surprise opponents on 1-4 on d6

Beyond this scenario

There are four exits on the edges of this map. One of them leads back to the surface and the town of Jaboor. Further adventures here are quite possible, as the Serpent cult was not the only problem the town was facing. 

To the north and south there is the river Obronix, which is part of the subterranean water system running underneath Ylaruam. Downstream (southwards) it connects to the river Nithia, which was the main artery of the Nithian civilization before it was diverted underground and the Nithian culture that depended on it collapsed. What might be found along this stygian waterway is up to the DM but I would suggest many underground races such as goblins and kobolds may be found as well as more serpent folk, the rare and alien fishfolk and maybe some degenerate remnants of the Nithian race who followed the river down into the earth after it was magically diverted. If the DM really does not want the PCs to travel this way then the river could flow through narrow gaps where there is no air above and the top of the water meets solid rock for long stretches. Or maybe there are waterfalls that are impassable. 

Finally to the west there is a tunnel leading to what is often referred to as the Shadowdeep. Although maybe not as extensive or infamous as the underdark of the Forgotten Realms, nonetheless Mystara has its own network of caves, passages and great chambers deep underground where strange things that never see the light of day may be found. As has been said, if the DM does not want PCs travelling further this way then the tunnel has caved in, rendering it impassable. 

Friday, 7 June 2024

Humanoid Warriors and Shamans

Here I present tribal warriors and shamans of goblins, orcs, kobolds and hobgoblins as NPC classes. This is really an expansion of the goblin warrior and goblin shaman classes I put together way back near the beginning of this blog. Here the shamans of different races all share the same titles and spell progression and the warriors gain the same special abilities - in a way this is moving away from the classic D&D trope of Class as Race and making the class more independent from the race. But not entirely. Each race will have its own THAC0 and Hit dice progression for the two classes. Note that 1st level warriors for each race should be effectively the same as the stat blocks given in the monster description in the basic rules. I have stuck to this with their typical weapons and armour for each race below. However, variations in equipment is certainly possible, especially for tougher more experienced individuals who may have looted better gear. 

Apologies if this all seems rather dry, crunchy and flavourless but I felt it important to lay down the game rules first then world-building flavour and fluff can be added later. 

I am also aware that I am not including gnolls, bugbears and trolls, or other humanoid creatures such as lizardfolk, centaurs and troglodytes. Instead I have stuck to creatures that are roughly comparable to PC races (humans, halflings & dwarves) in terms of size, strength and body shape. For these other races I will probably give them additional monster stat blocks as I have done with ogres, minotaurs, nagpas and araneas.  I personally feel that although orcs, goblins, kobolds and hobgoblins can be treated as NPCs, other races are best treated as monsters.  


LevelTitleSpec Abilities
1WarriorAs basic monster stats
2Veteran WarriorSet Spear vs charge
3SubchiefJunior Commander
4ChiefInspire Courage
5Chieftain2-weapon Fighting
6Senior CommanderMiddle Commander
7Senior CommanderMonstrous Mount
8Tribal CommanderInspire Zeal
9Tribal CommanderSenior Commander
10WarlordTwo-weapon mastery

All humanoid warriors can use whatever weapons and armour are available to them within racial limitations. 
Warriors make saving throws as fighters of the same level. 
As they progress and become more powerful they gain certain abilities. These include: 
  • Set Spear versus Charge is the same as for human fighters. 
  • Junior Commander - a warrior of level 3 or higher can reliably command up to 5 1st level warriors or ordinary humanoids (of the same race) per level of the commander.
  • Inspire Courage - Allies within 30' get +2 to morale checks and saves vs fear.
  • 2-weapon Fighting - The warrior can use 2 one-handed weapons, at -2 to hit penalty for both. 
  • Middle Commander -  The warrior can reliably command 1 junior commander per level. 
  • Monstrous Mount - The warrior can tame and ride a monster larger than himself, which must have HD equal to or lower than the warrrior and be suitable for riding. 
  • Inspire Zeal - Allies within 30' get +2 to hit and damage and +4 to morale and saves vs fear, usable 1 encounter per day. 
  • Senior Commander - reliably command 1 middle commander per two levels. 
  • Two-Weapon Mastery - As per two-weapon fighting, but the warrior suffers no penalty to hit. 


Spells prepared
LevelTitle1st level2nd level3rd level4th level5th level
4Minor Shaman21
5Minor Shaman22
8Senior Shaman3221
9Senior Shaman3322
10Great Shaman33321

Shamans at 2nd level or above can cast spells from the Cleric spell list and, if available to the DM, druid spells. They can cast reversed and chaotic versions of spells without problem. At 1st level they are still proving their worthiness to be granted such power.
Shamans may not use banded armour, plate mail or other heavy armour. They can still use shields and leather, chain mail and scale mail armour. 
Shamans make saving throws as clerics of the same level. 
Shamans cannot use two-handed weapons except for staffs. 


Goblin ShamanGoblin Warrior
LevelHit DiceTHAC0Hit DiceTHAC0
  • Goblins suffer -1 to hit in sunlight
  • Goblins have 60ft infravision
  • Goblins have a base movement of 60ft/round
  • Goblins are restricted to the same weapons as dwarves, and are too short to wield two-handed swords, polearms and longbows. They can wear dwarf-sized armour.
  • 1st level goblin warriors usually have leather armour, shields and either spears or hand-axes (AC 6, 1d6 damage) as per their stat block in the monster section of the rules.
  • A goblin at 2nd level or above (warrior or shaman) may use a dire wolf as a mount. If the AD&D stats for worgs are available then the goblin may ride a worg instead. 
  • Goblins, like dwarves, are skilled miners and can detect unusual stonework as a dwarf. 


Hobgoblin ShamanHobgoblin Warrior
LevelHit DiceTHAC0Hit DiceTHAC0
  • Hobgoblins have 60ft infravision
  • Hobgoblins can wield any weapon that a human can and can wear human-sized armour.
  • 1st level hobgoblin warriors usually have leather armour, shields and normal swords (AC 6, 1d8 damage) as per their stat block in the monster section of the rules.
  • Hobgoblins have a base movement of 90ft/round


Orc ShamanOrc Warrior
LevelHit DiceTHAC0Hit DiceTHAC0
  • Orcs suffer -1 to hit when in sunlight
  • Orcs have 60ft infravision
  • Orcs have a base movement of 90ft/round
  • Orcs can use any weapons that humans can use and can wear human-sized armour
  • 1st level orc warriors usually have leather armour, shields and either spears or hand-axes (AC 6, 1d6 damage) as per their stat block in the monster section of the rules.
  • An orc warrior of 2nd level or higher gains +1 to damage rolls
  • An orc shaman of level 2 or higher can speak the language of either ogres or trolls


Kobold ShamanKobold Warrior
LevelHit DiceTHAC0Hit DiceTHAC0
  • Kobolds are small and are restricted to the same weapons as halflings, and cannot wield two-handed swords, polearms, longbows or other large weapons. They can wear halfling-sized armour.
  • 1st level kobold warriors usually have leather armour and either very small spears or daggers (AC 7, 1d4 damage) as per their stat block in the monster section of the rules.
  • Kobolds have 90ft infravision
  • Kobolds have a base movement of 60ft/round
  • Kobolds are skilled miners and can sense unusual stonework as dwarves can. 
  • Kobold sorcerers - a small proportion of kobold shamans (perhaps 1 in 10) learn magic-user spells instead of clerical spells. These kobold sorcerers do not wear any armour at all.